Instructional Methods

EN120 Communications – Writing Intensive
Professor Kristina Lucas
Fall 2012
Monday 2-5 in MacRury 140
Course Description:
Through this survey course focusing on the application of
communication principles and theories, students will develop
public speaking, interpersonal, intrapersonal and group
communication skills. Through an in-depth look at selfconcept, verbal and nonverbal language and listening skills,
students gain an increased awareness of the way they perceive
themselves and others as well as the cultural and ethical
implications of behavior. Coursework includes a variety of
speeches, exercises and, as a Writing Intensive course,
substantial weekly writing assignments with frequent
opportunities for feedback, revision, improvement and
Course Objectives:
To prepare, organize, present, and evaluate five (5) informal and formal oral presentations. These might
include an introduction, a narrative form, an impromptu speech, a persuasive speech, research, an
informative presentation, a debate, panel discussion, and/or leading a discussion.
To become more comfortable in front of an audience and to take increasing risks in oral presentations.
To demonstrate college level writing in a variety of assignments, such as responses to readings,
application of theoretical material to students’ behaviors, critiquing speeches, critical analysis of mass
media, audience analysis, research, and essay exams. This writing intensive course will require
significant regular writing, including opportunities for constructive peer and instructor feedback.
To examine, explain, and/or demonstrate:
 Basic principles of communication;
 Perception and self-concept;
 Language uses;
 Verbal/nonverbal communication;
 Stereotypes;
 Culture and gender considerations;
 Passiveness, assertiveness, and aggressiveness in social situations; and listening and response skills.
To demonstrate understanding of how non-linguistic cues such as tone of voice, body language, culture,
and gender shape the communication environment.
To synthesize theory with “real world” communication situations.
To participate in groups in order to improve group interactions, to group problem solve, to improve
discussion skills, and to manage conflict.
Course Prerequisites: None; EN101 is encouraged, and writing practice is assumed.
Instructional Methods:
 Close reading, exploration and discussion seminar
 Mindfulness Meditation
 Writing Process, Writing-to-Learn & Audience Analysis
Course Assessment Methods:
 Written work
 Participation
 Speeches and Presentations
and materials:
 Communicating Mindfully: Mindfulness-Based Communication and Emotional Intelligence (2010).
Dan Huston
 A writing handbook of your choice, and
 Elements of Style, Strunk & White – print (preferred) or online version, and
 A small notebook you can carry with you wherever you go (Awareness Notebook)
Method of Reaching
the Instructor:
Office Hours:
Office Phone:
White Hall
MW 9:00-12:00, or by appointment
(603) 271-2027
1) Attendance is worth 10% of your course grade.
2) After two absences, you can be withdrawn from the course.
3) Barring extraordinary circumstances, a student who has not had any contact with me for two
consecutive weeks will be dropped from the course. S/he will receive an “AF” (administrative failure),
which is punitive and will negatively affect the student’s GPA calculation.
4) If you have to be absent please do the following:
Inform me ahead of time if at all possible.
Set up a conference with me to get assignments/handouts.
Hand in homework that is due (on time).
Complete work done in class.
Complete the homework that was given the day you missed.
Find out what you missed from me and your classmates.
Policy on Homework:
Work is due when assigned. Active participation and effort is expected. This includes, but is not limited to, the
Come to class every day
Arrive on time
Bring notebook, handouts, and something to write with every day
Be organized enough to find what you need quickly
Be ready to be productive
Refrain from interrupting professor and peers
Be respectful
Ask questions
Contribute productively to discussions
Use the resources that are available to you
Please note: I do not accept assignments submitted through e-mail. Too many things can go wrong in that
process: incompatible word processors, viruses, no name on paper, printer is out of paper or not working, etc.
Please see me if you need to plan on submitting an assignment through Blackboard to be sure you understand
the procedure, and the consequences.
Policy for Make-up
Due dates are provided in the Weekly Assignments section. It is essential that students give their presentations
on the day for which they are scheduled. Presentations may be made up only in cases of extreme emergency at
my discretion and a class vote—and if students let me know in advance if possible. Late papers are discouraged
and will only be accepted at my discretion.
Grading Percentages and Equivalents
Narrative Speech ………………………………………………………………….
Narrative Evaluation - Written Midterm …………………………………………
Persuasive Speech – Including Research & MLA Annotated Bibliography………
Final Speech……………………………………………………………………….
Journal/Response Essays 1-7 .................................................................................. 40%
Group Project - Presentation & Written Evaluation.................................................. 10%
Attendance & Participation…….................................................................................10%
= 4.0
= 3.7
= 3.3
= 3.0
= 2.7 (80-83)
= 2.3 (77-79)
= 2.0 (74-76)
= 1.7 (70-73)
= 1.3
= 1.0
= 0.7
= 0.0
I = Designates that course work is incomplete due to extenuating circumstances. Students are given three weeks into next semester to finish work. An “I” grade
becomes an “F” if work is not completed. A grade of Incomplete will place a student's financial aid status on hold for the subsequent semester.
AF = Instructor or administrator initiated withdrawal at any time for reasons other than poor grade performance—failure to meet attendance requirements, violation of
student conduct code, or disruptive behavior; calculated as “F”.
W = Student initiated withdrawal before the drop deadline; does not affect GPA.
WF= Student initiated withdrawal after the drop deadline; calculated as “F”.
WP = Student initiated withdrawal after the drop deadline; does not affect GPA.
Application/Reflection Journal
EN120 Communicating Mindfully/Writing Intensive
Professor Lucas
Peer Conference
Writing Process Feedback
Editor ____________________________________________________
What is the essay's title?
What is the thesis statement?
Which of the Guidelines Criteria did the writer meet?
What did you notice about the way the writer used communication concepts to analyze a personal
communication experience?
How effective was the writer’s support, concrete details, descriptions, quotes?
6. What information should be included in the conclusion?
7. What other questions might the writer address?
What Works?
What Needs Work?
Persuasion Topic Peer Edit
Lucas EN120
Writing Intensive
1. What is the thesis or claim?
2. What are the reasons for the claim?
3. How can it be improved?
4. What specific evidence is given?
5. What opposing views are argued effectively?
6. What information should be included in the conclusion?
What Works?
What Needs Work?
Schedule for “Awareness Notebook”
Weeks 1, 5
1. Student P: _________________
2. Student T: _________________
3. Student S: _________________
4. Student K: _________________
5. Student G: _________________
Weeks 2, 7
6. Student L: _________________
7. Student Y: _________________
8. Student Q: _________________
9. Student C: _________________
10. Student B: _________________
Weeks 3, 8
11. Student M: _________________
12. Student F: _________________
13. Student E: _________________
14. Student X: _________________
15. Student R: _________________
16. Student J: _________________
Please keep a small notebook with you at all
times—in school, at home, at work, at your
friends and families’ houses, etc.—this semester
in order to complete this assignment.
When people begin to experience their life
mindfully, they begin to notice things they
wouldn’t typically notice—how their food tastes,
reoccurring thought patterns, etc. When one
truly experiences a moment as if for the first
time, his or her senses become extremely acute.
(Note: Jon Kabat-Zinn has written a book called
Coming to Your Senses.)
In your notebook, write down anything you catch
yourself noticing that you don’t think you would
have noticed before you began practicing
mindfulness: a beautiful sunset, fresh snow on
the trees, your impulse to be angry at the person
who just cut you off, an internal judgment of
yourself or someone else, etc. The list of
possibilities is endless.
Be prepared to share at least some of your
observations with the class on the days for which
you are scheduled. Often what is shared leads to
a discussion, and you can always share
something even if you’re not scheduled for that
For the first few weeks, these informal
presentations will be given from your seat. After
that, you will give them from the podium, though
they will still be informal. (And eventually, I
may ask you to lead the discussions that follow...)
Weeks 4, 9
17. Student I: _________________
18. Student O: _________________
19. Student W: _________________
20. Student V: _________________
21. Student U: _________________
22. Student A: _________________
EN120 WEEKLY ASSIGNMENTS- Lucas ________________
Week 1
Week 2
(This schedule is subject to change if I feel it would benefit the class)
Labor Day – No class
Introduction to course: focus, main concepts
Mindfulness + Comm. Theory = EI
Discuss Ekman’s “Refractory Period”
Discuss communication concepts as stimuli we appraise unconsciously
Discuss distinction between “reacting” and “responding”
Meditate —Breath and sound
• Read Preface, Introduction, and Chapter 1
• Journal 1 (First Impressions and Observations)
• Myers-Briggs: Take the Jung Typology Test to determine your personality “Type”:
Go to
Click “Jung Typology Test” on top left of screen
Click “Do it” on the bottom of the next page
Hit “Score It” once you have answered all of the questions
You should then be given four letters that represent your “Type”
• Make sure you are able to access your student e-mail address
Week 3
Last day to drop
With full refund
Optional but Recommended:
o Do Meditation Instructions #1 (daily if possible, 10 minutes)
 Go to
 Click on the plant/eye image in the top right corner
 Enter the password: “Breath”
 You might need to give your permission for an add-on
(see the top of the screen for a message to that effect)
 Be patient. The files are big and take a while to download
• Fill in “Speech Schedules” and “Group Assignments”
• Awareness Notebook (see schedule)
• Discuss Conversation and Listening Skills
• Assign Journal 2 (Conversation and Listening Skills)
• Review Application Journal Guidelines
• Go over Pearman’s EI pages in Appendix C, To-Do’s and Competencies
• Meditate—Breath, Sound, Thoughts, and Emotions
Convocation 9/18
• Read Chapter 2
• Journal #2
• Optional but Recommended:
Week 4
Do Meditation Instructions #2 (daily if possible, 19 minutes)
• Awareness Notebook (see schedule)
• In-class, paired listening exercise
• Assign paired peer edit partners for Application Journal review (See Peer
Conference/Writing Process Feedback forms
• Vocal Exercises: “You think that’s funny”
• Meditate—Mental Noting/Affect Labeling
• Read Chapter 3
• Journal #3 (Listening Skills)
• Optional but Recommended:
Week 5
• Awareness Notebook (see schedule)
• Assign Narrative Speech
• Introduction to giving speeches
• Embarrassing, Exciting, Interesting moment
• Read Application to Public Speaking Appendix
• Meditate—Body Scan
• Read Chapter 4
• Journal #4 (Nonverbals)
• Assign paired peer edit partners for Application Journal review
• Optional but Recommended:
Week 6
Do Meditation Instructions #3 (daily if possible, 19 minutes)
Do Meditation Instructions #4 (daily if possible, 33 minutes)
• Awareness Notebook (see schedule)
• Critique video of student narrative
• Discuss Praising and Constructive Criticism
• Dreams and Goals
• Discuss Self-Talk and Interpersonal Communication Problems
• Meditate—Loving Kindness
• Read Chapter 5
• Journal #5 (Self-Talk)
• Assign paired peer edit partners for Application Journal review
• Assign Group Projects
Minutes #1
• Optional but Recommended:
Week 7
Do Meditation Instructions #5 (daily if possible, 23 minutes)
• Awareness Notebook (see schedule)
• Narratives (See “Speech Schedule”)
• Work on Group Project
Minutes #2
Agenda #1
Submit this week’s minutes and agenda to Blackboard
• Optional but Recommended:
o Meditate on your own daily for 20-40 minutes, doing any of the meditations
we have done so far. (You can listen to instructions or try it without them.)
Week 8
• Awareness Notebook (see schedule)
• Narratives (See “Speech Schedule”)
• Meditate
• Work on Group Projects
o Minutes #3
o Agenda #2
Optional but Recommended:
o Meditate on your own daily for 20-40 minutes, doing any of the meditations
we have done so far. (You can listen to instructions or try it without them.)
Week 9
• Awareness Notebook—from podium, lead conversation, ask question
and wait/pause
• Review MLA (Works Cited page)
• Review class Narrative Evaluations; assign written Narrative SelfEvaluation midterm
• Assign Persuasive Speech (see schedule)
• Reread Application to Public Speaking Appendix
• Discuss Self-Concept
• Read Chapter 6
• Do Journal 6 (Self-Concept)
• Assign paired peer edit partners for Application Journal review
• Meditate—Open Presence
• Work on Group Projects
Week 10
Tuesday, 11/6:
Last day to withdraw
from a class with a W
Blackboard class – Post responses to Discussion Board questions
• Narrative Self-Evaluation midterms due
• Consider Assertive Behavior
• Read Chapter 7
• Journal 7 (Assertive Behavior)
• Assign paired peer edit partners for Application Journal review
• Work on Group Projects
Week 11
o Minutes #4
o Agenda #3
Optional but Recommended:
○ Meditate on your own daily for 20-40 minutes, doing any of the meditations
we have done so far. (You can listen to instructions or try it without them.)
o Minutes #5
o Agenda #4
Optional but Recommended:
o Do Meditation Instructions #6 (daily if possible, 22 minutes)
Veterans’ Day – No class
• Work on Group Projects
o Minutes #6
o Agenda #5
• Optional but Recommended:
o Meditate on your own daily for 20-40 minutes, doing any of the meditations
we have done so far. (You can listen to instructions or try it without them.)
Week 12
Present Group Projects—every group should be ready to present
• Read Chapter 8
• Review MLA
• Assign Written Group Project Evaluation
• Optional but Recommended:
o Meditate on your own daily for 20-40 minutes, doing any of the meditations
we have done so far. (You can listen to instructions or try it without them
You might invite your family to join you in a guided gratitude meditation.)
Week 13
Persuasive Speeches (See “Speech Schedule”)
Annotated Bibliography due
• Optional but Recommended:
o Meditate on your own daily for 20-40 minutes, doing any of the meditations
we have done so far. (You can listen to instructions or try it without them.)
Week 14
Persuasive Speeches (See “Speech Schedule”)
Annotated Bibliography due
• Optional but Recommended:
o Meditate on your own daily for 20-40 minutes, doing any of the meditations
we have done so far. (You can listen to instructions or try it without them.)
Week 15
• Final Speeches
Submit final speech outlines, including your introduction and your
conclusion, to Blackboard
Final Exam Week
• Finish Final Speeches
• Course evaluations
Time and Room
Important! Please remember that we do not necessarily meet on the same day, at the
same time, or even in the same room during finals. Check the NHTI website for the