Student Congress General Meeting

Student Congress
General Meeting
October 1st 2013
Start time 9:02
Board Committee Updates:
Academic Affairs Committee- Grace:
-Credit hours: Add to kinesiology
Go to workouts but school doesn’t want feel liable for it
Undergraduate research is another example.
-Dr. Polik: head of Chemistry Department
-Possible for him to come next week to discuss academic
-Also wondering if congress could take on a whole about what
we are concerned around in campus.
-Academic things that congress members hear about from
other students.
Athletic Committee:
-Montana trip:
-President Bultman paid for it last year as their fund.
-Met with president Knapp to ask whether he would be willing
to fund for the Montana Trip.
-If doesn’t go through do have an alternative to pay for trip.
-Girls propose to add tournament to schedule.
-Go travel for the tournament. But budgeting is not approved
yet so we will wait for approval and bring up for discussion
Admissions of financial Aid committee:
-Goals for the committee:
-Brought up by theatre director when student gets
scholarship, it reduces their financial aid.
-Does not really benefit them.
-Discussed whether the donor is aware of this or not.
SCM Committee:
Met last Wednesday during community hour
Milestone, Anchor, and Opus. Basic where are we going to go
from here.
Education majors can now do a dance class as a switch for
health dynamics
Changing requirements for PA.
Now will take one corporate class down.
Still have option to take 4 credit class.
But will have to take the new 4 credit class instead.
Have not mentioned what new class is.
GO (Greek Orientation) program:
Outlined the procedures.
How the weekly structures where going to be.
Raised a lot of concerns over structure.
Both approved for now but will meet again to represent it
Grow came presented their program too.
Task Force Updates:
Community Relations: Mariana Thomas
-Fundraisers we are thinking about
-Decided instead of Auction will just be combining the bake sale,
raffle, and auction all going on at the same time.
-Auction will be main event. Bake sale will be going on during it.
Raffling off person with the auction.
-Raffle along with auction might be a little too much.
CPP: Patrick Robey
-Met last week Thursday
-Started industry analyses on campus safety
-Taking a broad approach on learning about the diff programs of
campus safety.
-Will get back to Chad about meeting again about transportation and
-Will like to know as much as possible before making any decisions
Internal Strengthening: Irene Mendoza
-Met today at 9am
-Tuesday of Fall break: tailgate around area of College east.
-Rent a grill and have a cookout before the HOPE Vs. Calvin soccer
-Will send out Google doc. Please RSPV to whether or not you are able
to attend the event.
-Clothing: apparel designs. If anyone has any ideas please email Irene
any ideas
Sustainability: Andrew Harrison
-Will meet sometime this week
Campus Relations: Regina Sanchez and Forrest Vanderborgh
-Meeting this week
Milestone Visitors:
-The year book.
-Asking for 1,154 dollars: 8 students plus one advisor
-Will include payment for renting van, gas money, and hotel stay.
-620$ for food.
-Going on a three day visit to Walworth production plants in Missouri.
-Virtually designing the book.
-Meeting with people to interact and see how they design the year book.
-See how they can improve the things they are lacking.
-Leaving next week Thursday through Saturday.
-Only Friday classes will be missed for students going on the trip.
-Walworth prints off alumni relations office pamphlets, and many other Hope
brochures and booklets.
-Voting Session: result- will fund Milestone $900 dollars for the trip.
Old Business:
-Talked about how we have short-circuiting.
-Kollen: Actively seeking to implant antennas into Kollen Hall.
-Only issue is that the antennas are expensive and could make
an impact on the increase of the tuition to students.
- They are willing to spend money, time to improve Internet. but need
communication to bring up concern for the speed of Internet.
-They are unaware of problem unless people communicate with them.
-Thus, please e-mail them if you have a concern with internet/Wi-Fi
Flag Pole Update:
-Officially written proposal.
-Will send out e-mail.
Air Conditioning: Re-open discussion
-Motion to end discussion for the air conditioning
New Business
Presidential Inauguration:
-Friday, 2pm.
-What Student Congress members still need a ticket?
Student Ambassadors:
-Doing a lot for homecoming
-Any pictures you put on Facebook/ twitter/Instagram
make sure that you do hash tag homecoming2013
Student Congress Page:
-E-mail pictures with student congress memebers for website.
-Try to get one silly funny picture with student congress.
-Dyvia: if you haven’t seen her for appropriations please come see her after
*Creative dining services will come next week to discuss about food options*
-Will last the first thirty minutes
“I hope you live a life you’re proud of, If you find that you're not, I hope you have
the strength to start all over again”.
End Time: 9:52pm