Career Prep. 2 Syllabus - Lamar County School District

Oak Grove High School
Career Preparation 2 Syllabus
Mrs. Heather Brinson
SUPPLIES: Pencils, notebook paper, a binder, Kleenex, Germ X, and Lysol wipes.
COURSE PURPOSE: Career Preparation is a series of courses offered at four different
grade levels through the occupational diploma. In order to obtain an occupational
diploma, among many other requirements, students are required to pass all four Career
Preparation classes or any combination of general education, vocational and/or any
special education courses, with a 70% or higher.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Career Preparation includes community-based instruction that
will allow students to practice previously learned concepts in an authentic setting. Skills
to be developed and applied include community orientation skills, mobility skills, basic
geographical concepts, governmental concepts and the individual’s role as a citizen in
a democratic republic. Instruction in consumer responsibilities allows the young adult to
show basic principles of cautious personal money management, including paying taxes
and saving to a planned, secure future.
Orientation. Mobility Skills in the Community
10C1. Demonstrate map and globe skills.
A. Location
B. Direction
10C2. Demonstrate use of various graphic organizers.
A. Transportation Schedules
B. Work schedules
C. Directories
D. Charts
E. Graphs
F. Maps
State Government
10C3. Demonstrate an awareness of the organization of state government, state officials, and
their functions.
A. State government branches
B. State officials
C. State Functions
10C4. Demonstrate an awareness of the impact of state government on life in Mississippi.
A. Society
B. Education
C. Economics
Economics/The consumer in the market place
10C5. Apply money management skills to the preparation of a personal budget.
A. Housing. Utilities
B. Transportation
C. Food
D. Clothing
E. Health
F. Savings and investments
G. Recreation
H. Insurance
I. Retirement
10C6. Demonstrate an awareness of comparative shopping concepts as applicable to personal
money management.
A. Advertisements
B. Size/ Quantity
C. Quality
10C7. Demonstrate an awareness of consumer protection laws and agencies as applicable to
one’s role as a consumer, citizen, and worker.
Current Events
10C8. Describe current news stories from various perspectives.
10C9. Explain the significance of holidays in relationship to employment and leisure activities.
10C10. Recognize the impact of continuing population growth.
Personal Qualities
10C11. Demonstrate self-advocacy skills.
A. Expressing feelings of self-worth
B. Describing others’ perceptions of self
C. Accepting and giving criticism
D. Developing a positive view of self
E. Practicing personal safety
10C12. Develop the ability to recognize responsible behavior is self and others.
A. Respecting the rights and properties of others
B. Respecting authority and following instructions
C. Exerting a high level of effort
D. Setting and achieving goals
10C13. Demonstrate an awareness of appropriate communication and social skills.
A. Personal relationships
B. Group and individual work activities
C. Group and individual leisure activities
D. Utilization of available community resources
10C14. Recognize diversity among multicultural populations.
A. Gender
B. Race
C. Ability. Interest
D. Language
10C15. Develop an awareness of independent behaviors.
A. Self-advocacy
B. Self- organization
C. Effect of one’s behavior on others
10C16. Demonstrate appropriate decision-making skills.
A. Locate and select sources of assistance
B. Anticipate consequences
C. Develop and evaluate alternatives
D. Recognize nature of the problem
E. Develop goal-setting behavior
Career Exploration
10C17. Develop an awareness of variables that may affect realistic occupational choices.
A. Requirements of available jobs
B. Aptitudes
C. Occupational interests
D. Needs
Career Preparation
10C18. Exhibit appropriate work habits and behaviors.
A. Following directions and observing regulations
B. Recognizing the importance of attendance and punctuality
C. Recognizing the importance of supervision
D. Demonstrating knowledge of occupational safety practices
E. Working with others
F. Meeting demands for quality work
G. Working at a satisfactory rate
10C19. Develop a job placement portfolio.
Job applications
Personal goal statement
Letters of introduction
Letters of recommendations and/or references
Personal information data
Career interest information
Student-selected material
Documentation of school- based assessment and/ or community- based job
Work Experience
10C20. Participate in school- based work assessment and/or community-based job shadowing.
Successful work experience
Acceptable work performance
Evaluation of work experiences
Three to six school- based work experiences or
Six to eight job shadowing experiences
A Minimum total of 30 hours combined school- based and job shadowing
Assignment Type
Bell Work
Daily Work
9 Weeks Exam
1. You will have a short assignment (BELL Work) everyday that should be done immediately upon
entering the classroom. These assignments are to be found on the board each day. These bell
activities will be graded and should be written in the composition notebook in the proper
format. .
2. All papers should be labeled with your name, the date, & the objective code. The correct
date can be found written on the board daily. Make sure you turn your work in the appropriate
bin that day. If it is not in there, consider it not turned in.
3. IST work & homework must be turned in to the teacher ON THE DAY YOU RETURN from ISI or to
4. You will have opportunities to gain extra points for each by bringing requested household
items for classroom cleanliness purposes. This is done on a voluntary basis.
5. When you finish an assignment, begin another one. You may not lay your head down or pack
up to leave. You must continue working until the bell rings. This would be a good time to get
extra help in your other classes from Mrs. Brinson, if we have completed everything in our class.
After an absence, it is YOUR responsibility to find out what you missed and make it up.
Check with me. All work that you miss will be in the “Absent” folder with your name on it. You
have a whole week to make up any work, from the day you return, in order to receive credit.
7. Courteous behavior, respect for others, and a positive attitude are required. Students
behaving inappropriately will suffer the consequences.
8. During a test, you may not talk, look at another’s paper, or have anything on your desk
besides the test, unless other instructions are given.
9. Raise your hand and wait to be recognized before speaking.
10. Water is allowed in a bottle with a cap. Snacks can be eaten at appropriate times.
During Class:
Enter the classroom quietly and in an orderly manner.
You are tardy if you are not in your assigned seat working on the bell activity when the
bell rings.
Please sit quietly until called upon to answer a question. Do not blurt out answers or
questions! Wait time is a vital part of recall & learning.
No one is to leave the classroom unless there is an emergency. You should go to the
restroom before or after class. Students will only be allowed to go to the restroom in
extreme emergency situations. If you have an emergency, raise your hand and have the
teacher come to your desk to explain the emergency.
Simply raise your pencil to get permission to sharpen it. I will acknowledge you with a
nod of my head to grant permission or a shake of my head which means wait just a
minute. Do not disturb other students during the process.
You must sit in your assigned seat unless Mrs. Brinson gives you permission to sit in another
location. This includes any time that you may have a substitute teacher. Do not sit on the
desk or table tops.
Group activities will be frequent. You may not ask for help or ask a question until the
entire group agrees that the question is valid; then you make ask the teacher.
The classroom will be an environment where all students feel safe & secure. Teasing,
speaking negatively about each other, arguing, or complaining is NOT allowed.
When the bell rings, wait for Mrs. Brinson to dismiss you. Then you clean up your
workspace, put all materials away, and quietly leave the room.
If you are having a problem with another student, you need to discuss the matter in
private with Mrs. Brinson as soon as possible so that the situation can be addressed &
1. Be polite. Raise your hand to speak and listen when others are speaking. Leave your seat only
when necessary. Keep your hands to yourself except to help someone.
2. Be responsible. Always do your class work and homework. Come to class prepared to learn.
When the bell rings, you will be in your assigned seat working on your bell work.
3. Be respectful. Everyone deserves respect. Respect yourself, your classmates, your teacher and
all properties. Be courteous to other students when they are asking/ answering questions. Do not
go behind or touch the teacher’s desk!
4. Be considerate. We are all here to learn. Do your best, have a winning attitude, have fun and
learn. Teasing, speaking negatively about each other, arguing, or complaining is not allowed.
5. Be productive. Work until the bell rings. (Do not pack up early)
Visual or Verbal Warning
Custodial service and conference with teacher
Custodial service and Parent communication
Custodial Service; Office Referral and Parent Commendation
Conference with principal
Verbal or Posted Work
Outdoor Activity
Treat/ Extra credit/ Homework Pass
Computer Time
The teacher is available for conferences with parents and/or students before, after school and
during my conference block. If possible, please make an appointment ahead of time.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please sign and return indicating that you have read the policies and requirements of this class,
and that you understand them.
Printed Student Name: ____________________________________
Parent/ Guardian Signature
______________________ ________
Student Signature
Phone numbers where parent/ Guardian can be reached
_____________________________ Primary ____________________________Alternate
Email ________________________________________