Spring Study Guide

A&P Spring Final Study Guide
You are responsible for knowing all the information in this study guide as well as reviewing color coding worksheets, labs and all
notes from this semester. By completing this study guide in writing (NOT TYPED) you may earn up to 10 bonus points on your final
exam score. You may use 1 page of notes (1 side only) handwritten only on the test.
Muscular System
Be able to explain and identify the following terms in writing and on a diagram:
1. Flexion
7. Myofibril
13. Sliding Filament Theory 18. Skeletal Muscle
2. Extension
8. Myofilament
14. Neuromuscular
19. Striated
3. Tendon
9. Actin
20. Involuntary/Voluntary
4. Ligament
10. Mysosin
15. Troponin/Tropomyosin 21. Sarcomere
5. Fascicle
11. Thick/Dark Filament
16. Smooth Muscle
6. Muscle Fiber
12. Thin/Light Filament
17. Cardiac Muscle
22. Functions of the Muscular System
23. Sliding Filament Theory- Understand the basic steps described in class and be able to explain how the nervous
system, Calcium, ATP/ADP, myosin heads, actin, power stroke, etc all contribute to a muscle contraction.
24. Clinical Applications of Muscular System
Muscular Atrophy &
Hypertrophy p 279
Exercise Induced Muscle
Damage p 279
Rigor Mortis p 285
Pharmacology of the NMJ
p 286
Creatine Supplementation
p 290
Anabolic Steroids p 297
25. Structure of the Muscle-how is it arranged?
26. Identification-You will be responsible for the knowing location and function of all the muscles we noted/starred on
the coloring page.(Frontal, Orbicularis Oculi, Orbicularis Oris, Masseter, Temporal, Sternocleidomastoid, Trapezius,
Pectoralis Major, Latissus Dorsi, Deltoid, Biceps Brachii, Triceps Brachii, External Obliques, Rectus Abdominus,
Sartorius, Gluteus Maximus, Quadriceps Group, Hamstring Group, gastrocnemius, )
27. Three Types of Muscle- How they look, where they’re located, whether they are voluntary or involuntary. Be able to
identify them based on their visual appearance.
28. Muscular Diseases/Disorders-Muscular Dystrophy, Fibromyalgia, Cerebral Palsy, Distonia and Spinal Muscle Atrophy.
Review Muscular System Intro Packet and notes from videos.
29. Understand how muscles can only contract and relax and they work in pairs to create smooth movement.
Nervous/Endocrine System:
Be able to explain and identify the following terms in writing and on a diagram:
1. Central Nervous
5. Glia
12. Myelin
17. cerebellum
24. corpus callosum
6. Cell Body
13. Schwann
18. brain stem
25. cranial nerves
2. Peripheral Nervous 7. Dendrites
Cells/Oligodendroc 19. midbrain
26. cerebrospinal fluid
8. Axon
20. pons
27. thyroid
3. Autonomic Nervous 9. Sensory Neuron
14. cerebrum
21. medulla oblongata 28. parathyroid
10. Motor Neuron
15. thalamus
22. spinal cord
29. adrenal glands
4. Neuron
11. Interneuron
16. hypothalamus
23. pituitary gland
30. pancreas
31. Basic organization and functions of nervous system.
32. Be able to explain the steps of a Nerve Impulse including cell membrane potential.
33. Know the parts of a neuron and synapse including neurotransmitters.
34. Differences between the Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Nervous System.
35. Clinical Applications of Nervous System
36. Review all notes from endocrine system especially:
a. Functions, Big Idea, Negative vs Positive
d. Parathyroid Hormone (review from skeletal
b. Pituitary Gland Hormones: Follicle Stimulating
e. Adrenal Gland Hormones: Epinephrine &
Hormone, Oxytocin, Antidiuretic Hormone
Norepinephrine, Androgens, Estrogens
c. Thyroid Hormones and thyroid disorders
f. Pancreas: Glucagon, Insulin, Diabetes(review
ALL notes on diabetes)
Cardiovascular & Respiratory Systems:
Be able to explain and identify the following terms in writing and/or on a diagram.
1. aorta
8. deoxygenated
16. veins
24. Hemoglobin
32. Pharynx
2. arterioles
9. vena cava
17. ventricle
25. Anemia
33. Respiration
3. artery
10. oxygenated
18. venules
26. Hemophilia
34. Trachea
4. atrium (Atria)
11. pulmonary artery 19. Plasma
27. Fibrin
35. Bronchioles
5. capillaries
12. pulmonary vein
20. Erythrocyte
28. Coagulation
6. cardiopulmonary 13. septum
21. Leukocyte
29. Alveoli
14. systemic circulation 22. Platelet
30. Bronchi
7. coronary arteries 15. tricuspid valve
23. Hematopoeisis
31. Larynx
36. Know the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory system.
37. Be able to describe the systemic and cardiopulmonary flow of blood.
38. Be able to identify the major structures/chambers/blood vessels of the heart and their function.
39. Be able to describe the basic causes, risks, stages, effects and physiological response of a heart attack like the one
we watched in the video.
40. Describe the location and process of gas exchange at the capillary-alveoli interface in the lungs and capillary-cell
interface in the body’s cells. Know where oxygen and carbon dioxide are in higher/lower concentrations in the
blood. (such as what specific blood vessels)
Digestive & Urinary/Excretory Systems:
Be able to explain and identify the following terms in writing and/or on a diagram.
1. absorption
8. chyme
15. flatulence
22. stomach
29. reabsorption
2. anus
9. colon
16. gallbladder
23. cortex
30. secretion
3. appendix
10. defecation
17. liver
24. excretion
31. ureters
4. bile
11. digestion
18. pancreas
25. filtration
32. urethra
5. bolus
12. enzymes
19. peristalsis
26. glomerulus
33. urinary bladder
6. cardiac sphincter 13. esophagus
20. pyloric sphincter
27. kidneys
7. cecum
14. feces
21. rectum
28. nephron
34. Be able to describe the basic process of digestion including the order of organs and function/secretions of each.
35. Explain how kidneys extract waste from blood, balance body fluids, form urine, and aid in other important functions
of the body.
Reproductive System:
Be able to explain and identify the following terms in writing and/or on a diagram.
1. Vas Deferens
9. Ovary
16. Fertilization
24. Amniotic Sac
2. Seminal Vesicle
10. Uterus
17. Menstruation
25. Amniotic Fluid
3. Prostate Gland
11. Vagina
18. Ovum
26. Ectopic Pregnancy
4. Epididymis
12. Fallopian/Uterine
19. Ovulation
27. Gestational age
5. Urethra
20. Follicular phase
28. In Vitro Fertilization
6. Testis
13. Cervix
21. Luteal phase
29. Gamete
7. Scrotal Sac
14. Placenta
22. Embryo
30. Fertility
8. Penis
15. Umbilical cord
23. Fetus
31. Know the phases of the menstrual cycle and what occurs in each phase.
32. Be able to describe the general process of sperm production
33. Be able to describe the effects of alcohol and cannabis on fetal development.
34. Review general process of fetal development described in the video “In the Womb.”
35. Explain the role of testosterone in the male reproductive system.
36. Explain what factors could result in female infertility.
37. Describe the structure and function of the placenta and umbilical cord.
38. Be able to describe the process for assessing abnormal vs normal fetal development and the causes/effects of
SGA and LGA.
39. Be able to explain the reasons, process, and ethical issues for In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).
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