OJWorld System Intro. March.2015 Content Company Profile About toottoot About ChatCall About Partnership 기업 소개 Company Profile OJWorld (Co.,Ltd.) is a professional ICT company specialized in Mobile SNS and Call Center Solution development and global service. Representative: Allen, Seo Established: 2011.8.29 Address: Changeugwan 227, Konkuk Univ., Neung Dong Ro 120, Kwangjin Gu, Seoul, Korea Performance Korea Electronic Power Corporation Konkuk University City hall of Busan Vietnam Data Communication Company Part 1 What is Company Groupware ? Public Closed community Group Net A Group Net Platform Service only for us! Development Background Popularize groupware in middle-sized firm, big churches, and organizations. Expensive costs (Maintenance & Construction) Hard to use Only full-time workers can use the company’s intranet Long construction time Low relationship with the site(Board and Profile functions are the most popular ones) Limited group and users (Need additional costs to add) Develop a mobile groupware related to community functions for unlimited constructions Contradiction Lists Company Groupware toottoot User Giant companies All User Construction Cost At least \100,000,000 Free to the public Firms: less than \20,000,000 Construction Time At least 3 month Right away Communication Method Interior Network (Intranet) External Network(Authorization) Main Functions Office +ERP Community + Organization management + Contents Users Only members of the firm Only approved members Security Protected Protected Number of Users Limited Unlimited Number of Groups Limited Unlimited Using Devices PC (Main) + Mobile Mainly mobile(PC version will be available in the second half of year 2015) Information Managment Particular department in the firm (Vice)/ Chief Administrators Contradiction ‘s Main Functions Details Function Details Note Contacts Addresses are provided Has Privacy Settings Chat Support 1:1, 1: many, and Conference Chat ConferenceChat (Paid Contents) Message Protect privacies by volatile messages. Calendar Confirm and share entire or group’s schedule Linked to the Notice Notice Has separate notice function and templates Manager Notice Board Free to the members, and has secrete board function Tag Notice Function E-Business Card Linked to the Profile E-mail Can send email to the members Mobile Fax Give Fax numbers to each members Paid Contents Simultaneous Interpretation Simultaneous Interpretation of 7 languages Paid Contents toot Pay Easily pay your bills and fees. Album Group/chronological Album Support Send Function Part 2 ‘No need to call’ Smart Call Center ChatCall Main View Market Analysis (In South Korea) -73%Penetration rate of smartphones->Necessary of new customer centers -24-hour operating customer complaints process system without limits -Removing delays by 1:1 customer consulting through Smartphone App and PC web service -Real-time consulting service by real-time upload and online-chat Development Background Current Voice Call Centers 1. Inconveniences of ARS system 2. Increase of waiting times 3. Increase of phone operator’s mental damages 4. Increasing costs 5. Only customer center can view a customer's counseling records 6. Expensive & Hard to counsel in foreign countries Advantages of ChatCall Smart-Customer-Center 1. Convenience: No more inconveniences of ARS system 2. Quickness : Quickly solve complains by chats, photos, and emails. 3. Cheapness : Save expenses by prior examinations 4. No time/locational limits 5. Less stress of telephone operators 24-hour operating customer complaints process system without limits Push Service Customers Chat, Email Smartphone Linking Internet Smart Customer Center Chat, Email Customers PC A Customer Center through Smartphone and PC without time/place limits Removing delays by 1:1 customer consulting through Smartphone App and PC web service User Operator PC By using Smartphone and PC, consulting delays will be removed, consulters’ mental stresses will be declined, and hearing-impaired people’s stress will be removed Business Model 1. Syndicated version construction and maintenance profit 1. Solution construction and sales profit 2. Advertisement profit 2. Simple pay commissions 3. Contents profit 3. - Emoticon, E-Commerce, Coupon etc. 4. 4. Simple pay PG Commission profit 5. 5. Platform link profit - Telecom commission, game profit Call center operating profit Advertisement profit Telecom commission profit Partnership Partnership Agreement of domestic/ international marketing For more information… Please contact addresses below • http://www.ojworld.kr/en_index.php • http://www.chatcall.co.kr/en/index.php News related to OJWorld 2012.10.31 2013. 5.23 Multi SNS Iconting started service in South-East Asia At this Conference, OJWorld signed in $1,000,000 contract with VDC World IT Show(2013.5.21~5.24) 2012.11.1 Malaysia Open MOU with Vietnam Data Center Partnership with Netherland WMS CEO Hadi 2013 World IT Show Live Broadcast 2013 World IT Show TBS Interview Iconting Live Broadcast OJWorld Related News Starting Smart Church Handbook Service to deal with Privacy problems