Lesson 1: Introduction to Latin America - Bi

Teaching Unit Project
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction and Rational……………………………………………………………………………………… pg. 2
Section 2: Contextual Factors………………………………………………………………………………………………… pg. 3
Section 3: Assessment Plan……………………………………………………………………………………………………… pg. 5
Section 4: Unit Plan Overview & Calendar……………………………………………………………………………… pg. 8
Section 5: Lesson Plans …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… pg. 10
Lesson 1: Introduction to Latin America
Mapping /Label Map/Study Map…………………………………………………………………. pgs. 10
Lesson 2: Physical Geography of Latin America
Manipulatives / Classification of the different Climates
and Vegetation/ Complete the chapter review at the end
of the Chapter on pg 214 questions ……………………………………………………………… pg. 14
Lesson 3: Examine the Blending of Cultures of Latin America
Make a cluster Chart/Charting/ Use the critical
thinking portion of chapter 10 assessment on pg 243
in the text……………………………………………………………………………………………………… pg. 17
Lesson 4: Analyze the Current Issues facing Latin America coming into the 21st Century
Sketch Map /Mapping/ Section 2 Assessment, #1-4 Pg 251……………………………. pg. 20
Section 6: Assessment
Lesson 5/6: Test Day …………………………………………………………………………………………………… pg. 25
Unit Test………………………………………………………………………………………………………… pg. 28
Answer Key………………………………………….……………………………………………………….. pg.32
Introduction and Rational:
The overall unit that I chose to work on was based on World
Geography Unit entitled Latin America. I chose this unit mainly out of curiosity of
the Latin American culture and to explore a little bit more about my heritage.
Some of the more interesting strategies I used in this lesson were a Before,
During, and After reading strategy along with Mat Sketching. The final assessment
I used was a test that encompassed five sections of; multiple choice, labeling,
short answers and essay. I chose this style of assessment based on the different
higher learning questions I could ask. I also layered the questions to in a
“sandwich” fashion (moderate, easy, hard, and critical), this was to build
confidence through the test.
Contextual Factors Piece:
My spring Practicum placement is with Mr. Tim Morris of Riverbend Middle School in
Fulton, IL. Fulton is a rural community with a deep Dutch heritage; the community is roughly
3,800 people and sits along the Mississippi River. Fulton community School District #2 consists
of three schools: Fulton Elementary (K-6), Riverbend Middle School (6-8), and Fulton High
School (9-12). Fulton also has a small private school as well, Fulton Unity which has its own
elementary (Pre-K-6) and high school (7-12).
Mr. Morris’ class averages about twenty students per class that I attend. Most of the
students that I have observed have an average-middle class socio-economical background.
Most families in Fulton have one or two parents that work in the Quad-Cities or in Cordova at
Exelon or 3M. Some of the students that I have observed that are most likely live with low to
medium income families do seem to struggle more with learning and staying attentive in class.
They seem to defiantly concentrate on something other than their assignments.
The students in Mr. Morris’ class are very polite and sociable. The first days were very
welcoming and warming. As days have grown into weeks that I have been there I have noticed
a hint of complacency with the kids now that they have become comfortable with me in the
classroom and they are showing who they are. They love to joke around and learn at the same
time. Mr. Morris has a established good class relationships among the students in each class.
Meaning that each class works together to compete against the other class for a particular prize
at the end of the semester, I believe it has to do with eliminating parts of the final test at the
end of the year.
The there are different learning abilities in Mr. Morris’ class I have noticed that there are
just a few students with learning disabilities in the first class that observe, because they have an
aid in that class that comes in during their class, however there is not an aid in the second class
which leads me to believe that there are no students with disabilities in his second class. A lot
of the students in Mr. Morris’ class tend to be more hands on learners or kinesthetic learners.
Some of the other students are more Interpersonal learners.
As I proceed to teaching lessons I have to be aware that even though most households
have access to the Internet not all do. I have to be accommodating to this reality. I have noticed
that Mr. Morris always brings up alternative ways for the students to get the information they
need without using the Internet at home. As students have access to it at the school he reminds
them daily to have assignments and notes printed off in the computer lab. His online notes
provide students with more detailed instruction than most of their textbooks. Students also
have the ability to opt for just reading out of the textbook if they forget to get notes from the
internet. Though Mr. Morris reminds them it is more beneficial to look at the online notes.
My lessons that I plan will have to cover a wide range of learning abilities as well as
accommodate students not only with learning disabilities but students that may not have as
many resources at home to help them along with assignments. I do look forward to the
challenge of teaching in a small community that has so many diverse learners. I will have to
think and plan in a different way at the same time integrate the things I know.
Assessment Plan for Latin America Unit
World Geography/9th
Jamie A. Rodriguez
Curricular Goals (National, 21st Century)
National Standards:
1. Understand the use of geographic tools to locate and analyze information about people, places,
and environments.
2. Understand how physical and human processes shape the Earth's surface and major
3. Understand how human factors and the distribution of resources affect the development of
society and the movement of populations.
District Benchmarks:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the development and growth of society.
2. Demonstrate an understanding of human interactions with geography.
21st Century Standards:
1. Communicate and work productively with others, incorporating different perspectives and cross
cultural understanding, to increase innovation and the quality of work.
2. Demonstrate leadership skills, integrity, ethical behaviour, and social responsibility while
collaborating to achieve common goals.
Unit Goals & Objectives:
Students will be able to locate and identify the various regions of Latin America.
Students will understand the origins from which the Latin American cultures derive from.
Students will be able to compare and contrast the different ethnicities of Latin America.
Students will be able to identify key concepts dealing with current issues of Latin America’s
divers land.
The Latin American Unit fits into the overall scope of the class by exploring the physical as well as the
social geography of Central and South America. It also examines the current issues that face Latin
America as it progresses into the 21st century. As the third unit in this book it follows the flow of
consistence as the book starts with the basic knowledge of the geographical world, the United States
and Canada, progresses south then eastward towards Europe and Africa.
Lesson 1: The first lesson will be mostly note taking and map reviewing. As a diagnostic assessment of
the lesson students will work on mapping out Latin America that they will use as a study guided for their
unit test.
Essential Question: How are the Andes Mountains in South America Similar in location to the Rocky
Mountains of the United States?
Rationale: I choose this form of assessment to provide the students with the overview of the unit and
understand the understand the Physical and Human Geography and identify and related to current
issues of Latin America. I will use this as a spring board into the next lesson by making a connection
between the various landforms and the carious climates.
Lesson 2: After taking notes and discussing different land formations and discussing the natural
resources of the land, students will make their vertical climate zones. As a formative assessment
students will complete the chapter review at the end of the Chapter on pg 214.
Essential Question: How might the climate and the vegetation of Latin America have affected migration
settlement and ways of life?
Rationale: This assessment provides a basic checkpoint of the unit. It Recognize landforms and
resources and identifies the climate and vegetation of Latin America. This assessment will prepare
students for the next lesson by prompting them to see the differences among the different countries.
Lesson 3: Using a Venn Diagram students will compare and contrast Mexican and Brazilian Cultures. As a
formative assessment students will use the critical thinking portion of chapter 10 assessment on pg 243
in the text.
Essential Question: Interaction between European powers and the native peoples occurred throughout
the region. What are some of the consequences of this interaction?
Rationale: This assessment would get the students to critically think about not only how the varies
countries in Latin America are the same but how they are different. This will lead to the next lesson that
involves understanding population growth and the effects it has on natural resources.
Lesson 4: As a check point students will discuss issues facing the Rain Forest and debate political,
economic, and social reforms facing the citizens of Latin America. As a Diagnostic assessment students
will make a Sketch Map using aerial images (Google maps). As a formative assessment students will
complete section 2 Assessment, #1-4 Pg 251.
Essential Question: How might the use and development of the region’s resources be connected to the
gap between rich and poor?
Rationale: This lesson provides the students with and understanding of urban sprawl and the political
stability. The assessment provides the student with a final check point before the summative
Lesson 5: Using a unit test for a summative assessment. The test will consist of a map to label, short
answer, multiply choice, and essay questions to evaluate the retention of information of the recent
Essential Question: How did colonialism affect the development of democracy? What are some of the
goals of political reform in the region? What was land reform necessary and what was the purpose?
Rationale: This final summative assessment will be used to evaluate the retention of information of the
recent chapters with a map, short answer, multiply choice, and essay questions. The format of this
assessment will be used to challenge the students to think critically.
Unit Plan Overview & Calendar:
Name: Jamie A. Rodriguez______________________________________________________
Grade Level: _______9th_________________
Overall Goal(s) Standards &
Benchmark Referenced from
Clinton Schools Website
Subject: ______World Geography_ ___
Lesson #1
Date: 1/25/12
Understand the use of geographic
tools to locate and analyze
information about people, places,
and environments.
Understand how physical and
human processes shape the
Earth's surface and major
Understand how human factors
and the distribution of resources
affect the development of society
and the movement of
21st Century Goals:
Communicate and work
productively with others,
incorporating different
perspectives and cross cultural
understanding, to increase
innovation and the quality of
Date: 1/27/12
Chapter 9
Reference to IOWA Core
Iowa Core Curriculum:
Lesson #2
Topic: Introduction to Latin
Topic: Physical Geography of
Latin America
Objective: Overview the unit,
understand the Physical and
Human Geography and identify
and related to current issues of
Latin America
Objective: Recognize landforms
and resources, identify climate
and Vegetation, and explain
Materials/Resources: Maps of
Central and South America,
SmartBoard, graphic organizer of
Latin America, students will need
pencils and colored pencils
Manipulative of the different
Climates and Vegetations,
SmartBoard, Color pencils,
scissors and glue.
Learning Activities: Label a blank
map of Latin America to use as a
study guide during the unit.
Learning Activities:
Classification of the different
Climates and Vegetation,
Assessment Strategy: review the
study guide map so that the
students have a correct map to
study from.
Assessment Strategy: Complete
the chapter review at the end
of the Chapter on pg 214
Demonstrate leadership skills,
integrity, ethical behavior, and
social responsibility while
collaborating to achieve common
Lesson #3
Lesson # 4
Lesson #5
Date: 1/30/12
Date: 2/1/12
Date: 2/3/12
Topic: Examine the Blending of
Cultures of Latin America
Objective: Compare and contrast
the similarities and differences of
the multiply cultures throughout
Latin America.
Materials/Resources: Maps of
Central and South America,
SmartBoard, Art supplies,
Premade cluster charts, country
of Origins map
Learning Activities: Make a
cluster (flow) chart of the
breakdown of the different
cultures in Latin America
Assessment Strategy: Use the
critical thinking portion of chapter
10 assessment on pg 243 in the
Topic: Analyze the Current Issues
facing Latin America coming into
the 21st Century
Topic: Test Day
Objective: Interpret the key
issues facing the Rain Forest.
Understand the political,
economic, and social reforms
facing the citizens of Latin
Objective: Evaluate the
retention of information of the
recent chapters with a map to
label, short answer, multiply
choice, and essay questions
Materials/Resources: paper for
sketching, examples of past
sketches, art supplies,
SmartBoard, Internet
Materials/Resources: Test
papers, which include a map,
questions, and extra paper for
additional space
Learning Activities: Make a
Sketch Map using aerial images
(Google maps) of the your area,
labeling all essential features:
towns, cities, river, roads, etc
Learning Activities: Taking the
test in the allotted class time
unless accommodations were
made in individual IEP’s
Assessment Strategy: Section 2
Assessment, #1-4 Pg 251
Assessment Strategy: Grading
students test to clarify their
retention of the Unit material.
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Lesson Plans & Assignments:
Lesson 1: Introduction to Latin America / 9th / 75 min.
Iowa Core Curriculum:
Understand the use of geographic tools to locate and analyze information about people, places,
and environments.
21st century Goals:
Communicate and work productively with others, incorporating different perspectives and cross
cultural understanding, to increase innovation and the quality of work.
Strategy: Modeling, Labeling and identifying countries by name
Objectives: SWBAT, understand the Physical and Human Geography and identify and related to
current issues of Latin America
Evaluation: TWC for correctly labeled countries, then return to students to use to study for the
summative assessment. Incorrect labeling will need to be corrected by students and handed
back for teacher’s verification of retention.
Materials: Prezi of Vacation Photos, Maps of Central and South America, SmartBoard, graphic organizer
of Latin America, students will need pencils and colored pencils
Accommodations: Students that need accommodations will have adapted maps to help them
locate countries.
Anticipatory Set: For the Introduction of this unit I will bring in a variety of photos from a family
vacations showing the lives of people in Mexico.
I will show a Prezi of Photos from a family trip to Mexico, depicting the life style that
they live by.
Using the SmartBoard I will show a map of Mexico
I will call up a few students to drag the name of the countries to the proper location of
the country.
As we proceed through the map, students will write down the correct answer on their
study guides of Mexico
Students will also color their maps using their color pencils according to the map on the
When I have ended with Mexico I will move on to South America
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Students will come up and Identify the correct location of each country
Students will color and label their maps as we proceed through the South America
At the end of covering both Mexico and South America students will have the
opportunity to come back to the SmartBoard and put Latin America Together like a
puzzle, with the help of their guides and other students.
I will close with by making the distinctions between what is considered, Mexico, Central,
and South America.
Formative Assessments: review the study guide map so that the students have a correct map to study
Closure: I will make the distinctions between what is considered, Mexico, Central, and South
America. Then I will remind the students that the Maps are to be used on the unit test. Then I
will let them know that we will be working on climate and vegetation next time.
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Mexico and
Central America
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Name:_____________________________Date:_____________ Class:______
©2009 abcteach.com
graphic from abcteach.com
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Lesson 2: Physical Geography of Latin America / 9th/ 75 min.
Iowa Core Curriculum:
Understand how physical and human processes shape the Earth's surface and major
Understand the importance of ecosystems in understanding the environment.
Understand the effects of human and physical changes in ecosystems both locally and globally
21st century Goals:
Collaborate with others to improve family and community health.
Employ the effective communication methods to accurately express health information and
Strategy: Classification of the Vertical Climates and Vegetation, in Latin America
Objectives: SWBAT recognize landforms and resources, identify climate and Vegetation, and explain
Human-Environmental Interaction
Evaluation: TWC for understanding from the Online Unit Quizzes, the Climate Manipulative, and the
Chapter Assessment
Materials: PowerPoint of Chapter 9, Manipulative of the different Climates and Vegetations,
SmartBoard, Color pencils, scissors and glue.
Accommodations: Students needing attention will have select questions from the formative assessment
at the end of the Chapter (1-10e, 11-20o, 1-3 6, 10)
Anticipatory Set: Unit Quiz from Classzone.
7909 This will be used just to peak interest of what we will cover for the day.
I will pull up the Unit quiz from Classzone
Students will write their answers on a separate piece of paper
I will collect their answers from the quiz
We will go over the answers from the quiz
We will go over the PowerPoint of Chapter 9
o Slide 2 Overview of Section 1: Landforms
 Slide 3: Mountains and Highlands
 Slide 4: Plains
 Slide 5: Rivers
 Slide 6: Major Island of the Caribbean
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 Slide 7: Resources of Latin America
o Slide 8 Overview of Section 2: Climate and Vegetation
 Slide 9 A Varied Climate and Vegetation
 Slide 10 Tropical Climate Zone
 Slide 11 Dry Climate Zones
 Slide 12 Mid-Latitude Climate Zones
o Slide 13 Overview of Section 3: Human Environment Interaction
 Slide 14 Agriculture Reshapes the Environment
 Slide 15 Urbanization: The Move to the Cities
 Slide 15 Tourism: Positive and Negative Impacts
I will hand out the Vertical Climate Manipulative
Students will color Manipulative before cutting them out
Students will cut and paste Vertical Climate Zones in order of how they rise to the atmosphere
Students will hand in Manipulative to be graded
Students will start on the chapter review on pg 214
Formative Assessments: Complete the chapter review at the end of the Chapter on pg 214, #1-20, 1-10
Closure: I will hand out Blending of Cultures Venn Diagram for students to start thinking of how the
Latin American cultures blend together.
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Vertical Climate Zones in Latin America
Human Environment Interaction:
1. Which Zones are the most productive for growing crops?
2. What impact might the vertical climate zones have on migration and settlement?
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ _____ _____ __
Tierra Fria
10,000-12,000 feet
Tierra Caliente
2,500-3,000 feet
Tierra Helada
About 15,000 feet
Tierra Templada
6,000- 6,500 feet
Wet Forest
Dry Forest
Cloud Forrest
Forest near mountain peaks with
constant cloud cover
Mountain Tundra
Cacao Pineapple
Sugar Cane
Citrus Fruit
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Lesson 3: Examine the Blending of Cultures of Latin America /9 th Geography/ 75 min
Iowa Core Curriculum: Understand diverse cultural responses to persistent human issues.
Understand the role culture plays in incidences of cooperation and conflict in the present day
21st century Goals: Communicate and work productively with others, incorporating different
perspectives and cross cultural understanding, to increase innovation and the quality of work.
Strategy: Before,During, After Reading Strategies: (B) Pictures, (D)Text Rendering (Sticky
Notes), (A)Venn diagram
Objectives: SWBAT: Compare and contrast the similarities and differences of the multiply
cultures throughout Latin America.
Evaluation: TWC for a basic understanding of the assignment by looking for completed
comparisons between the four areas of Latin America
Materials: Maps of Central and South America, SmartBoard, Art supplies, premade cluster
charts, country of Origins map
Accommodations: give students prompts for pictures, provide students with a list of vocabulary
worlds to look for in text, give students terms to use in the Venn Diagram
Anticipatory Set: Movie Clip from the Movie “Rio”, Ask questions about the Brazilian Culture
Show movie clip of “Rio”, ask questions about the clip and Brazilian Culture
Begin with before reading strategy: instruct students to look at pictures, maps, graphic
organizers, headings and key words to get an understanding of chapter 10
While students are doing the “before strategy” hand out sticky note tabs for students
to use during text rendering
After the students have completed the before strategy progress to reading the text in
the chapter, while applying Text Reading for a during reading strategy…students will
highlight new content words then write the new words in their note books
While the students are reading the text handout copies of the Venn Diagram labeled
“Comparing Mexican and Brazilian Cultures”
Instruct the students how to completed the Venn Diagram
Have the students partner up to work and the Venn Diagram together
When the students have completed and turned in the Venn Diagram show the students
the second clip from the Movie “Rio”
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As the period is closing discus with the students the two clips that were shown and the
content that was read and identify what aspects of the culture may be shared with the
world the 2016 Summer Olympic games as they are hosted in Rio Dejanero
Formative Assessments: Use the critical thinking portion of chapter 10 assessment on pg 243 in
the text
Closure: Show another clip from “Rio” and discus how the Brazilian culture will be represented
at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio.
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Name:___________________________________________ Date:____________ Class:_______________
“Comparing Mexican and Brazilian Cultures”
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Lesson 4: Analyze the Current Issues facing Latin America coming into the 21 st Century / 9th/ 72
Iowa Core Curriculum:
Understand how physical and human processes shape the Earth's surface and major
Understand how human factors and the distribution of resources affect the development of
society and the movement of populations.
21st century Goals:
Demonstrate leadership skills, integrity, ethical behaviour, and social responsibility while
collaborating to achieve common goals.
Strategy: Make a Sketch Map using aerial images (Google maps) of your area, labeling all essential
features: towns, cities, river, roads, etc
Objectives: SWBAT Interpret the key issues facing the Rain Forest. Understand the political, economic,
and social reforms facing the citizens of Latin America.
Evaluation: TWC for distinct features such as Bodies of Water (Rivers/Lakes), Main Roads, Cities/Town,
mountains, and other geographical features
Materials: paper for sketching, examples of past sketches, art supplies, SmartBoard, Internet
Accommodations: Maps with labeled locations will be given to the students needing accommodations
Anticipatory Set: I will show Current and Past satellite images of Latin America
I will compare past and present satellite images of Latin American to the drastic changes due to
urban sprawl
I will walk through a cause and effect chart for the students to write in their notebooks
We will discuss the resources that come from the rain forest and how the land is used
We will talk about the Price of destruction of the rain forest
We will then debate on the solution for saving the rain forest
We will move on to talking about how people can earn a voice of in local government
We will discuss current social reforms in Latin America
I will then break the class into groups and have them work on the case study on pg 252-255. The
students will have 20 minutes to read the case study and pick one of the four projects and then
present their material to the class.
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While the students work on the case study I will hand out the Satellite images of four distinct
locations throughout Latin America
o Mexico City, Mexico
o Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
o Buenos Aires, Argentina
o Bogota, Colombia
After the Presentations I will walk through how to do the Map Sketches by showing examples of
past sketches.
To Make the Sketch:
o Make a 4x4 Area Graph on the Google map
o Make a 4x4 Area Graph on your blank paper
o Use the sections of each graph to locate and place landmarks on your sketch
o Work with 1 section at a time to finish your Sketch
Students will have the rest of the period to work on the sketches, unfinished sketches will be
assigned for home work and will be due the next class period
I will remind the students that the test will be taken next class period
Formative Assessments: Case study on page 252-255
Closure: As we wrap the unit up I will hand out study guide for the students to use for the end of the
unit assessment
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Images for Sketches
Mexico City, Mexico
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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Bogota, Colombia
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Section 5: Assessment
Lesson 5/6: Test Day
Test Day / 9th / 60 min.
Iowa Core Curriculum:
Understand the use of geographic tools to locate and analyze information about people, places,
and environments.
Understand how physical and human processes shape the Earth's surface and major
Understand how human factors and the distribution of resources affect the development of
society and the movement of populations.
21st century Goals:
Communicate and work productively with others, incorporating different perspectives and cross
cultural understanding, to increase innovation and the quality of work.
Demonstrate leadership skills, integrity, ethical behavior, and social responsibility while
collaborating to achieve common goals.
Strategy: TWC the retention of information of the recent chapters with a map to label, short answer,
multiply choice, and essay questions
Objectives: SWBAT answer test questions within the class period. Students with IEP’s will be given
additional time.
Evaluation: Teacher will grade test based on a maximum score of 90 pts. and will give letter grades
based on percentages.
Materials: Test papers, which include a map, questions, and extra paper for additional space
Accommodations: Taking the test in the allotted class time unless accommodations were made in
individual IEP’s
Anticipatory Set: I will just ask the students if they have any questions be for the test is distributed
I will ask for any extra questions the students may have before the test is distributed
I will tell the students to clear their desk off for the test
I will distribute test
I will explain each section
o Section one is Matching
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o Section two is Multiple choice
o Section three is labeling
o Section four is short answers
o Section five is one Essay
I will let the students start the test
I will walk around while students work on the test
I will have students hand in tests at my desk upside down
When students finish test they will be asked to read silently until the class is dismissed
Formative Assessments: Grading students test to clarify their retention of the Unit material
Closure: When students finish test they will be asked to read silently until the class is dismissed
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Unit Test:
Unit 3 Test: Latin America
Section 1: Matching
1. ____ This river is the second longest in the world.
2. ____This technique is used by Natives to clear trees, brush and grass
from Fields.
3. ____This Latin American city will host the 2016 Summer Olympics.
4. ____Portugal gained control over the land that became Brazil through
what Treaty.
5. ____This Brazilian dance has influences from Africa.
6. ____Term that means military dictator or political boss.
7. ____ Hernando Cortes conquered the indigenous group.
8. ____This type of factory brings people to cities.
9. ____Ancient technique for growing crops on hillsides.
10. ____People of mixed Spanish and Native American heritage.
a. Amazon
b. Samba
c. Caudillo
d. Tordesillas
e. Slash and Burn
f. Mesitzo
g. Aztecs
h. Rio
i. Pull Factors
j. Terraced
Section 2: Multiple Choice
1. Savannas with flat terrain and moderate rainfall that make them suitable for farming?
a. Llanos
b. Pampas
c. Cerrado
d. Rain Forest
2. The Tierra Templada is the top of the wet forest, which is its elevation?
a. 2,500 ft
b. 6,000 ft
c. 11,000 ft
d. 15, 000 ft
3. What is Mexico’s most exported resource?
a. Oil
b. Clothes
c. Rice
d. Aguave
4. What is a positive advantage to tourism in Mexico and the Caribbean?
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a. Cruises
b. Hotel and Resorts
c. Seasonal tourist
d. Site Seeing
5. What country didn’t have a cultural influence in the Caribbean?
a. Spain
b. Denmark
c. Germany
d. France
6. In what Latin American country did Reggae come from?
a. Cuba
b. Puerto Rico
c. Chile
d. Jamaica
7. Which is not a challenge facing education in South America?
a. Literacy
b. Higher Education
c. Public Education
d. Increase of published material
8. Which animal did Marc van Roosmalen discover in the Amazon?
a. Python
b. Cougar
c. Sloth
d. Pygmy
9. Who would benefit from the land reforms of Latin America?
a. Peasant Farmers
b. Retired Military
c. Wealthy Elite
d. Urban Settlers
10. Which term represents the negative impact of colonialism on the politics of the region?
a. Global Warming
b. Oligarchy
c. Land Reform
d. Junta
Section 3: Labeling (1pt each)
See attached papers for Mexico, South and Central America.
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Section 4: Short Answers
1. The Orinoco River drains in to ____________ and ____________.
2. The ________________._______________, and ________________are the three major
Island groups of the Caribbean Islands?
3. Highland climate zones are found in ______________ and _________________.
4. _____________________ is an ancient Aztec city?
5. Haiti achieved independence from_____________ in 1804.
6. Calypso is a musical blend between____________________, __________________, and
7. The Incas were the ancient civilization in _________________.
8. ____________ is the colorful feast in Brazil.
9. ____________ and __________ are primary trees in the Amazon Rain Forest.
10. ___________martial art and dance that developed in Brazil.
Section 5: Essay
1. If you were a government official in the region, how might you try to balance competing
demands on the rain forest resources?
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Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Mexico and
Central America
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Answer Key:
Unit 3 Test: Latin America
Section 1: Matching (2pts each)
11. Amazon
12. Slash and Burn
13. Rio
14. Tordesillas
15. Samba
16. Caudillo
17. Aztecs
18. Pull Factors
19. Terraced Farming
20. Mesitzo
Section 2: Multiple Choice (2pts each)
11. Cerrado
12. 6,000 ft
13. Oil
14. Cruises
15. Germany
16. Jamaica
17. Higher Education
18. Pygmy
19. Peasant Farmers
20. Global Warming
Section 3: Labeling (1pt each)
See attached papers for Mexico, South and Central America.
Section 4: Short Answers (2pts each)
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11. Venezuela and Colombia
12. The Bahamas, the Greater Antilles, and the Lesser Antilles
13. Mexico and South America
14. Tenochtitlan
15. France
16. Africa, Spain and the Caribbean
17. Peru
18. Carnival
19. Mahogany and Cedar
20. Capoeira
Section 5: Essay (10pts.)
2. If you were a government official in the region, how might you try to balance competing
demands on the rain forest resources?
a. Answers may vary but should have noted some of these main points
i. Land Reforms
ii. Slash and burn
iii. Democracy
iv. Urban sprawl
v. Pollution
vi. Deforestation
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Dominican Republic
Costa Rica
Mexico and
Central America
El Salvador
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