Agenda -Developing a business case for software

-Developing a business case for software
-The make vs buy decision
-There is a broader theme in this decision which is usually referred to
as the boundary of the firm
-We will further discuss the decision of COTS vs customized software
Combining Customized and Packaged software
-There are a variety of sources for information systems.
Option 1:
Build Information System
Option 2:
Buy Prepackaged System
Option 3:
Outsource Development to Third Party
Option 4:
End-User Development
Making the business case
-What do we mean when we say the business case?
How does this create or make it more valuable (profitable)
-What are the questions we must ask?
-Will it decrease cost?
-Will it increase revenue?
-Will the change in profit outweigh the costs of development?
-With what certainty can we say that?
You can never know for certain because it is not measurable
before going into the system
-Will productivity be increased?
-How will we measure that?
The Productivity Paradox
-Recall, no correlation between IT investment and productivity has ever been
-Also recall Carr, how might we ensure that this does not happen to our firm?
-Actual Use
-Align the IT around the firm’s strategic advantage
-Minimize unintended use
Managing the Paradox
to see if this is successful
-Time Lags
learning curves, standardization of information
We are really not growing but redistribute our resources, cannibalizes mail
order service to online service (ex. Netflix)
Strategic alignment in which we create problems on deployment
Making a Successful Business Case
-Faith- believe that is where the firm will go
Do you need a cost benefits analysis for an argument based on faith?
-Fear – If we don’t do this another firm will, what if this market dries up, etc
Do you need a cost benefits analysis for an argument based on fear?
Come on, how do you instill “fear” in an organization?
All customers die, competitive advantage is loss, etc
A moment of disagreement
-I disagree rather strongly with the book here
-Faith and Fear arguments are powerful
-They can make you a lot of money
-Ultimately you will be more successful twinning these arguments with fact
-Example: Katrina and disaster recovery
Speculation remains the hallmark of a bankrupt intellect. Don’t sell you customers
snake oil.
The Systems Development Process
-Describe the systems development life cycle and its various phases.
Steps in Systems Development
Phase 1: System Identification, Selection, and Planning
Phase 2: System Analysis
Why do we move from here to here and what information is passed
Phase 3: System Design
When we design the firms we limit the amount of redundancies
To digitally align the firm around it’s strategic advantage
Phase 4: System Implementation
Critical Success Factors
Different levels of management
The most important person is the person on top and if he/she is on board it
is easy to get everyone else on board
System Conversion and Installation
-Parallel- Old and new systems are used at same time.
-Direct Old system is discontinued on one day, and the new is used on the
-Phased- Parts of the new system are implemented over time.
-Pilot (single location)- Entire system is used in one location.
We might not want to build the system ourselves
-If this is not our core competency, why would we?
-Someone in the market can do it better for less!
Steps in External Acquisition
- Competitive bid process-find the best system for lowest possible price.
1. Systems planning and selection
2. Systems analysis
3. Development of a request for proposal
4. Proposal evaluation
5. Vendor selection
-The first two steps are similar to SDLC.
Development of a Request for Proposal (RFP)
We analysis the firm and figure out what is wrong
The proposal is sent out to all the
Proposal Evaluation
-Proposal evaluation- An assessment of proposals received from vendors.
-May include system demonstrations
-System benchmarking
-Standardized tests to compare different vendors
Vendor Selection
-Usually more than one system will meet the criteria
-Determine the best fit
-Need to prioritize/rank the proposed systems
-Best ranking system is chosen.
-Formal approach-devise a scoring system for the criteria
-Less formal approaches:
-Subjective processes
Multi-criteria Analysis
-Alternative projects and system design decisions can be assisted using
weighted multi-criteria analysis.
Ok, we have a vendor, what kind of system do we want?
-Three real ways to go
You can scale your software with your company
-Usually from an ASP
-COTS Solution
Low cost, standardized and packaged, and best practiced
-Customized implementation
It does exactly what the firm does
Application Service Providers (ASP)
-Problems we might be facing
Managing the software infrastructure is a complex task.
High operating costs
Scalability issues
-ASPs provide software as a service (SaaS)
Reduced need to maintain or upgrade software
Outsourcing Systems Development
Outsourcing systems development- Turning over responsibility for some or
all of an organization’s IS development and operations to an out side firm.
-Your IS solutions may be housed in their organization.
-Your applications may be run on their computers.
-They may develop systems to run on your existing computers (within your
Why Out sourcing?
-Cost and quality concerns
-Problems in IS performance
-Supplier pressure
-Simplifying, downsizing, and reengineering
-Financial factors
-Organizational culture
-Internal irritants
Managing the IS Outsourcing Relationship
-Ongoing management of an outsourcing alliance is needed