Impact Academy Arts and Technology AP Environmental Science 2011-2012 Teacher Contact information: Mrs. Hobson Room 22 cell phone: 248-835-4147 I have office hours in room 22 after school from 4:00-5:00pm Thursdays, at lunch any day of the week or by appointment. Please contact me if you need any help in this class. Do NOT get behind. Overview of the course: AP Environmental Science will be a rigorous, project based, college level course that will cover a semester of introductory science credit in most universities. It is an interdisciplinary course which involves field ecology, biology, ocean and atmospheric sciences, climatology, chemistry, geology, physics, toxicology, geography, economics, politics and ethics. Students will be expected to complete several lab write ups, and participate in several hands field experiments exhibiting their understanding of scientific experimental design within the context of 6 major project topics: Eco Footprint, Food Systems, Eco Writers, Oceans in Action, Earth 2042 and Global Energy Summit. All students will be required to take the AP Environmental Science exam in May 2012. The test is composed of two sections. First, a 100 multiple choice questions which students will have 90 minutes to complete and is worth 60% of students’ overall score. The last 40% of the test is scored from 4 Free Response Questions, which students will have an additional 90 minutes to complete. If students are diligent in completing work, and mastering the topics covered in this course there is absolutely no reason they should be unsuccessful on the test. The cost of the test is $86 or $22 for students with financial need. If students have concerns with foreseeable financial difficulties, please contact the Kristin Tucci, in Impact Academy’s school office. Prequisites: Students are required to take a full year of Biology and a full year of Chemistry prior to the course to accommodate the difficulty of the interdisciplinary nature of the course. In addition to meeting academic prerequisites for the course, I believe that the most important prerequisites for this course are interest and motivation. Topics covered: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Ecological Footprint: Investigation into human impacts on the environment, Energy: Investigation of Energy Consumption, non-renewable resources, Food Oceans Biodiversity Hotspots/Ecosystem Services Population Climate Summit Mini-AP Bootcamp Scientific Principles: 1. Students will design, conduct, and refine scientific investigations using the scientific method. Impact Academy Arts and Technology AP Environmental Science 2011-2012 2. 3. 4. Students will learn how to think critically and logically to analyze and interpret experimental data, and revise and reflect on scientific explanations and models using logic and evidence. Students will learn how to communicate and defend scientific arguments, explanations, and procedures through oral, written, and visual means. Students will understand and be able to communicate the larger implications and connections behind their explanations and conclusions. Required Materials (should be purchased at the beginning of the year): 1” 3-Ring Binder: o 1st Period: Red o 2nd Period: Yellow o 3rd Period: Green o 4th Period: Blue Dividers (5) College Ruled Binder Paper #2 Pencils or Lead Pencils with refills Red correcting Pens Mini Stapler (plus staples) Scissors Glue Sticks Colored Pencils or Markers Highlighters Assignment book Evaluation and Grading: Students will be expected to keep their overall grades above an 80%, or they will be required to see me for extra help on Thursdays after school. Quizzes will be given at least twice a week, anytime there is new material presented. If they do not receive above an 80% on all of their quizzes, they will be required to retake the quiz, writing in all the answers. They can retake quizzes before school, at lunch or after school. There will be homework given every night. If there is not a specific assignment students are expected to make a one paragraph summary of their Cornell style notes. Students will keep a careful record of their assignments in the Table of Contents in the Journal portion of their Binder, which will include their learning logs and reflections for the duration of the course. Journal and Homework: 15% Lab reports/Presentations/Assignments: 30% Quizzes and FRQ’s: 15% Exams: 40% Journal/Learning Logs/Reflections (15%): Students will be expected to maintain a well organized Journal section of their binder. This will contain their lecture notes (Cornell style), homework and summary of their notes and daily journal entries which will assess daily learning. The Journal entries may include learning log entries or reflections and will be checked weekly. Impact AP Environmental Science 2011-2012 Academy Arts and Technology Lab reports (30%): Students will be expected to create lab reports that are typed or hand written in ink. They should be in scientific form and will be graded based on their ability to demonstrate the knowledge they have acquired from the labs. Quizzes and FRQ’s (15%): Mini quizzes will be given whenever new material is covered, and weekly quizzes will be given every Friday unless otherwise specified. Students will be expected to keep up to pace with all of the materials covered in class. Released FRQ’s and FRQ’s from past AP exams will be given as preparation for the essay style exam questions on the AP exam. Exams (40%): Exams will be given at the end of every unit. Students are expected to pass all exams with an 80% proficiency. Students who do not demonstrate proficiency may be asked to attend after school tutoring and/or complete extra practice assignments. Late work: If you know that you are not going to be able to complete an assignment by the given due date, you must let me know a head of time. If you do not see me ahead of time, there are no excuses. I do NOT except last homework assignments. Go on the website and print work that you missed, if you are absent. If you turn a project one day late, it is marked 20% off. For a week after that, it is 50% off. If it is more than a week late, I will not accept it. You will receive a 0% on the assignment. Turn in work ON TIME. Attendance and Tardies: All absences and tardies will be logged through powerschool and make up days will be handled through the front office (See Ms. Linda). Students are expected to be here and on time 5 days a week. Missing class can hinder the learning process we are trying to implement. Students are expected to be in their seats when the bell rings. If they are over 5 minutes late, they will not be admitted to class without a pass from another Wilson Prep staff member. Plagarism: Plagarism will not be tolerated. Students should be expected to do their own work. If work is found to be Plagarized, Any students involved receive a zero and will not be given the chance to make up the points. Plagarism is defined as “the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work.” ( This includes copying another students work. If students are caught copying another person’s work, both parties will receive 0’s. Classroom Rules: (Also see Student Handbook) 1.) 2.) Follow directions of all Impact Academy staff at all times. Use Positive Language: No teasing, bullying, profanity or insults. In appropriate name calling will result in immediate consequences. Use appropriate words at appropriate volumes at all times. Impact Academy Arts and Technology 3.) AP Environmental Science 2011-2012 Look professional at all times: No sagging, headwear, sunglasses, hoods, hoodies, short skirts, low tops…etc. 4.) No cell phones or other electronic devices that are turned on or visible to the teacher are allowed in the classroom. If you have a cell phone, ipod or mp3 player it should be in your backpack and turned OFF during class. ***Students are allowed 1 warning regarding #4, and then these items will be confiscated.** 5.) 6.) 7.) 8.) 9.) Keep Hands, feet, and objects to yourself: No provoking or fighting. Be respectful and responsible at all times. Be proud to take care of your school and other peoples’ property. Please do not write on the tables, litter, chew gum or deface property in any other way. No dice, or other gaming/betting items are allowed in the classroom. These items will be confiscated immediately. Sit in your assigned seat unless you are instructed to move. You must be sitting silently in your seat to be dismissed when the bell rings. Food, candy, and drinks are not allowed in the classroom, with the exception of water and or food for specific learning activities. Student Behavior Expectations: Students are expected to follow the classroom management step process: Step 1: Effectively follow the teacher’s explicit directions with behavioral narration. Step2: If they do not follow explicit instructions the first time, and their behavior is corrected, students are expected to modify their behavior to meet the required expectations. Individual Rule-Breaking Consequences: 1st – Heed warning 2nd- Detention 3rd – Double Detention 4th- Referral Keys to success: 1) Pay attention and follow directions during class while directions are being given. This means putting your eyes on the teacher, and listening silently so that you and other students can hear the directions. Take careful, organized notes while they are being given. 2) Do your assignments for this class during class work time and ask questions if you have any at that time. 3) Complete and turn in all of your class work, homework and labs on time. 4) Be prepared. Come with all the necessary materials to do your work during class. Impact Academy Arts and Technology AP Environmental Science 2011-2012 5) Show up to class. If you miss a class, pick up your missing work in the past assignments pockets at the back of the room. Complete missing work and turn it in. Parent/Guardian Contact form Thank you for attending Saturday School. I would like to keep on hand a hard copy of your information. Please fill out the following form so that I can contact with you information about your child’s progress in my class. Student’s name:_______________________________ Email address: ________________________ Phone number: _______________________ Can you receive text messages? (Y/N) Guardian’s name(s):____________________________________ Relation:__________________________ Day time phone number (where to reach you during school hours):_____________________________ Other phone number and time that you would like to be reached there (if any):________________________ Email address you would like to be contacted at:_______________________________ Any other information that you would like me to know that will help me teach your child science:______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________