OUR LADY OF THE MISSION PARISH SUNDAY 6th September 2015 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Next Sunday is the 24th Sunday in Ordinary time Year B/1 Introduction: When Jesus cures a man who is deaf and has a speech impediment, he not only heals him physically but also deepens his faith. May our faith be deepened as we hear God’s word today. Parish Priest: Fr Joseph Tran Mob: 0402 048 502 Assistant Priests: Fr Renald Anthony Mob: 0406 557 320 1st Reading: Isaiah 35:4-7 Isaiah rejoices in the hope of Israel’s return from exile. Among the first to enjoy the blessings of restoration will be those who are deaf or dumb, blind or lame. Pastoral Worker: Donna Moxey 0434 637 355 2nd Reading: James 2:1-5 James points out the contradiction of believing in Christ yet treating those who are poor as inferior. Presbytery: Office: 270 Camberwarra Drive Craigie – WA 6025 Ph : 93072776 Fax: 94024319 Secretaries: Christine, Jenni, Lesley Office Hours: Mon – Fri 9am –4pm Email Address: whitford@optusnet.com.au Parish Website: www.olm.myparish.net.au Gospel: Mark 7:31-37 The miracle reflects the first reading and is a sign that Jesus fulfils the Old Testament prophecies about the coming of the Messiah. Reconciliation: Saturdays12 noon – 1pm and 5:30pm-6.00pm Missioncare: Donna Moxey 0434 637 355 Antiphon to the Psalm: Praise the Lord, my soul. PRAYER FOR THE WEEK Lord, we thank you that you are our father. We give thanks for our earthly fathers: may we always follow their example of love and fidelity. MASS TIMES 7th September – 13th September 2015 FEAST DAYS Monday 7th September Tuesday 8th September Wednesday 9th September Thursday 10th September Friday 11th September Saturday 12th September Sunday 13th September Nativity of the BVM CHAPEL CHAPEL 7am* 7am 7am 7am 7am 9am 9am CHURCH 9am 9am 9am 8.30am 8am/9:30am/ 11am/5.45pm * Liturgy of the Word and Holy Communion Fr Joe writes: The Whisper The Lord’s presence was not in the wind, not in the earthquake, nor in the fire, but only in the soft whispering voice. God reveals his presence in quiet and stillness. Unless we know how to be still, we will miss him. Is it any different in our relationships with human beings? We have to be quietly attentive to them, or else our own inner noise drowns out our ability to hear them. We will have difficulty knowing God’s presence in our daily activities if we never learn to listen quietly, and to find him in the still moments of our lives. Let us pray: “Lord, teach me to be quiet so that the noise within me may be silenced. In the stillness may I become aware of your presence. Amen.” SUNDAY 6th September 2015 Prayers Request: Please keep Sr Bernadine and Michael Woodley’s special intentions in your prayers. PARISH NOTICES 1. Happy Fathers' Day: to all Dads, Godfathers, and our Spiritual Fathers. Enjoy a Free Sausage Sizzle, as a Thank You on behalf of Frs Joe & Renald for your support and generosity throughout the year, and with all that is done in the parish. You may like to take it with you and have a cuppa in the Cafe. Please, if the queue is long and you could lend a hand, please ask if they could 'do with a helping hand' thanks, enjoy. 2. Glory Be Cafe: is opened today and next weekend after the 8.00am and 9.30am masses. Do support the Cafe, for just $2 you will have Tea or Coffee and cake. Another Social Event where we are 'Bringing the Community Together' great opportunity where you can 'get to know fellow parishioners. C'mon down! 3. Father Joe: Fr Joe will be on Retreat from 14th to 17th September. Should you have any queries can you please contact the ladies in the office on 9307 2776 who will do their utmost to help you. Fr Joe will be back on board from the 18th September. 4. A Big Welcome: Please welcome Fr Mark Baumgarten who is the new Assistant Priest joining Fr Joe and Fr Renald. 6. Prayers of the Faithful: We are going to change the Prayers of the Faithful from this week onwards. We will not be reading the names of our Faithfully Departed during the Intercession prayers individually. Our love ones will still be mentioned and remembered in the bulletin and in our hearts and prayers. 7. Creative Liturgy: We are looking for a new coordinator. If you are interested please let Fr Joe know. He is very desperate looking for someone to help in this ministry. We would like to take this opportunity to thanks Stephen Seow for his amazing commitment over the last 12 years in helping our parish with all the decoration throughout the year with many different occasions particular Christmas and Easter. Big Thank You. 8. Padbury Catholic Primary School Staff Community Service: The staff have the whole morning free on Wednesday 23rd September from 9am – 12.30pm to do community service jobs for the elderly, the sick or anyone in need of help. They can help with gardening, housekeeping or transportation etc. Please put your name on the list at the back of the church at the Information Table if you would like some help. 9. Bakers & Servers needed: the Cafe will open after the 9.30 mass on the 1st & 2nd Sunday of the month and we are in desperate need of some ladies, gents or young folk to bake, serve and help in the Cafe after 9.30am mass as well as the 8.00am mass. Volunteers are rostered on one Sunday in the month, occasionally when we have a fifth we need to have folks do a second help. Can YOU help! The need is urgent. If you can help please email Jo - jdpolglaze@gmail.com or phone 9403 2763. 10. Bakers’ Rosters: are being sent to all Bakers who have forwarded me an email address. Please if you can, email me at jdpolglaze@gmail.com for your roster. Thank you all for volunteering for the Glory Be Café, this is much appreciated by our Priests and supporters of Glory Be. God bless, Jo 11. Parish Dance: Have you marked October 23rd off in your diaries etc? Do come to the Parish Dance as we celebrate Fr Joe's birthday, on the day! Let's make this a great celebration. More info to come. 12. The Bridge: Nando’s anyone? We are heading over to Nando’s [Marmion Avenue, Westfield Whitford City, Piazza] on the 18th September at 7.30pm. Come along and join us for a meal. Contact on Persia on 0424 802 848 for more information. 13. Youth Mass: Join us as we host youth from around Perth for Interparish Youth Mass on 20th September at 5:45pm. Then afterwards in the hall for refreshments and fellowship. Contact Collette 0416810388 for more info. 14. Curry Night - Cancer Fundraiser: Please support Ramona and Gayan Mendis (from the 5.45pm choir) in their Ride to Conquer Cancer fundraising. This is a 200km bike ride to raise funds for vital research. Held over the weekend of 12/13th September after 6.30pm, 5.45pm Masses (dine in & takeaway options), 9.30am and 11am (takeaway only). $10 for a serve of curry, rice and pappadum. 15. St Vincent de Paul: are holding a coffee and poetry night on Saturday 19th September at 7pm in the Parish Hall. Entry $10 or a poem or a cheap bottle of wine! Wine to Betty Rae. Poems to pat@cunneen.biz 16. Vietnam Pilgrimage: After a most successful pilgrimage in 2014, there will be another pilgrimage to Vietnam in January 2016. The spiritual director will be Fr Peter Nguyen. Kindly call Ray Tan for more details: 6188 3679 / 0412 698 852 Stewardship Corner The good steward must not show favouritism. The rich may have many material gifts to share, but St. James reminds us in the second reading that God has chosen the world’s poor to be rich in faith and inheritors of God’s kingdom. Special Thanks: We would like to give a special thanks to Terrence Boylan for all the hard work he did in taking the photographs of the Holy Communion Candidates and their families. Also to the parents for their hard work in helping to prepare their children for their Holy Communion. GENERAL NOTICES 1. ‘WA Young Salesian Quiz Night’ – Friday 25 September: join us for a memorable night filled with fun, laughter and trivia. Starting at 7:30 pm sharp and held in the multi-purpose area at Our Lady of Grace School in North Beach. $10 each (Tables of 8). For more information, email: admin@wayoungsalesians.com, contact Graham on 0418 979 600 or visit our website at www.wayoungsalesians.com 2. Fundraising Quiz Night : Saturday 7th November 2015: A Fundraising Quiz Night for Embrace the Grace Youth Conference will be held on Saturday, 7 November at Disciples of Jesus, 67 Howe Street, Osborne Park at 7pm. Come along for a night of trivia, entertainment and for the chance to win great prizes. Tickets are only $20 a person. Get your friends and family together and register a table of eight for a great night out in support of a great cause. Individual tickets also available. For more information or to register contact admin@cym.com.au or 9422 7912. 3. Our Lady of Medjugorje: A warm invitation is extended to pray in thanksgiving for the reported apparitions of Our Lady at Medjugorje on the evening of Fri. Sept. 18th at 7.00pm-9.00pm at Sacred Heart Parish. 50 Ovens Rd.Thornlie. You will be made very welcome. 4. Knowing Yourself & Understanding Others: - Our Lady of Mercy Parish, 5 Patrick Court, Girrawheen will be presenting a two hours talk on Personality Types - Awareness, Acceptance & Change through Discussion and group Sharing of the Enneagram over two Saturdays on the 5th and 12th September from 10.30am to 12.30pm. The course if free of charge and you are welcome. For Booking Contact Leo Fernandez (Social Worker) 0410290 473 or Parish Office : - 93423562 (Tuesday or Thursday 10am 1pm) NEWSLETTER NOTICES DEADLINE: Wednesday at 12pm Noon. EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Wednesday 9.30am – 7pm & Friday 9.30am – 7pm. PRAY FOR THE SICK: We pray for all those in our parish’s Book of the Sick. You are most welcome to add names to this book in the foyer of the Church. Please cross out when our prayers are no longer needed. DEATH & ANNIVERSARY: All Masses this week will be offered for: Joao De Freita Ferreira, Ronald McArthur, Graciano Pingil Senior, Brendan and Peggy O’Shea, Bill Freeman, Christine Prunster, Chris Telford, Basil Anton, Eva Petrovsky, Ernest Kirkby, Salvador Ramirez Pineda, Patrick Meaghez, Margaret & Warren Lucas, Claire Richards, Pearl Sein Win, Wiera Dembiriska, Alexander Fedrick Peries, Tran Van Kieu, Tran Thi Loi, Vo Cong Luan, Virginia D’Monte, Joseph D’Monte, Pearl Adie and Joseph Adie , Choon Chong, Rose Ann Marpole, Sue Hopkins, Pearl Sein Win, Josephine Pope and all our departed loved ones’ Holy Soul and all those recently deceased and those who have their anniversary around this time.