US Ch27 -

What were the origins of the Cold War? Explain its broad
ideological, economic, political, and military components.
Analyze and discuss America’s plans of containment
and economic aid and the consequent
events that characterized foreign affairs between
1945 and 1952.
What were the causes, conduct, and consequences of the
Korean War?
How did the Cold War affect domestic economic and
political affairs in the 1950s?
How and why did civil rights emerge as a national domestic
issue after 1954?
The wartime cooperation between the United States
and the Soviet Union ended largely because they
disagreed over the future of Eastern Europe and the
of nuclear weapons. At the end of World
War II, the Allies did agree to disarm Germany,
dismantle its military production facilities, and permit
the occupying powers to extract reparations.
However, plans for future reunification of Germany
stalled, leading to its division into East and West
Germany. As tensions mounted, the United States
came to see Soviet expansionism as a threat to its own
interests and began shaping a new policy of
Descent into Cold War, 1945–1946
Roosevelt had been able to work with
Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, and in part
as a memorial to Roosevelt, the Senate
approved America’s participation in
the United Nations in 1945.
Since the Soviet Union had been a victim of
German aggression in both world wars, Stalin was
determined to prevent the rebuilding and rearming
of its traditional foe, and insisted on a security
zone of friendly governments in Eastern Europe
for protection.
At the Yalta Conference, America and Britain
agreed to recognize this Soviet “sphere of
influence,” with the proviso that “free and
unfettered elections” would be held as soon as
possible, but, after Yalta, the Soviets made no
move to hold the elections and rebuffed western
attempts to reorganize the Soviet-installed
On the 4th of February 1945 the Big Three
(Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin) convened
at Yalta, on the Crimean Peninsula. It was
the second of the large war time
conferences, preceded by Tehran in 1943,
and succeeded by Potsdam (after
Roosevelt's death) later in 1945.
Recalling Britain’s disastrous appeasement
of Hitler in 1938, Truman decided that the
United States had to take a hard line against
Soviet expansion.
At the 1945 Potsdam Conference between
the United States, Britain, and the Soviet
Union, Truman used what he called “tough
methods”; negotiations on critical postwar
issues deadlocked, revealing serious cracks
in the Grand Alliance.
At Potsdam, the Allies agreed to disarm
Germany, dismantle its military production
facilities, and permit the occupying powers
to extract reparations.
Plans for future reunification of Germany
stalled, and the foundation was laid for what
would later become the division of
Germany into East and West Germany.
The failure of the Baruch Plan to maintain a
U.S. monopoly on nuclear arms while
preventing their development by other
nations signaled the beginning of a frenzied
nuclear arms race between the two
The Truman Doctrine and
The Truman Doctrine required large-scale military
and economic assistance to prevent communism
from taking hold in Greece and Turkey, which in
turn lessened the Communist threat in the entire
Middle East. The Marshall Plan brought relief to
devastated European countries, ushering in an
economic recovery that made them less
susceptible to communism and opening these
countries up to new international trade
opportunities. This appropriation reversed the
postwar trend toward sharp cuts in foreign
spending and marked a new level of commitment
to the Cold War.
For the next forty years, the ideological
conflict between capitalism and
communism determined the foreign policy
of the United States and the Soviet Union
and, later, China. The United States pursued
a policy designed to contain Communist
expansion in Europe, the Middle East, and
As tensions mounted, the United States
increasingly perceived Soviet expansionism
as a threat to its own interests, and a new
policy of containment began to take shape,
the most influential proponent of whom was
George F. Kennan.
was an American advisor,
diplomat, political
scientist, and historian,
best known as "the father
of containment" and as a
key figure in the
emergence of the Cold
War. He later wrote
standard histories of the
relations between Russia
and the Western powers.
The policy of containment crystallized in
1947 when suspected Soviet-backed
Communist guerrillas launched a civil war
against the Greek government, causing the
West to worry that Soviet influence in
Greece threatened its interests in the eastern
Mediterranean and the Middle East,
especially Turkey and Iran.
American reaction resulted in the Truman
Doctrine, which called for large-scale
military and economic assistance in order to
prevent communism from taking hold in
Greece and Turkey which in turn lessened
the threat to the entire Middle East, making
it an early version of the “domino theory.”
The resulting congressional appropriation
reversed the postwar trend toward sharp
cuts in foreign spending and marked a new
level of commitment to the Cold War.
The Marshall Plan sent relief to devastated
European countries and helped to make
them less susceptible to communism; the
plan required that foreign-aid dollars be
spent on U.S. goods and services
The Marshall Plan met with opposition in
Congress until a Communist coup occurred
in Czechoslovakia in February 1948, after
which Congress voted overwhelmingly to
approve funds for the program.
The Marshall Plan (from its enactment,
officially the European Recovery
Program (ERP)) was the primary plan of
the United States for rebuilding the allied
countries of Europe and repelling
communism after World War II. The
initiative was named for United States
Secretary of State George Marshall and was
largely the creation of State Department
officials, especially William L. Clayton and
George F. Kennan
Map of ColdWar era Europe
countries that
Marshall Plan
aid. The red
columns show
the relative
amount of total
aid per nation.
The reconstruction plan was developed at a
meeting of the participating European states
in July 12 1947. The Marshall Plan offered
the same aid to the Soviet Union and its
allies, if they would make political reforms
and accept certain outside controls. In fact,
America worried that the Soviet Union
would take advantage of the plan and
therefore made the terms deliberately hard
for the USSR to accept.
Over the next four years, the United States
contributed nearly $13 billion to a highly
successful recovery; Western European
economies revived, opening new
opportunities for international trade, while
Eastern Europe was influenced not to
participate by the Soviet Union.
The United States, France, and Britain
initiated a program of economic reform in
West Berlin, which alarmed the Soviets,
who responded with a blockade of the city.
Truman countered the blockade with airlifts
of food and fuel; the blockade, lifted in May
1949, made West Berlin a symbol of
resistance to communism.
zones after
In April 1949, the United States entered into its
first peacetime military alliance since the
American Revolution—the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO)—in which twelve nations
agreed that an armed attack against one of them
would be considered an attack against all of them.
NATO also agreed to the creation of the Federal
Republic of Germany (West Germany) in May
1949; in October, the Soviets created the German
Democratic Republic (East Germany).
The Soviets organized the Council for Mutual
Economic Assistance in 1949 and the military
Warsaw Pact in 1955.
In September 1949, American military intelligence
had proof that the Soviets had detonated an atomic
bomb; this revelation called for a major
reassessment of American foreign policy.
To devise a new diplomatic and military blueprint,
Truman turned to the National Security Council
(NSC), an advisory body established by the
National Security Act of 1947 that also created the
Department of Defense and Central Intelligence
The National Security Council gave a
report, known as NSC-68, recommending
the development of a hydrogen bomb,
increasing U.S. conventional forces,
establishing a strong system of alliances,
and increasing taxes in order to finance
defense building.
The Korean War, which began two months
after NSC-68 was completed, helped to
transform the report’s recommendations
into reality, as the Cold War spawned a hot
NSC-68 was a 58-page classified report
written in February-April 1950 by Paul
Nitze and issued by the United States
National Security Council on April 14, 1950
during the presidency of Harry Truman. The
report, written in the aftermath of the
decision to build a hydrogen bomb, was
declassified in 1977 and has become one of
the classic historical documents of the Cold
War era.
Containment in Asia and the
Korean War
American policy in Asia was focused on the
region’s global economic importance as well as
the desire to contain communism there. After
dismantling Japan’s military forces and weaponry,
American occupation forces began transforming
the country into a bulwark of Asian capitalism. At
the end of World War II, both the Soviets and the
United States had troops in Korea, which was
divided into competing spheres of influence. In
June 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea.
Truman ordered U.S. troops to repel the invaders,
leading to three years of vicious fighting. An
armistice, brokered by President Eisenhower, was
signed in July 1953. Korea was divided near the
original border at the thirty-eighth parallel.
American policy in Asia was based as much
on Asia’s importance to the world economy
as on the desire to contain communism.
After dismantling Japan’s military forces
and weaponry, American occupation forces
drafted a democratic constitution and
oversaw the rebuilding of the economy.
In China, a civil war had been raging since
the 1930s between Communist forces, led
by Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai, and
conservative Nationalist forces, under
Chiang Kai-shek.
For a time the Truman administration
attempted to help the Nationalists by
providing more than $2 billion in aid, but in
August 1949 aid was cut off when reform
did not occur; in October 1949 the People’s
Republic of China was formally established
under Mao, and Chiang Kai-shek’s forces
fled to Taiwan.
The “China lobby” in Congress viewed Mao’s
success as a defeat for the United States; the China
lobbies influence blocked U.S. recognition of
“Red China” leading instead to U.S. recognition of
the exiled Nationalist government in Taiwan.
The United States also prevented China’s
admission to the United Nations; for almost
twenty years U.S. administrations treated
mainland China, the world’s most populous
country, as a diplomatic nonentity.
At the end of World War II, both the Soviets and
the United States had troops in Korea and divided
the country into competing spheres of influence at
the thirty-eighth parallel.
The Soviets supported a Communist government,
led by Kim Il Sung, in North Korea and the United
States backed a Korean nationalist, Syngman
Rhee, in South Korea.
On June 25, 1950, North Koreans invaded across
the thirty-eighth parallel; Truman asked the United
Nations Security Council to authorize a “police
action” against the invaders.
The Security Council voted to send a
“peacekeeping” force to Korea; though fourteen
non-Communist nations sent troops, the UN army
in Korea was overwhelmingly American, and, by
request of Truman to the Security Council, headed
by General Douglas MacArthur.
Months of fighting resulted in stalemate; given
this military stalemate, a drop in public support,
and the fact that the United States did not want
large numbers of troops tied down in Asia,
Truman and his advisors decided to work toward a
negotiated peace.
MacArthur, who believed that the future of
the United States lay in Asia and not in
Europe, tried to execute his own foreign
policy involving Korea and Taiwan and was
drawn into a Republican challenge of
Truman’s conduct of the war.
Truman relieved MacArthur of his
command based on insubordination, though
the decision to relieve him was highly
unpopular; after failing to win the
Republican presidential nomination in 1952,
MacArthur faded from public view.
Two years after truce talks began, an
armistice was signed in July 1953; Korea
was divided near the original border at the
thirty-eighth parallel, with a demilitarized
zone between the countries.
Truman committed troops to Korea without
congressional approval, setting a precedent
for other undeclared wars.
The war also expanded American
involvement in Asia, transforming
containment into a truly global policy.
During the war, American defense
expenditures grew from $13 billion in 1950
to $50 billion in 1953; though they dropped
after the war, defense spending remained at
over $35 billion annually throughout the
American foreign policy had become more
global, more militarized, and more
expensive; even in times of peace, the
United States functioned in a state of
permanent mobilization.
The Truman Era
Government spending dropped after the war, but
consumer spending increased, and unemployment
did not soar back up with the shift back to civilian
When Truman disbanded the Office of Price
Administration and lifted price controls in 1946,
prices soared, producing an annual inflation rate of
18.2 percent.
Inflation prompted workers to demand higher
wages; workers mounted crippling strikes in the
automobile, steel, and coal industries and general
strikes effectively closed down business in more
than a half dozen cities in 1946.
Truman ended a strike by the United Mine
Workers and one by railroad workers by placing
the mines and railroads under federal control;
Democrats in organized labor were outraged.
In 1946, Republicans gained control of both
houses of Congress and set about undoing New
Deal social welfare measures, especially targeting
labor legislation.
In 1947, the Republican-controlled Congress
passed the Taft-Hartley Act, a rollback of several
pro-union provisions of the 1935 National Labor
Relations Act. The secondary boycott and the
union shop, labor rights that workers had fought
for, ere eventually dismantled by the Republican
Truman’s veto of the Taft-Hartley Act countered
some workers’ hostility to his earlier antistrike
activity and kept labor in the Democratic fold.
In the election of 1948, the Republicans again
nominated Thomas E. Dewey for president and
nominated Earl Warren for vice president.
Democratic left and right wings split off: the
Progressive Party nominated Henry A. Wallace for
president; the States’ Rights Party (Dixiecrats)
nominated Strom Thurmond.
To the nation’s surprise, Truman won the election
handily, and the Democrats regained control of
both houses of Congress.
Fair Deal Liberalism
The Fair Deal was an extension of the New Deal’s
liberalism, but it gave attention to civil rights, reflecting
the growing importance of African Americans to the
Democratic coalition, and extended the possibilities for a
higher standard of living and benefits to a greater number
of citizens, reflecting a new liberal vision of the role of the
Congress adopted only parts of the Fair Deal: a higher
minimum wage, an extension of and increase in Social
Security, and the National Housing Act of 1949.
The activities of certain interest groups —
Southern conservatives, the American
Medical Association, and business lobbyists
— helped to block support for the Fair
Deal’s plan for enlarged federal
responsibility for economic and social
The Great Fear
As American relations with the Soviet Union
deteriorated, a fear of communism at home started
a widespread campaign of domestic repression,
often called “McCarthyism.”
In 1938, a group of conservatives had launched
the House Un-American Activities Committee
(HUAC) to investigate Communist influence in
labor unions and New Deal agencies.
In 1947, HUAC intensified the “Great Fear” by
holding widely publicized hearings on alleged
Communist activity in the film industry.
In March 1947, Truman initiated an investigation
into the loyalty of federal employees; other
institutions undertook their own anti subversive
Communist members of the labor movement were
expelled, as were Communist members of civil
rights organizations such as the National
Association for the Advancement of Colored
People (NAACP) and the National Urban League.
In early 1950, Alger Hiss, a State Department
official, was convicted of perjury for lying about
his Communist affiliations; his trial and conviction
fueled the paranoia about a Communist conspiracy
in the federal government and contributed to the
rise of Senator Joseph McCarthy.
McCarthy’s accusations of subversion in the
government were meant to embarrass the
Democrats; critics who disagreed with him were
charged with being “soft” on communism.
McCarthy failed to identify a single Communist in
government, but cases like Hiss’s and the 1951
espionage trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg lent
weight to McCarthy’s allegations.
McCarthy’s support declined with the end of the
Korean War, the death of Stalin, and when his
hearings as he investigated subversion in the U.S.
Army were televised revealing his smear tactics to
the public.
Eisenhower and the “New Look”
of Foreign Policy
After the Korean War, Eisenhower turned his attention to Europe and the
Soviet Union. Soviet repression convinced American policymakers that armed
conflict would be the only way to roll back Soviet power in Europe. Under the
“New Look” defense policy, the United States began to develop a massive
nuclear arsenal, instead of more expensive conventional forces, to deter the
Soviet Union.
President Truman attempted to expand the social welfare policies of the New
Deal in a program he called the Fair Deal, which aimed to extend a higher
standard of living to a greater number of citizens. But conservative Democrats
joined with Republicans in order to block the most progressive legislation.
Nevertheless, Truman did make some gains in Social Security, the minimum
wage, and public housing.
Truman turned to executive action to further civil rights, appointing a National
Civil Rights Commission in 1946, ordering the Justice Department to support
anti segregation cases, and desegregating the armed forces in 1948.
Domestically, the Republican Party accused the Democrats of being “soft on
communism.” The frustrations of the Cold War led to a national persecution of
suspected Communists, known as McCarthyism. In the presidential election of
1952, Eisenhower represented modern Republicanism, the moderate
continuation of the welfare-state policies of the Democrats.
In foreign policy, Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles pursued a vigorous anti-Soviet line even
though the death of Stalin had brought about a
relative softening of the Soviet stance toward the
West. In pursuit of containment, the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) assisted in the
overthrow of legitimate governments that seemed
to fall short of staunch anticommunism. The arms
race continued with the development of new
weapons systems capable of “mutual assured
destruction” in case of a nuclear attack
Eisenhower’s “New Look” in foreign policy
continued America’s commitment to containment
but sought less expensive ways of implementing
U.S. dominance in the Cold War struggle against
international communism.
One of Eisenhower’s first acts as president was to
use his negotiating skills in order tobring an end to
the Korean War.
Eisenhower then turned his attention to Europe
and the Soviet Union; Stalin died in 1953, and
after a struggle, Nikita S. Khrushchev emerged as
his successor in 1956.
Soviet repression of the 1956 Hungarian revolt
showed that American policymakershad few
options for rolling back Soviet power in Europe,
short of going to war with the Soviet Union.
Under the “New Look” defense policy, the United
States economized by developing a massive
nuclear arsenal as an alternative to more expensive
conventional forces.
To improve the nation’s defenses against an air
attack from the Soviet Union, the Eisenhower
administration developed the long range bombing
capabilities of the Strategic Air Command and
installed the Distant Early Warning line of radar
stations in Alaska and Canada in 1958.
By 1958, both the United States and the Soviets
had intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs),
and they were competing in the development of
missile-equipped nuclear submarines.
The arms race curtailed the social welfare
programs of both nations by funneling resources
into soon-to-be-obsolete weapons.
The Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)
was created in 1954 to complement the NATO
alliance in Europe.
U.S. policymakers tended to support stable
governments, as long as they were not
Communist; some American allies were governed
by dictatorships or repressive right-wing regimes.
The CIA moved beyond intelligence gathering into
active, albeit covert, involvement in the internal
affairs of foreign countries.
In 1953, the CIA helped to overthrow Iran’s
premier after he seized control of British oil
properties; in 1954, it supported a coup against the
duly elected govenment of Jacobo Arbenz
Guzman in Guatemala after he expropriated land
held by the United Fruit Company and accepted
arms from Communist Czechoslovakia.
The Cold War in the Middle
The American policy of containment soon
extended to new nations emerging in the
Third World.
The United States often failed to recognize
that indigenous or nationalist movements in
emerging nations had their own goals and
were not necessarily under the control of
The Middle East, an oil-rich area that was playing
an increasingly central role in the strategic
planning of the United States and the Soviet
Union, presented one of the most complicated
foreign-policy challenges.
On May 14, 1948, Zionist leaders proclaimed the
state of Israel; Truman quickly recognized the new
state, alienating the Arabs but winning crucial
support from Jewish voters.
When Nasser came to power in Egypt in 1954, he
pledged to lead not just his country but the entire
Middle East out of its dependent, colonial
relationship through a form of pan-Arab socialism
and declared Egypt’s neutrality in the Cold War.
Unwilling to accept this stance of nonalignment,
John Foster Dulles abruptly withdrew his offer of
U.S. financial aid to Egypt in 1957; in retaliation,
Nasser seized and nationalized the Suez Canal,
through which three-quarters of Western Europe’s
oil was transported.
After months of negotiation, Britain and France, in
alliance with Israel, attacked Egypt and retook the
canal. Eisenhower and the UN forced France and
Britain to pull back; Egypt retook the Suez Canal
and built the Aswan Dam with Soviet support.
The Suez crisis increased Soviet influence in the
Third World, intensified anti-Western sentiment in
Arab countries, and produced dissension among
leading members of the NATO alliance.
After the Suez Canal crisis, the Eisenhower
Doctrine stated that American forces would assist
any nation in the Middle East requiring aid against
Eisenhower invoked the doctrine when he sent
troops to aid King Hussein of Jordan against a
Nasser-backed revolt and when he sent troops to
back a pro-U.S. government in Lebanon.
The attention that the Eisenhower
administration paid to developments in the
Middle East in the 1950s demonstrated how
the access to steady supplies of oil
increasingly affected foreign policy.
Just as the Korean War had stretched the
application of containment from Europe to
Asia, the Eisenhower Doctrine revealed
U.S. intentions to influence events in the
Middle East as well.
The Cold War at Home
Postwar Domestic Challenges
Government spending dropped after the war, but
consumer spending increased, and unemployment
did not soar back up with the shift back to civilian
When Truman disbanded the Office of Price
Administration and lifted price controls in 1946,
prices soared, producing an annual inflation rate of
18.2 percent.
Inflation prompted workers to demand higher
wages; workers mounted crippling strikes in the
automobile, steel, and coal industries and general
strikes effectively closed down business in more
than a half dozen cities in 1946.
Truman ended a strike by the United Mine
Workers and one by railroad workers by placing
the mines and railroads under federal control;
Democrats in organized labor were outraged.
In 1946, Republicans gained control of both
houses of Congress and set about undoing New
Deal social welfare measures, especially targeting
labor legislation.
In 1947, the Republican-controlled Congress
passed the Taft-Hartley Act, a rollback of several
pro-union provisions of the 1935 National Labor
Relations Act.
Truman’s veto of the Taft-Hartley Act
countered some workers’ hostility to his
earlier antistrike activity and kept labor in
the Democratic fold.
In the election of 1948, the Republicans
again nominated Thomas E. Dewey for
president and nominated Earl Warren for
vice president.
Democratic left and right wings split off:
the Progressive Party nominated Henry A.
Wallace for president; the States’ Rights
Party (Dixiecrats) nominated Strom
To the nation’s surprise, Truman won the
election handily, and the Democrats
regained control of both houses of
Fair Deal Liberalism
The Fair Deal was an extension of the New
Deal’s liberalism, but it gave attention to
civil rights, reflecting the growing
importance of African Americans to the
Democratic coalition, and extended the
possibilities for a higher standard of living
and benefits to a greater number of citizens,
reflecting a new liberal vision of the role of
the state.
Congress adopted only parts of the Fair Deal: a
higher minimum wage, an extension of and
increase in Social Security, and the National
Housing Act of 1949.
The activities of certain interest groups —
Southern conservatives, the American Medical
Association, and business lobbyists — helped to
block support for the Fair Deal’s plan for enlarged
federal responsibility for economic and social
The Great Fear
As American relations with the Soviet
Union deteriorated, a fear of communism at
home started a widespread campaign of
domestic repression, often called
In 1938, a group of conservatives had
launched the House Un-American Activities
Committee (HUAC) to investigate
Communist influence in labor unions and
New Deal agencies.
In 1947, HUAC intensified the “Great Fear” by
holding widely publicized hearings on alleged
Communist activity in the film industry.
In March 1947, Truman initiated an investigation
into the loyalty of federal employees; other
institutions undertook their own anti subversive
Communist members of the labor movement were
expelled, as were Communist members of civil
rights organizations such as the National
Association for the Advancement of Colored
People (NAACP) and the National Urban League.
In early 1950, Alger Hiss, a State Department
official, was convicted of perjury for lying about
his Communist affiliations; his trial and conviction
fueled the paranoia about a Communist conspiracy
in the federal government and contributed to the
rise of Senator Joseph McCarthy.
McCarthy’s accusations of subversion in the
government were meant to embarrass the
Democrats; critics who disagreed with him were
charged with being “soft” on communism.
McCarthy failed to identify a single
Communist in government, but cases like
Hiss’s and the 1951 espionage trial of Julius
and Ethel Rosenberg lent weight to
McCarthy’s allegations.
McCarthy’s support declined with the end
of the Korean War, the death of Stalin, and
when his hearings as he investigated
subversion in the U.S. Army were televised
revealing his smear tactics to the public.
Modern Republicanism
In 1952, Dwight D. Eisenhower secured the
Republican nomination and asked Senator
Richard M. Nixon to be his running mate.
The Eisenhower administration set the tone for
“modern Republicanism,” an updated party
philosophy that emphasized a slowdown, rather
than a dismantling, of federal responsibilities.
The Democrats nominated Governor Adlai E.
Stevenson of Illinois for president and Senator
John A. Sparkman for vice president.
Eisenhower was popular with his “I Like Ike”
slogan, his K1 C2 (Korea, Communism,
Corruption) formula, and his campaign pledge to
go to Korea to end the stalemate.
As president, Eisenhower hoped to decrease the
need for federal intervention in social and
economic issues yet simultaneously avoid
conservative demands for a complete rollback of
the New Deal.
The National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) was founded in 1958, the
year after the Soviets launched Sputnik, the first
To advance U.S. technological expertise,
Eisenhower persuaded Congress to appropriate
funds for college scholarships and for research and
The creation of the Department of Health,
Education, and Welfare in 1953 consolidated
government control of social welfare programs.
The Highway Act of 1956 authorized $26 billion
over a ten-year period for the construction of a
nationally integrated highway system and was an
enormous public works program that surpassed
anything undertaken during the New Deal.
The Emergence of Civil Rights as
a National and International
Civil Rights under Truman
Truman offered support for civil rights not only because he
wanted to solidify the Democrats’ hold on African
American voters but also because he was concerned about
America’s image abroad.
Lacking a popular mandate on civil rights, Truman turned
to executive action; he appointed the National Civil Rights
Commission in 1946, ordered the Justice Department to
prepare a brief for Shelley v. Kraemer (1948), which ruled
against discrimination in home buying, and signed an
executive order to desegregate the army in 1948.
The Kraemers were a white couple who owned a residence in a Missouri neighborhood
governed by a restrictive covenant. This was a private agreement that prevented blacks
from owning property in the Kraemers' subdivision. The Shelleys were a black couple
who moved into the Kraemers neighborhood. The Kraemers went to court to enforce the
restrictive covenant against the Shelleys.
Question Presented
Does the enforcement of a racially restrictive covenant violate the Equal Protection
Clause of the 14th Amendment?
State courts could not constitutionally prevent the sale of real property to blacks even if
that property is covered by a racially restrictive covenant. Standing alone, racially
restrictive covenants violate no rights. However, their enforcement by state court
injunctions constitute state action in violation of the 14th Amendment.
Southern conservatives blocked Truman’s
proposals for a federal antilynching law,
federal protection of voting rights, and a
federal agency to guarantee equal
employment opportunity.
Challenging Segregation
Legal segregation of the races still governed
southern society in the early 1950s; whites
and blacks were segregated in restaurants,
waiting rooms and toilets at bus and train
stations, and all forms of public
transportation were rigidly segregated, with
even drinking fountains being labeled
“White” and “Colored.”
“Whites Only” Waiting Room
A black man is ordered out of a “whites only”
waiting room. Separate facilities for blacks and
whites were maintained throughout the South from
the end of the 19th century until the 1960s.
" A rest stop for
Greyhound bus
passengers on
the way from
Kentucky to
with separate
ns for colored
The first significant civil rights victory cam
in 1954. In Brown v. Board of Education of
Topeka (1954), the Supreme Court
overturned the long-standing “separate but
equal” doctrine of Plessy v. Ferguson
3. Over the next several years, the Supreme
Court used the Brown case to overturn
segregation in public recreation areas,
transportation, and housing.
Does segregation of children in public
schools solely on the basis of race, even
though the physical facilities and other
"tangible" factors may be equal, deprive the
children of the minority group of equal
educational opportunities? We believe that it
Over the next several years, the Supreme Court
used the Brown case to overturn segregation in
public recreation areas, transportation, and
In the Southern Manifesto of 1956, southern
members of Congress denounced the Brown
decision as an abuse of judicial power and
encouraged their constituents to defy the ruling;
White Citizens’ Councils in the South sprouted up
dedicated to blocking school integration and other
civil rights measures and the ranks of the Ku Klux
Klan (KKK) swelled.
In response to the Little Rock school-integration
incident, Eisenhower, though showing little
interest in civil rights, became the first president
since Reconstruction to use federal troops to
enforce the civil rights of blacks.
President Eisenhower ordered the 101st Airborne
Division into Little Rock to insure the safety of
the "Little Rock Nine" and that the rulings of the
Supreme Court were upheld.
Little Rock Police work to keep protesters behind
barricades at Central High on Sept. 27, 1957.
Students wait beside Arkansas National Guard troops
blocking their admission to Little Rock Central High.
Rosa Parks’s refusal to give up her bus seat
to a white person prompted the 381-day
1956 Montgomery bus boycott, which
ended only when the Supreme Court
declared bus segregation unconstitutional.
Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. was catapulted
into national prominence after the bus boycott; in
1957, he and other black clergy founded the
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
(SCLC) in Atlanta.
While the SCLC and the NAACP achieved only
limited victories in the 1950s, that laid the
organizational groundwork for the dynamic civil
rights movement of the1960s.
The Impact of the Cold War
Nuclear Proliferation
The escalating nuclear arms race between the
United States and the Soviet Union brought
Eisenhower to the United Nations on December 8,
1953. In his "Atoms for Peace" speech before the
United Nations, Eisenhower sought to solve "the
fearful atomic dilemma" by finding some way by
which "the miraculous inventiveness of man
would not be dedicated to his death, but
consecrated to his life." Since Hiroshima, the
destructive power of nuclear weapons had
increased dramatically.
The Cold War extended to the most distant areas
of the globe, but it also had powerful effects on the
domestic economy, politics, and cultural values of
the United States.
It permeated domestic politics, helped to shape the
response to the civil rights movement, and created
an atmosphere that stifled dissent.
The postwar expansion of the military produced a
dramatic shift in the country’s economic priorities,
as military spending took up a greater percentage
of national income
One of the most alarming aspects of the nation’s
militarization was the dangerous cycle of nuclear
proliferation that would outlive the SovietAmerican conflict that spawned it.
The nuclear arms race affected all Americans by
fostering a climate of fear and uncertainty; bomb
shelters and civil defense drills provided a daily
reminder of the threat of nuclear war.
Federal investigators documented a host of
illnesses, deaths, and birth defects among families
of veterans who had worked on weapons tests and
among “downwinders,” and later reports showed
that many subjects used in the Atomic Energy
Commission’s experiments in the 1940s and 1950s
did not know that they were being irradiated.
By the late 1950s, public concern over nuclear
testing and fallout had become a high profile
issue; antinuclear groups such as SANE (the
National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy)
and Physicians for Social Responsibility called for
an international nuclear test ban.
Eisenhower also had second thoughts about a
nuclear policy based on the premise of Mutually
Assured Destruction (MAD) and found spiraling
arms expenditures a serious hindrance to balancing
the federal budget.
Eisenhower tried to negotiate an arms limitation
agreement with the Soviet Union, but in 1960,
progress was cut short when an American spy plane
piloted by Francis Gary Powers was shot down over
Soviet territory.
The Department of Defense evolved into a
massive bureaucracy that profoundly
influenced the postwar economy; federal
money underwrote 90 percent of the cost of
research on aviation and space and
subsidized the scientific instruments,
automobile, and electronics industries.
Pentagon spending created a powerful
defense industry, with companies such as
Lockheed and Boeing becoming dependent
on government orders.
Increased defense spending put money in
the pockets of the millions working in
defense-related industries, but it also limited
the resources available for domestic needs
In his final address in 1961, Eisenhower
warned against the growing power of what
he termed the “military-industrial complex,”
which by then employed 3.5 million
Americans, but had the potential to threaten
civil liberties and democratic processes.
At the end of his administration Eisenhower
invited President-elect John F. Kennedy to
come to the White House to see how things
worked in the Executive Offices. On that
visit Eisenhower warned Kennedy of a hard
truth that accompanied the nation's highest
office, "No easy matters will ever come to
you ... If they're easy they will be settled at
a lower level."