FACULTY BARGAINING PROJECT Progress report NATVAC Fall 2007 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE CAUBO BOARD INSTITUTIONS REGIONAL GROUPS * Executive Director Carole Workman WESTVAC OCAV ATLANTIC COWFLOP CSAO SEACAU VRRHU CAUBO HR COMMITTEE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Other CAUBO committees Project Director Jacques Samson Field Officer Glenn Harris Field Officer Ron Johnson Field Officer Brian Fijal Research Director Roy Bonin Field Officer Sandy Darling Field Officer Jacques Samson MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEMBERS Neil Gold, Provost and Vice-President Academic, University of Windsor, representing OCAV Gary Brewer, Vice-President Finance and Administration, York University, representing CSAO Jamie Cassels, Vice-President Academic and Provost, University of Victoria, representing WESTVAC Sharon Cochran, Vice-President, Administration and Finance, University of Northern British Columbia, representing COWFLOP Lawrence Durling, Vice-President Finance and Administration, St Thomas University, representing Atlantic VPs administration Donna Woolcott, Vice-President Academic, Mount Saint Vincent University, representing Atlantic Academic VPs Jonathan Rittenhouse,Vice-Principal, Bishop’s University, representing VRRHU Louise Pagé-Valin, Associate VP (HR), University of Ottawa, representing the National HR committee Carole Workman, Executive Director, CAUBO PROGRAM COMPONENTS INFORMATION Searchable collective agreements database Salary structures Recent salary settlements Benefits packages Other universities currently in bargaining Individuals responsible for bargaining at other institutions INTERPRETATION Understanding the context of specific clauses Getting the “real” story Instant knowledge of what is happening at other bargaining tables CAUT recommended clauses in context Responding to new demands Other….. Arbitration decisions Other….. RESEARCH TRAINING Regional, national trends International context Competing with other constituencies Defining university agenda Researching specific issues Maintaining a competitive edge Etc… Bargaining Spokesperson Committee members National workshops Innovative approaches Etc… PROGRAM COMPONENTS INFORMATION PROPOSED INFORMATION DELIVERED 1. Dedicated website with powerful tools Searchable collective agreements database Salary structures Recent salary settlements Benefits packages • Searchable collective agreements database • Searchable contacts database • Effective dates and status database Other universities currently in bargaining Individuals responsible for bargaining at other institutions Arbitration decisions • Benefits database • Part-time teaching personnel database • Graduate assistants database (in preparation) Other….. 2. American Collective Agreements database 3. Arbitration decisions now available on web site 4. Recent settlements summarized on web site 5. Salary structures and recent settlements (coming soon) PROGRAM COMPONENTS INTERPRETATION PROPOSED DELIVERED 5 Field Officers INTERPRETATION Understanding the context of specific clauses Getting the “real” story Instant knowledge of what is happening at other bargaining tables CAUT recommended clauses in context Responding to new demands Other….. Regular contacts with institutions Continuous exchange of information between Field Officers and the Research Director Annual visits to institutions Prompt response to requests for specific reports Conference calls involving institutions at the Bargaining table to discuss strategic issues Gradually building a good understanding of local, regional and national contexts. PROGRAM COMPONENTS TRAINING PROPOSED TRAINING Bargaining Spokesperson Committee members National workshops Innovative approaches Etc… DELIVERED •Three training sessions in first two years •91 participants •31 different institutions •Next session scheduled for November 15-17 •Capacity to set up customized training •Two special sessions delivered on site •Other training and orientation sessions in preparation PROGRAM COMPONENTS RESEARCH PROPOSED DELIVERED Two surveys •Workload •Non-mandatory retirement RESEARCH Regional, national trends International context Competing with other constituencies Defining university agenda Researching specific issues Maintaining a competitive edge Etc… A dozen special reports Career progress and Merit Systems Tenure and promotion Tuition Waiver and Scholarship-Bursary Plans Selecting a bargaining team Copyright of instructional material Distance Education Remuneration Salary during research-study leave Student evaluation of Teaching Limits on the employment of Sessional Professors Teaching Workload Plus many more Guide of Governance issues in the faculty relations context 2007-2008 DELIVERABLES Consolidating our capacity to support institutions in bargaining Third annual National Workshop on faculty bargaining; Conduct a new Training session on Faculty Bargaining; Continuous updating of the searchable databases following completion of new rounds of bargaining in institutions; Management Committee to complete a program review; Complete the development of a Discussion Guide for Governance issues discussed at the table Collaborate with OCAV-DE to build on the Ontario experience regarding the development of a template for the comparison of salary policies, salary structures and costs of settlements; 2006-2007 DELIVERABLES New developments Develop a new database of collective agreements; covering part-time faculty and other teaching personnel; Develop a communication plan to improve our communication with members; Develop a database for graduate Teaching and Research Assistants’ collective agreements; Expand the searchable database of American faculty collective agreements; Conduct a feasibility study on developing an on-line tool for comparing the value of benefits packages. UPCOMING EVENTS Third annual workshop on Faculty Bargaining, Sheraton Gateway, Toronto Airport, November 1-2. Main topics: Governance and management rights in the context of faculty bargaining Post-tenure review Communication before, during and after bargaining Bargaining with other teaching personnel Family-friendly programs as a tool to recruit/retain Benefits valuation Faculty Bargaining training session, November 15-17, Auberge La Sapinière. FOR MORE INFORMATION Visit our web site at www.caubo.ca and click on Faculty Bargaining Call your Field Officer Contact our national office (Natasha Albert) at 613-563-3961 ext. 322