Composting on Your Small Farm Jason Faucera Clackamas SWCD Conservationist 503-210-6013 Nick Andrews OSU Small Farms Horticulturist 503-913-9410 Definition of Composting Controlled and efficient transformation of raw organic materials… Definition of Composting into biologically stable, humus-rich substances suitable for growing plants and pose no hazard to health and environment On-Farm Composting Crop & Livestock Waste High Quality Food and Forage Closed Nutrient Cycle Soil Amendment Healthy Soil Healthy Crops Compost topics 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Site selection Composting methods The composting process Compost quality and testing Compost application Site Selection • Operate seasonally or year-round • Volume of materials and space for composting, curing, and storing • Access for feedstock delivery and heavy equipment • Access to move finished compost to fields • Supporting heavy equipment traffic during the rainy season • Depth of the seasonal high water table • Proximity to drinking water wells and septic systems • Site Topography and its distance from surface water, including ditches, wells, and tile drains Soils and Underlying Strata • Characterize your soils: NRCS Web Soil Survey – Fine-textured soils (clay) drain poorly but also can help protect aquifer – Coarse-textured soils: opposite Compost Site Layout & Design: Non-Permanent Structures How Big a Site Do You Need? • Determine Volume of Feedstock and when it will be generated or delivered • How will you move materials and turn your piles? (aisles, edge areas) • Calculate pile or windrow size: – Windrow volume= L x W x H x 2/3 (rounded) – Remember that piles shrink as they compost • Combine piles when possible: reduce surface area Marc Anderson Smoky Hills Farm & O2 Compost Method Cost PFRP Duration Turning frequency Windrow – loader Minimal added investment May not be 6-12 mo consistently met 3-4 times when active & 1-2 times when curing Windrow – turner Specialty equipment Routinely met w/in 15 days 2-6 mo 4-5 times when active & 2-3 times when curing Aerated static pile Engineering & design consultation Routinely met w/in 3 days 2-4 mo Feedstock blended when building piles and moving to curing piles Covers Chakola’s Place & O2 Compost WSU Puyallup Covers? • Pile shape: tall narrow piles with steep sides shed rain • Low risk (WQ) feedstock less likely to generate leachate • Active piles evaporate moisture, curing piles don’t • What time of year are curing piles stored? • Scale matters – large composting sites pose more potential risk • Clean pile edges: many small piles on a site generate lots of leachate Manage Run-off and Leachate • What are Runoff and Leachate? • BOD: Biological Oxygen Demand of organics • When is compost safe? • Nitrate, pathogens other nutrients • What to do with leachate? Composting Process Feedstock nutrient & pathogen influence WQdifferent risk Water content quality risk of Relative risk to water quality feedstock. Ground wood, bark, fallenof deciduous leaves, woody yard Low Examples low and high risk feedstock? debris Leafy yard debris, horse manure & wood shavings, separated dairy solids, vegetative crop and pack-house waste Medium Mixed food waste, bedding and manure, concentrated manure, livestock mortalities & slaughterhouse waste High Well built piles heat up and decompose quickly, reducing water quality risk • C/N: WSU compost mix calculator • Moisture content: hand squeeze test and oven drying • Porosity and aeration The Stages Of Composting • Composting proceeds in a predictable pattern that changes as the microbes and food transform from a fresh to a finished product • Each stage is approached differently to optimize the composting process. Composting process Waste Preprocessing Active Composting Curing Four Key Stages of Composting Post Processing Compost Composting Stages And Phases Active Stage • Mesophilic phase, thermophilic phases, • Decomposition of easily degradable material • High temperatures are important for pathogen, weed seed kill Curing Stage • Mesophilic and psychrophilic phases • Formation of new long chain compounds called humification Moisture • Most microbial activity takes place in thin film of water on surfaces of organic particles. • Moisture content too low: poor bacterial activity • Moisture content too high: anaerobic zones and odor, nutrient leaching, slower decomposition • Ideal: 45 - 60% - “wrung-out sponge” • Typically controlled by adding bulking agents or liquid Bulk Density • Relation between Mass / Volume • Units: kg/m3, lbs/yd3 (conversion factor: approx. 1.7) • • • • biosolids 1000 kg/m3 (1,700 lbs/yd3) sawdust 250 kg/m3 (425 lbs/yd3) cattle manure 850 kg/m3 (1445 lbs/yd3) mixed yard waste 400 kg/m3 (680 lbs/yd3) • Correlated with • Moisture content (wet weight) • Porosity • Particle size and distribution • Important for • Calculation of capacities (storage, etc.) • Handling / transporting • Indicator of porosity Feedstock ‘Food’ Quality Carbon / Nitrogen ratio (C/N ratio) Too high (> 35): composting process slows, N is tied up Too low (< 15): N loss (ammonia release) Ideal starting range for composting: 25 to 35 Depends also on degradability and accessibility of compounds CCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCC N WSU Compost Calculator Scroll down Feedstock “typical” C/N ratio table Calculates compost Mixtures: Composting Microorganisms Factor Bacteria Fungi Carbon/Nitrogen favor nitrogen favor carbon Water high moisture low moisture Oxygen survive low O2 need > 6% O2 up to 75°C (167°F) up to 60°C (140°F) slow at < 5 ok at < 5 faster reproduction slower reproduction Temperature pH Time Composting Parameters • Oxygen • Required for aerobic organisms • Air in pores is in competition with moisture • Particle size, porosity and bulk density affects oxygen in compost • Moisture • Water is required for biological activity • Temperature • Temperature increases to a peak, then begins to decrease during composting • Chemical Feedstock Properties • Nitrogen and carbon, C/N ratio • Biodegradability • pH Moisture and Oxygen Gas transport is faster in pores containing air than in pores containing water Microbial Growth and Temperature Optimum Temperature Maximum Temperature Minimum Temperature 0 10 20 30 40 0 50 68 86 104 50 122 60 70 80 140 158 176 Temperature ºC ºF Temperature • Heat is produced from microbial action • If temperature low: decomposition will be slow • If temperature high (> 70oC, [158oF]): some beneficial microbes will die resulting in reduced diversity • Temperature needs to above 55oC (131oF) for part of the time to destroy potential human and plant pathogens Compost quality • • • • • • • • Maturity and stability goals Nutrients Testing compost at commercial labs Transformations during composting Stability testing Compost suppression of soil borne disease Long-term impact of compost on soil N Case study: on-farm compost analyses Compost maturity and stability Maturity • Fitness for a specified use • No quantitative definition Stability • Defined as “resistance to decomposition” • Faster decomposition, lower stability Problems with unstable compost • • • • Odors Volume shrinkage Nitrogen “tie-up” or “immobilization” in soil Pathogens? Compost quality for different end uses Field application Moderate stability/maturity Low to moderate C:N (want available N) not too much woody stuff Mulch high C:N ok, chunks ok Potting mix more stable the better typical = add 25 % compost by volume (dilute with peat, perlite/pumice) avoid high salt (EC), high ammonia (pH > 8) Yard waste composted 1-week to kill weed seeds. A hot mulch for rhubarb. Nutrients in compost • Feedstock controls nutrients in final compost • Salts accumulate during composting • Organic matter is lost as CO2 during composting • Nitrogen is lost as ammonia gas during composting • So, if you want high nutrient compost, choose high nutrient feedstocks, – or screen out the woody stuff after curing When sufficient records exist, can estimate “adjustment to soil N mineralization” using the “decay series approach Year 1 =available N 2 + 3 + + 4 + + + 5 + + + + Courtesy Dan Sullivan N mineralization from compost PNW composts suppress seedling damping off disease Scheuerell et al., 2005. Phytopathology 95:306 Test: grew vegetable seedlings in pathogen infested media: compost + peat moss + perlite/pumice Found: 65% of the compost samples suppressed P. irregulare and P. ultimum damping-off of cucumber 17% suppressed damping-off of cabbage caused by R. solani. Solvita test Calibration: “top of your head” factors • One cubic yard = 1inch depth on 324 square feet • One inch depth = approx 140 cubic yards per acre = 70 wet ton/acre = 35 dry ton/acre • lb per square foot x 21.78 = ton/acre Calibration: “top of your head” factors Compost analysis: % nutrient x 20 = lb nutrient/ton ppm nutrient x 0.002 = lb nutrient/ton 1% = 10,000 ppm % solids (dry matter) + % moisture = 100% Calibration: “top of your head” factors One inch application depth (35 dry ton/ac) with 1% nutrient (20 lb nutrient/ton) in dry compost: = 700 lb nutrient per acre Plant available N (PAN) A inch depth of compost with 2% total nitrogen = approx 1400 lb total N/acre x 10% PAN = 140 lb PAN per acre = 3 lb N/thousand ft2 Balance between nutrient inputs and plant needs Plant available N (PAN) A inch depth of compost with 2% total nitrogen = approx 1400 lb total N/acre x 10% PAN = 140 lb PAN per acre = 3 lb N/thousand ft2 If compost also contains 1% P and 1% K, = 1400 lb P and K per acre = 3200 lb/ac P2O5 = 1600 lb/ac K2O Plant uptake ratio: 1N: 0.1P, 1K