
D. Ernst
A Haiku poem is three lines.
This poem should be about something in nature
Line 1 - 5 syllables
Line 2 - 7 syllables
Line 3 - 5 syllables
Singing dee dee dee
Cute, happy, energetic
Chickadee dee dee
Cinquain (5 line poem)
Line 1 - 2 syllables
Line 2 - 4 syllables
Line 3 - 6 syllables
Line 4 - 8 syllables
Line 5 - 2 syllables
Spring Friends
Soft, Gray
Furry, little kittens
Budding, fur balls on
stalks so strong
Circle Poem
1. Write a poem where
your title leads you to the
next line, the next line
leads you to the third line,
and so forth.
2. The poem ends when
you can go back to the
first line.
3. You should have at least
10 words.
Diamante: Follow the form and the
words should form the shape of a
Border Collie
Hyper, Smart
Herding, Crouching, Running
Loyal, Longhaired, Dependable
Line 1 - noun or subject
Hardworking, Panting, Staying
Line 2- two adjectives
Intense, Clever
Line 3- three “ing” words
Line 4- three or four words about
the subject
Line 5- three “ing” words
Line 6- two adjectives
Line 7- synonym for the subject
1. There is a
in me
2. with
like a ___________
( fins, fur, feathers)
3. and
(eyes, ears, mouth, teeth )
4. It
( hisses, roars )
5. It
(Wiggles, flaps, creeps)
6. It lives in my ______________.
7. and makes me
8. I wish
It makes me want to
It makes me feel like
Horse Fever
There is a horse in me
With hair like a silk scarf, soft, long
and flowing and eyes like dark,
It whinnies like a speaker with
It gallops like a well trained
Olympic athlete.
It lives in my veins, rushing,
It makes me feel alive and strong.
It makes me want to run forever.
Self- Portrait
is like
____________ simile
are like
___________ simile
________________ metaphor
________________ metaphor
My heart holds _________________
that is
as ____________
simile & Color, etc.
I live in ____________________
and eat
This is Me
My face is like a road map with
lines and curves throughout.
My hands are like branches of
trees; reaching, bending,
My eyes are the windows of my
My mouth is a well of good
My heart holds friends that are
as blue as the ocean.
I live in the world and I eat
good things.
Acrostic Poem
A poem in which the first letters of each line are aligned
vertically to form a word. Every line must correspond to
the word.
Trees make the air we breathe
Rustling leaves on a windy day
Early birds on branches
Each one is a home
Some have needles
Weather Poem
Title: Form of Nature chosen
Line #1: Title + (compare it to an
animal and how that animal would
Line #2: Tell what it does
Line#3: And how it does it
Line #4: And what it does
Line #5: Tell how it leaves (as the
animal would leave)
Winter Fury
The snowstorm fiercely attacks
the village like a polar bear.
It lumbers along swiping at all
who dare challenge him.
It growls and lashes out with
white teeth of glistening ice.
It gnaws at trees and creates
utter havoc.
It slowly leaves, satisfied with its
Understanding Poem
This poem has three verses
Verse 1 Begin with: I Don’t
Understand..., then follow with
three things you don’t
Verse 2: Write: But most of
all..., then follow with three lines
of things that you really don’t
Verse 3: End with: What I
understand most is...
Followed by four lines of things
you know about or understand.
I Don’t Understand ... ??
Why we can’t live in peace
Why people fight
Why people abuse animals
??? But most of all ... ???
Why people are prejudice
Why kids say they hate
Why people kill
Why people don’t believe in themselves
!!! What I understand most is ... !!!
Why we cry
Why we love
Why we laugh
Why we trust
I Am ( Version #2)
#1. I am
#2. Three nouns about which you have strong feelings. Begin each
with a capital letter.
#3. A complete sentence about two things that you like.
#4. Three nouns that describe what you like to see in other people; end
with “are important to me.”
#5. A sentence containing a positive thought or feeling. It can tell what
you find acceptable in yourself.
#6 - #7. Sentence in which you show something negative in yourself
or others, however the sentence must end by showing that out of
something BAD can come GOOD. Use the word “but” to link the bad
and good.
#8-#9-#10. Each line is a short sentence relating something about
which you have strong feelings–likes or dislikes. They do not have to
relate to each other or to the previous lines you have written. The
world is getting weaker.
#11. End with “This is me” or “I am.”
I am
Life, Hope, Living
I care very much about the world and life on it.
Honesty is important to me.
Optimism is important to me.
Unselfishness is important to me.
Hospitality is a good thing.
Meanness is bad, but it can be good
to get people off your back.
The world is getting weaker.
The longer the days become the more beautiful they are.
People are too negative.
This is Me
I Am From
Make four or five lists:
Home, people, yard, neighborhood, etc. Write sounds you hear
in these places, smells, quotes people say, memories etc. Then
put them together with descriptive words. Use similes,
metaphors or any type of figurative language that compliments
your work.
I Am From
I am from Sydney Mines Junior High.
I am from tigers, Smart boards and computers.
I am from many students passing my door.
I am from halls that, in the morning, are unusually quiet.
Halls that echo with laughter and squeaky sneakers.
I am from room #204, called 7DE.
I am from a room full of books.
I am from a room that quickly fills with smells of soap, pencils, and
markers as the day goes by.
I am from a room that is familiar and cozy.
I am from a school whose motto is, “Let Honor Be Your Guide.”
I am from students who say, “ Do we have to do this?”
I am from me who repeats, “ Think for yourself,” “Please listen” and “
Do your work.”
I am from me who always says, “Knowledge is Power.”
I am from a class of many faces who are all different and special in
their own way.
I am from a place where everyone is unique and it is difficult to get to
know them all. They don’t know me.
I am a daughter, sister, aunt, friend, mother, wife and their teacher.
Summer Reflections
A breeze gently blowing fluffy white clouds
across azure skies that go on forever.
My nose tickles from the fragrant flowers
and sweet smelling hay.
I hear crickets playing in the nearby bush .
The lonesome cry of a gull reminds me of the ocean.
I feel the hot grainy sand tickling my toes.
Looking out to the endless blue of inviting salty water
I remember being gently lifted and carried
by the waves to the shore.
I hear the carefree squeals of the children
as they are chased by waves.
Sifting sand through my fingers and caressing
the smooth, soft stones I get lost in the day.
Everything begins to quiet down, the beach is deserted
The sun slowly sinks into the ocean.
The waves gently lap up the abandoned sandcastles
Sweet, woody smoke sends an invitation to
join the bonfire on the hill.
The flames climb and fall and the embers crack and pop
The light is reflected on twinkling eyes
and sun kissed faces.
The soft strumming of a guitar closes out the day-The end of a
perfect summer day.