GRADE: 9 THE FUNDAMENTAL UNIT OF LIFE (Board papers) Q.No Questions 1 Name the functional unit of DNA that carries genetic information. 2 Write any three points of difference between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells. 3 (a) Mitochondria is called power horse of the cell. Justify this statement. (b) Mention the use of deep folding in the inner membrane of mitochondria. 4 Name the site where proteins are synthesized in a cell. 5 Draw and label the parts of prokaryotic cell. 6 Name two cell organelles which have their own DNA and Ribosomes. 7 (a) What is membrane biogenesis? (b) Explain what happens when a drop of concentrated sugar solution is placed on a rheo leaf peel mounted on a glass slide. Name this phenomenon. Would the same happen if the rheo leaf was boiled before mounting? Give reason for your answer. 8 Name the cell organelle responsible for intracellular transport. 9 Mention the differences seen between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells regarding: (i) Nuclear region (ii) Cell organelle (iii) Chlorophyll. 10 State the function of chromosome in a cell. 11 Name the cell organelle which you would associate with elimination of old and worn out cells. 12 List two types of plastids. State one function of each. 13 Division of labour exists even at intra cellular level. Justify the statement by giving two examples. 14 Identify and name the following cell structures: (a) The undefined nuclear region of prokaryotic cell. (b) Site of energy release inside the cell. 15 (a) List any two structural differences and two similarities between a plant cell and an animal cell. (b) What would happen if an animal cell is kept in distilled water for 24 hours? 16 When a living plant cell loses water through of osmosis, there is contraction of the contents of the cell away from the cell wall. What is this phenomenon called? 17 (a) Write two points of difference between nuclear region of a bacterial cell and nuclear region of an animal cell.(b) Which structure present in the nuclear region of a living cell bear genes ? 18 List any two single celled (unicellular) organisms. 19 Mention the change in human red blood cells when they are placed in hypotonic salt/ sugar solution. 20 (a) Label the parts marked 1,2, 3 in a prokaryotic cell. (b) Mention any three features of prokaryotic cells. 21 22 23 24 Name the main constituent substance present in plant cell wall and state its function. Differentiate between rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum. How is endoplasmic reticulum, important for membrane biogenesis? Describe the role played by the Lysosomes in a cell. Why these are termed as suicidal bags? How do they perform their function? Name the kind of plastid which is important for photosynthesis in leaves of the plants. Mr.P.H.Ganeshan, Biology Teacher Page 1 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Name the cell organelle that detoxifies poisons and drugs into liver of vertebrates. Distinguish leucoplast from chromoplast based on one feature. Give an example of chromoplast present in plant cell. What is the function of chromoplast in the plant cell? Mention the difference between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes in terms of nuclear region present in them. Why is plasma membrane referred to as a selectively permeable membrane? Give two points of difference between diffusion and osmosis. Name two cell organelles having double - membrane envelope. Who gave the term Golgi apparatus? Name one cell organelle that is formed by Golgi apparatus. Write any two functions of Golgi apparatus. Name any two materials stored in leucoplasts. Write three differences between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells. Lysosomes are known as the suicidal bag of a cell. Give a reason to justify the statement. (i) List two roles of the nucleus of a cell. (ii) Name two substances stored in the vacuoles of plant cell. A de-shelled egg is placed in a concentrated salt solution and observed after five minutes. What change takes place? (i) What is membrane biogenesis? (ii) What is chromatin material? How is it different from chromosomes? Name two components of chromosomes. State the reason for calling cell membrane as selectively permeable membrane. (a) Draw a neat diagram of an animal cell and label the following parts. (i) Nuclear envelope (ii) Mitochondria (b) State one function of Endoplasmic Reticulum. Name two cell organelles which have their own D.N.A and ribosomes. List the constituents of plasma membrane. Draw a neat diagram of a plant cell and label on it chloroplast, Golgi apparatus, nucleus. State the significance of membrane biogenesis. Name the phenomenon when a living plant cell loses water through osmosis and shrinks. (a) Why the cell is called the structural and functional unit of life? (b) Why plasma membrane is called a selective permeable membrane? (c) Name the factor which decides the movement of water across the plasma membrane. (a) Observe and identify the following plant cell. (b) Explain two characteristic features of this cell. (c) Suggest one part of the plant where such cells are present. Name two cell organelles having membrane envelope. Write the functions of the following organelles in a cell. (i) Chloroplast (ii) nucleus (ii) Ribosomes. Name the organelle which has membrane bound sac filled with powerful digestive enzymes. State reason for the following: (a) Mitochondria are known as powerhouse of cell (b) Plastids is able to make their own protein. (c) Plant cells shrink when kept in hypertonic solution. Name the cell organelle, other than mitochondria, that has its own DNA and ribosomes. (a) Why plasma membrane is called selectively permeable membrane? (b) How is flexible nature of plasma membrane useful for Amoeba? Name this process. Name: (i) the cells which have changing shape (ii) the cells which have a typical shape. Two beakers A and B contain plain water and concentrated sugar solution respectively. Equal numbers of dried Mr.P.H.Ganeshan, Biology Teacher Page 2 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 raisins are kept in them for a few hours and them taken out. (i) Explain the reason for the difference in the physical appearance of raisins which were taken out of the two beakers (ii) On the basis of above observation, categories the two solutions as hypotonic and hypertonic. Name the cell organelles that help to keep the cell clear by digesting the worn out cell organelles. (a) State one feature that is similar and one feature that is dissimilar with respect to mitochondria and plastids. (b) Name the plastid involved in storage of starch, oils and protein granules. Name the phenomenon of losing water by a living plant cell through osmosis. (a) State and explain the process by which an amoeba obtains its food. Name the plastid involved in conversion of a green brinjal to violet. Where are genes located in a cell? Name the nuclei acids that are present in animal cell. Name the cell organelle which is associated with protein synthesis. Name three types of plastids found in plant cells and give one function of each. In what way a prokaryotic cell is different than Eukaryotic cell with respect to the nuclear membrane. Define osmosis. In what two ways it is different from diffusion. Identify the cell organelle which is known as the power house of the cell. State reason. Justify the following statements :-(a) Endocytosis is found only in animals.(b) Lysosomes are known as suicidal bags. Name the process through which an amoeba acquires its food from the external environment. (a) Which cell organelle would you associate with ATP production? How is this organelle able to make its own proteins? (b) A student performed an experiment by placing the de-shelled egg in a concentrated salt solution for five minutes. What changes did he observe in the egg? Give reason for the same. Mr.P.H.Ganeshan, Biology Teacher Page 3