Why Charity - Education Scotland

Why Charity?
Lesson 1
Success Criteria
I can...
• Identify at least 1 factor that affects a person’s
• Evaluate altruistic and non-altruistic behaviours.
• Reflect upon my own responses to altruism.
Helping others
The clip below shows some very surprising behaviour.
What would you do?
With your shoulder partner…
• There are many times when people fail to help others.
• List as many situations as you can in 3 minutes where
people might not help someone in apparent need.
• Can failing to help ever be justified? Discuss this in
class – and if you like, take a ‘Devil’s advocate'
The Good Samaritan
You are a Christian and know well the parable of the
Good Samaritan.
(The Good Samaritan tells the story of a man who
was robbed and left for dead by the roadside. A priest
and a religious leader passed by him. Neither
stopped. But when a Samaritan saw the injured man,
he nursed his wounds, took him to an inn on his
donkey and took care of him. The two men were
It is likely that you’ve heard this story before, but now
you are in the senior phase of your learning let’s put a
twist in this tale….
Good Samaritan
Instead of Samaritans, priests and religious leaders,
consider who are the worst enemies in society today, or
who are considered society’s ‘bad guys’.
• Now consider that the injured person is one of these
‘bad guys’ and that by helping him/her, you might lead
to them recovering and being able to carry on being a
‘bad guy’ in future
• Alternatively, imagine you are a doctor faced with two
patients in an emergency room – both will die without
your assistance, but patient A has more severe injuries
than patient B and is likely to die first if you don’t help.
However, patient A is one of those ‘bad guys’….
What would you do?
Can you think of times when you have had the chance to
help someone?
What did you do?
Why did you
choose that course
of action?
Discuss with your shoulder partner.
Further analysis 1
What do you think of the following quotes?
“No one has ever become poor by giving” Anne Frank
“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of
others” Charles Dickens
“You have not lived today until you have done something for
someone who can never repay you.” John Bunyan
“Be compassionate whenever possible. It is always possible” The
Dalai Lama
Further analysis 2
In Argentinian law "a person who endangers the life or
health of another, either by putting a person in
jeopardy or abandoning to their fate a person unable
to cope alone who must be cared for ... will be
imprisoned for between 2 and 6 years". What do you
think about this?
What is the law on helping others in Scotland?
Extension discussion
Religion and Charity
Lesson 2
Success Criteria
I can…
• Describe what one religion does to help others.
• Explain and evaluate the underlying beliefs of
one religion in relation to helping others.
What motivates people to help others?
Glasgow City Mission – Set up in 1826
“ We have been showing Christian care to vulnerable
adults and children by fighting against poverty and
disadvantage in Glasgow.”
Find out about Glasgow City Mission
1. What does Glasgow City Mission do?
2. What motivates the actions of those involved in the
Glasgow City Mission?
Beliefs and Values
People’s beliefs and values motivate them.
Beliefs and Values
Beliefs and Values
Take a copy of Activity sheet 2 – Beliefs and Values.
Write down a definition and example of each of the
values/beliefs on the table.
Love can be
feeling or action.
Love can be
seen as a virtue
of kindness or
Glasgow City
Mission show the
“Love of Christ”
to those they
Further analysis 1
“Helping others is actually selfish – because you
always want to get something out of helping others”
How far do you agree?
Further analysis
“Charity begins at home… and so religious people
should help those of their own faith first”
How far do you agree?