• Economic results: $200 Billion spent during war. Japan & US emerge in better position after war. Increase in trade. • Rise of new democracies. End of absolute rulers in Germany, Austria, & Russia. Stability of these new democracies were weak. Multi-party systems. (France & Great Britain) • Positive feelings in political affairs. – Treaty of Kellogg - Briand, 1928 (US & France) Encouraged peace. • Advances in Technology, Science, & Psychology. – Automobiles, Air Travel, Radio – Einstein, Freud • Independent spirit - changing role of women • “Red Scare” the fear of the spread of Communism throughout the world. • US Isolationism. (Political Only) – Dawes Plan - loan to Germany. • Great Britain - returns to Gold Standard. • Deceptive Normalcy - life was not normal (returned to Pre War lifestyle) • NY Stock Exchange - Center of Financial World. • October 24, 1929, “Black Tuesday” • Depression: economic term - prices, wages, investment, employment, & trade drop. • 1933 - US Production cut in half. – 11,000 banks close. 44% of total in 1929. – Unemployment rate - 3.2% 1929 - 25% 1932 • Causes: – Mass production & Under Consumption. (Unequal Wealth distribution) – Farming - New Science/Technology = flooding the market. – Speculation in investing at NYSE. • Results: • Spread onto the World Scene. • Debt payments in Germany/Austria cause challenges to political systems. (Fascism) • Possible Solutions: • (Political/economic - ideological responses) –Socialism & Democracy: France & Britain (Popular Front & Labour Party) –Democratic Reform: US - the New Deal (FDR) –Fascism: Italy & Germany (Mussolini & Hitler) Mussolini Hitler • A political movement that believes in an extreme form of nationalism denying individual rights, insisting upon the supremacy of the state & advocating dictatorial one-party rule. –“Fascism….it was born of the need for action” B. Mussolini. Benito Mussolini of Italy • Italy was the First country to adopt Fascist ways. Reasons for Italian acceptance of Fascism: – Discontent from WWI. Desired territory in Austrian Alps, along Adriatic Sea. – War caused a 500% cost of living increase. – Fear of spread of Communism. • Mussolini favored Nationalism & Militarism – Formed a combat group known as the Black Shirts. – Group roamed streets, attacking communists & socialists. – Won support of the aristocracy, industrialists, & middle class. • 1922, Mussolini became primer of Italy. Entitled “Il Duce”. • Fascist Policies in Italy: – Set up a one-party state. – Remove all democratic & Parliamentary processes. – Censor the press. – Set up State owned corporations which controlled all aspects of the Economy. Strikes are against the law. – Limit free speech & free assembly. – Used secret police to keep people in line. Adolf Hitler of Germany • National Socialist German Workers Party: aka: NAZIs • Nazism: German brand of Fascism – Nazis blamed Treaty of Versailles from WWI as major cause of German troubles. – Condemned democracy (Wiemar Republic) as imposed form of govn’t. – Economic problems were due to territorial losses in Europe & colonies overseas. • Adolf Hitler: Austrian born, fought for Germany in WWI, joined Nazi party after war. – 1921, announced Fuhër (leader) of the Nazi party. – 1923, attempted coup of German govn’t in Munich. Sent to jail. Served 8 months. – Wrote Mein Kampf (my struggle). Hitler’s views on the superiority of the German people. • Late 1920’s: Rise in Nazis in the Reichstag (legislature) 550 total seats. – 12 in 1929, 107 in 1930, 220 in 1932. • Jan. 1933, Hitler appointed Chancellor, called for new elections, consolidated power of Nazis. • March 1933, Enabling Act, 4 years of dictatorial powers. Nazi party only legal party. • 1934, Hindenberg dies, Hitler absorbs the presidency. • Nazification of all organizations & aspects of life. –Arts, literature, industry, media, science, & technology. • Major Goals of Hitler: Establish the Greater Germany - Third Reich. Late 1930’s • Dictatorship vs. Democracy. – Germany & Italy vs. Great Britain, France & US • France wanted maintain Treaty of Versailles, Britain thought it was too harsh on Germany. • Weakness of the League of Nations & the policy of Appeasement. (concessions/compromise) • Step 1: Japan Invades China 1931. By 1937, this is a full scale war. • Step 2: Italy’s desire for African colonies leads to the invasion of Ethiopia in 1935. • Step 3: Military build up in Germany. March, 1935, Hitler renounces the Treaty of Versailles. • Step 4: 1936, German troops move into the Rhineland, territory along border of France, west of the Rhine river. • Step 5: Rome-Berlin Axis. Oct. 1936, Alliance between Hitler & Mussolini. The whole of Europe will rotate around this axis. (Japan eventually joined by Nov. 1936) • Step 6: Civil War in Spain. 1936-39. German & Italian support of dictator Franco. Spain becomes a Fascist country in 1939. • Step 7: Hitler moves into Austria. March 1938, Austria is a German province. • Step 8: Sept. 1938, Hitler moves into Czechoslovakia, desire to incorporate the Sudenten land. Four Main powers (GB, France, Italy & Germany) meeting in Munich. To appease Hitler, all agree to give over Sudenten land in exchange for peace. By March 1939, all of Czech is under German control. (The only option left to stop the Fascist aggression.). • Violence & persecution against a particular race, religion, ethnicity or group of people; is it justifiable? Why? • Describe the Russian Revolution. In chronological order, explain each of the critical events that lead to the revolution. Explain the results of the revolution.