Early Years Learning log autumn 2011

Learning Log
Early Years
Autumn 2011
Our Learning Skills
Look with your eyes.
Think with your
Listen with your
Keep still.
Keep quiet.
Language, Literacy and Communication
CDAP Initial Assessment
Read Write Inc.
Fairy Tales/Autumn
time/Christmas/Farmyard stories
Pre reading activities (odd one out etc)
Recognising own names
Reading signage/ captions in environment
Yellow Door activities
CDAP Initial Assessment
Read Write Inc.
Letter patterns/ formation/emergent
Taking orders in ‘Builder’s Yard’ shop
Dictating/writing sentences for their
Speaking and Listening
CDAP Initial Assessment
The Sunshine Book (show and tell)
Circle time – describing characters and
Role play areas
Time to Talk (n)
Dramatising stories
Listening to a selection of audio books
Story language-Once upon a time/predicting
endings (Yellow Door)
Personal, Social, Well Being and
Cultural Diversity
SEAL (New beginnings)
New school environment/routines
New starters (transition from home
to school)
Developing independence
New school/class rules
Time to Talk (n)
The Sunshine Book (show and tell)
Seasonal changes
Caring for the environment
Show care and respect for others
Fundraising activities within the
Contacting our partner school in
Personal hygiene – toothbrush bus
Moral situations in stories, the big
bad wolf, the three pigs etc
ICT Nursery : Use simple computer programmes through a range of access devices
Follow simple instructions
Sequence upto 4 key pictures/words/symbols to communicate their developing
knowledge of ICT.
Use ICT Tto express their ideas and feelings.
Mathematical Development
CDAP Initial Assessment
Number Rhymes to 5
Numbers to 5 (collaging, playdoh, sand)
Sorting (type, colour etc)
Measure, weight (lightest to heaviest)
Handling and using money in role play are/shops in square mile
Counting to 10 with cups and money (forwards and backwards)
Writing numbers to 10
Positional language, over under through etc
Sorting/Matching objects into groups of shape and size
Measure, little, medium, big, huge
Calculating – vocabulary of addition
2d Shape (identifying similarities and matching)
Outdoor Learning/The Square Mile/Forest School
Nature walks
Trip to Aberdare Country Park
Gardening activities to be ongoing
Feeding the birds throughout the Autumn/Wintertime
Harvest Service in Church
Christmas concert/Trip
Local shops to buy produce for cooking
Looking at local houses for materials.
Forest Schools/’Inside, Outside’ Esis folder
Knowledge and Understanding of
the World Development
Places and People
Visit Aberdare Country Park to observe
seasonal changes
Visit a farmyard and find out what
animals live there, what materials are
used to build a barn, sheep pen, pig sty,
dog kennel, hen house etc.
Identifying a farmer by his
Draw a simple map of a farmyard
Using a Beebot to follow a simple route
around a farm (in a role play situation)
Time and People
Familiarise children with daily routine,
Sequence events/stories, such as daily
Compare new to old houses in the square
Home/School task, ‘All about me’ booklet
Myself and Living/non living
Create the three pigs houses and test
the strength of the houses with a fan or
a hair dryer.
Discuss how bricks are made, and create
our own bricks from clay.
Look at bricks in the environment, are
they all the same colour?, can you see
patterns in the brickwork
Identifying and caring for farmyard
Creative Development
Art, Craft and Design
Mixing primary colours to create
Autumnal colours
Observational drawings of trees
in Autumn
Collage work depicting the story
’The three pigs’
Christmas craft
Create and construct three pigs
Physical Development
CDAP Initial Assessment
Gross motor Skills
Large outdoor equipment such as bikes, scooters, climbing frame,
obstacle course
Play to Learn
Dance stimulus – The three little pigs/ farm animals
Action songs to move their bodies
Fine Motor Skills
Mark making
Developing scissor skills/threading skills/pencil skills/manipulative
Harvest/Christmas songs
Out of the Ark ‘The three little
pigs’ songs
Create different sound effects
to represent story.
Creative Movement
Using untuned percussion to
create sound effects to
accompany story ‘The three little
Eco Schools/Healthy Schools
Contacting link school in Uganda
Healthy Eating (fruit and veg)
Welsh Language Development
Welsh songs
Bant a ni
Welsh in environment
Exploring the square mile/Visiting Aberdare
Country Park
Ngfl-cymru, y fferm
Tedi Twt
Religious Education
Harvest story
Christmas story
Welsh Language Development
Outcome 2
Respond to simple instructions and questions
verbally and non verbally.
Use simple words and answer phrases.
Join in with action songs and rhymes.
Outcome 2
Look at and talk about Welsh books
Outcome 2
Pretend to write Welsh words
Outcome 3
Respond to simple instructions and questions
verbally and non verbally.
Include Welsh words in play situations.
Repeat, memorise songs and rhymes
Outcome 2
Look at and talk about Welsh books
Outcome 2
Pretend to write Welsh words
Basic skills
Outcome 1
I can use simple computer programs through a range of input devices.
I can make connections between the input device and the effect on screen
I understand that ICT devices can be switched off
I show an interest in TV, videos, CDs, cameras and computers and handle them
Outcome 2
I am beginning to choose equipment and software for familiar activities
I have developed my gross and fine motor skills through the use of varied tools,
including ICT
I can follow simple instructions when using ICT
Outcome 3
I can play a track from a cd/talking book
Outcome 1
I have experienced information presented through sound and pictures
I have experienced a range of stimuli and show enjoyment when talking about pictures,
words and sounds
I can use my preferred hand and make marks using appropriate software
Outcome 2
I can listen carefully to a variety of visual and audio-visual stimuli
I can use ICT to express my ideas and feelings
I can sequence up to four key pictures/words/symbols using ICT
Outcome 1
I can use ICT toys in role play
Outcome 2
I can make simple predictions based on my experiences of ICT
I can load a familiar resource and make choices
Internet and Email
Outcome 1
I have been introduced to the use of the internet
Outcome 2
I can ask an adult to help me access a website
Outcome 3
I understand that information comes from various sources including the internet
Physical Development.
Develop an awareness of space around them.
Talks about being out of puff.
Enjoys using equipment such as mobile phones in role play.
With prompts and with support can move small equipment.
Move in different ways by running, stepping, sliding, rolling, and
Listen to instructions, start, stop on command.
Join in familiar my lead type activities.
Play with a friend.
Build a tower of 6 blocks.
Play safely with a friend.
Negotiate large obstacles.
Recognise and begin to use equipment in their environment.
Catch a large ball thrown by an adult.
Begin to be aware that games have rules and will take turns with
Tries to sustain exercise for short periods of time.
When questioned can talk about breathing and feeling warmer during
Moves and plays with some support and is becoming aware of space.
Uses a variety of movements with increasing control and less support.
Jump down and land safely from low objects onto 2 feet.
Begin to perform basic creative movements.
Build a tower of 9-10 blocks.
Follow a simple trail.
Walk in different directions.
Join in group games or activities.
Pupils begin to perform basic physical skills.
Climb over obstacles.
Catch a large ball independently.
Take turns and starts to follow rules with support.
Get changed with support.
Start to use basic actions – travel, balance, stillness.
Follow a trail with support.
Walk forwards/backwards.
Send and receive an object with a partner.
Throw and catch a large ball independently.
Religious Education.
To communicate with encouragement their feelings
and experiences.
To show knowledge of daily routines.
To think about classroom rules.
To answer questions about their feelings and
To follow classroom rules.
To communicate their knowledge of religious
To think about school rules.
To become increasingly aware of and sensitive to
the needs of others.
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
People and Places
Outcome 1
To talk about their home
To follow simple routes in role play situation
To name different types of transport
Outcome 2
To talk about their homes using appropariate vocabulary
To follow simpleroutes in familiar envionments
Outcome 3
To sequence a route or journey using photographs.
To draw simple maps
Create small world scenarios
To identify some workers by their characteristics
Time and People
Outcome 1
To sequence events that children are familiar with over a short period
of time, daily routine.
To listen with enjoyment to stories from differernt periods including
stories from Wales.
To distinguish between old and new objects
Outcome 2
To sequence events and objects that are familiar to children over a
longer period of time
To match activities to certain times/days of the week and show
appreciation of past and present.
To listen and respond to stories from different periods and cultures
including stories from Wales using words relating to the passage of
To distinguish between old and new objects and give reasons why.
Myself and Living/non living things
Outcome 1
Recognise themselves amd familiar people
Explore immediate and familiar environment
Use words, signs or symbols to communicate their
Begin to use basic tools that are provided.
To explore and discover different properties of natural
Outcome 2
Offer own ideas, making connections to own experiences
Confident in finding way in fmiliar surroundings.
Make straightforward choices about materials/equipment to
complete a given task
Handle and use a range of tools and materials safely
To explore and discover natural materials and begin to
describe the differences and similarities
Begin to identify the differences between themselves and
other children.
Uses senses in a variety of ways
Outcome 3
Identify seasonal changes in the environment
Begin to record observations in a range of ways.
Identify changes in natural features and range of materials,
seasonal changes.
Art and Design
Outcome 1
To match primary and secondary colours
Make marks with paint using bodyparts and basic tools
Handle, feel and manipulates malleable materials
Handles different materials for collage
Make marks on a variety of paper using different drawing tools
Outcome 2
Name a wide range of colours
Make marks with a variety of brushes
Use marks, lines and curves expressively
Pull apart and reconstruct basic shapes using malleable materials.
Select, sort, cut tear and join materials.
Outcome 3
Use line to represent objects seen, remembered or imagined.
Experiments with basic tools on malleable materials e.g rolling, cutting,pressure texture
Design and Technology
Outcome 1
Use senses to explore fod, taste, smell, texture and appearance
Begin to be aware of healthy foods, fruit and veg
Be aware of the importance of hand washing before preparing and eating food
With support use a computer programmable toy, Beebot
Understand that materials are joinde together in a number of ways
Begin to explore and enjoy using construction and other materials within their
Outcome 2
Use simple language to describe taste, smell, texture and appearance when exploring food.
Be more aware of healthy food
Be aware of some basic safely practices when using equipment e.g. cutting, using a knife.
Outcome 3
To sort and group healthy and unhealthy food independence
Look at sources of information and resources in the immediate environment (out 1)
Make choices and respond to questions (what, where?) about resources and information
in their immediate and familiar
Enjoy manipulating, investigating and exploring resources in their immediate and familiar
environment. (out 1)
Offer own ideas, sometimes making connections to earlier experiences (out 2)
Begin to use basic tools relying on an adult to instill safety (out 1)
Use basic tools/utensils safely with lessening supervision. (out 2)
Use words to communicate their observations
Use words, signs or symbols to communicate their observations
Outcome 1
To join in with familiar songs
To explore a range ofdiffernet sound sources
To respond creatively toa range of stimuli
Listen to their own and other’s music
Outcome 2
To sing a range of familiar songs
To experiment with making sounds using body and
To respond creatively to a range of stimuli, in performance,
dance or singing.
To imitate and repeat simple sound patterns
To listen to their own music and that of others including
different cultures, periods and genres.
Outcome 3
To sing a variety of simple songs with some control of
To play simple musical instruments and respond to different
To respond creatively to a range of stimuli, in performance,
dance or singing
To play short musical patterns
Dance outcome 3
Repeat and memorise songs and rhymes.
Autumn time picture
diary 2011.
Fun in the sand. We weigh, we measure, we build.
We play in water with bubbles, fish, numbers and letters. Sometimes the
water is warm and some times its cold. We know that different sizes of
containers hold different amounts of water.
We enjoy making music, we make loud and quiet sounds. We
made music for the wolf and the three pigs. We all like to listen
to music.
Painting is fun, we paint our letters and numbers, and we like to
paint pictures.
Lets stay healthy by running, walking, climbing, riding bikes and playing
Healthy foods. We enjoy snack time, eating fruit and drinking milk,
sometimes we make toast.
We really enjoy festivals
Such as…
Harvest time where we ate fresh bread and had a concert.
Halloween. We had a fancy dress disco.
Christmas time. We made Christmas cakes, sang Christmas songs and
had a Christmas concert where we dressed as stars and sheep.
Maths. We have different activities that all involve maths these are
some of them.
Language. We have a range of a activities that support our
language. We are trying to improve our speaking and listening
skills. We also like to write our names and stories and love
exploring new sounds.
We like to describe our emotions and think of other people feelings, we
also like to share and play with our friends.
We like to explore our surroundings, and we often visit the Maerdy
Square Mile. We looked at all the different houses and stone and brick
walls. We compared them to the Three Little Pigs homes.
We also like finding out about our natural surroundings, and how it changes
through the seasons.
We like to make things using natural resources.
We also like to play and work with clay. We like to roll, flatten,
shape and make things out of clay.
Planting our spring bulbs. We hope they grow into beautiful daffodils and
We use ICT in our classroom, we use computers, white board, bee bots,
the CD player and many other things.
We like to improve our cutting and sticking skills.
We like building, especially with Lego.
We enjoy learning about the farm animals in Welsh. We also like the
activities we do where we write the welsh for our favourite farm
animal and read books about ‘Tedi Twt’.