AP EURO grading policy 2012 - BERRYHISTORY

Dr. Lipsett
Email address: elipsett@billerica.k12.ma.us
Webpage: http://berryhistory.wikispaces.com
Course Description:
Welcome to AP European History! This class is designed to provide students
with a challenging, intensive study of European History from the Renaissance to the
present day. These events will be examined with emphasis upon three major themes:
intellectual and cultural history; political, diplomatic, and military history; social and
economic history. The pace and scope of this class are comparable to that of an
introductory level college course, with the aim of preparing students for the Advanced
Placement exam in May. As such, students in this class will be expected to do a great
deal of reading and writing, and to come to class prepared to actively participate in
group discussions. In AP Euro we will work extensively with primary and secondary
sources to sharpen your skills as historians.
Course Overview:
Term 1
The Renaissance
The Protestant Reformation
The Age of Religious Wars
The English Civil War & The Dutch Republic
The Age of Absolutism
The Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment
Term 2
Eighteenth-Century Society
Eighteenth-Century Conflicts
The French Revolution
The Industrial Revolution
The Age of Nationalism and the
Revolutions of 1848
Term 3
Nineteenth-Century Nation-States
The Second Industrial Revolution
The Age of Imperialism
World War I
The Russian Revolution and the Rise of Stalin
The 1920s and the Rise of Fascism
The 1930s, the Great Depression, and the
Road to War
Term 4
World War II
The Cold War
Contemporary Europe & the Fall of
AP Exam Review
Course Expectations/Grading Policy:
All students are expected to take the Advanced Placement exam in May. This is an
intensive course. Due to the amount of material we have to cover, the class will move at a
rapid pace. It is imperative that you keep up with the work (especially the reading) in order to
succeed and enjoy the class.
Your term grade will be calculated using the following system:
QUIZZES/TESTS – 30% of your term grade – There will be a test on most major units in
addition to periodic quizzes. Pop quizzes are possible. In calculating your grade, tests
will be double the value of a quiz.
ESSAYS/PROJECTS – 30% of your term grade – There will be a great deal of writing in this
class including practice AP Free Response and Document Based Questions. The projects
category will include a variety of other assignments such as maps, posters, oral
presentations, etc.
HOMEWORK – 20% of your term grade – You will receive a weekly assignment sheet
which will include both written homework assignments and reading assignments. At the
end of each chapter, you must hand in a one-page reading response; you should identify
the main argument of the chapter, discuss any important people or events from the
chapter, and offer your own opinions and/or questions on the reading. In addition,
reading quizzes may be given periodically and counted toward your homework average.
PARTICIPATION – 20% of your term grade – This class is largely based on reading and
discussion. You will be expected to come to class prepared to participate. Once per
term, each student will be assigned the task of leading the discussion. This and other inclass assignments will also count toward your participation average.