to view the handbook - Decatur Public Schools

2160 W. Center Street
Decatur, IL 62526
(217) 424-3217
Principal, Mrs. Deanne Hillman
3:00 - 3:05
Students may arrive at school and are able to go in to the building.
Please do not have your children on school property before 8:35.
There is no supervision.
Tardy Bell
Lunch periods
Dismissal: Car Riders at 3:00 / Walkers at 3:03 / Bus Riders 3:05
A parent or guardian should notify the school when there is to be a change in their child’s arrival or
dismissal time. Be sure your child has definite arrangements for going home after school if the
regular routine is not being followed. Please make sure your child is aware of these plans before
they come to school in the morning.
A note must be sent if your child is to go home with another driver or if you plan to pick them up
instead of riding the bus. Bus children will ride the bus unless we receive a note or a phone call
stating otherwise.
A request for homework for a sick child should be made in the morning. It can be picked up at the
office at 3:15pm
When you have an emergency or critical need to pick your child up from school during the school
day, you must come to the office to get your child and sign him/her out. We must make sure that
someone known to the child is picking him/her up.
The school has a 24 hour security system.
All visitors must come to the Center Street entrance and buzz for admittance. Before you can visit
a classroom, you must also sign-in at the office and receive a visitor’s badge.
When picking up a student (Grades K-2) from the West Parking Lot, please remember to drive in
and follow the flow of traffic. Do not go opposite the cars that are in line for pick-up. Do not park
in the handicapped spots unless you are displaying a handicapped sticker or license plates. You
are welcome to come and get your child and walk them to your vehicle if you have parked, but
they will not be allowed to cross the parking lot by themselves during dismissal. The staff
members that are watching them will adhere to this.
When picking up a student (Grades 3-6) from the East Side of the building (off Home Park),
remember to park so that other vehicles may get past and that the crosswalk at Home Park and
Center is not blocked. If you have parked on the East side of the street and are facing North, you
are welcome to get your child and walk them to your vehicle, but you will need to use the
crosswalk at Home Park and Center. Students should not be crossing the street by themselves
unless they are in the crosswalk.
Every child needs to be at school every day school is in session. It is also extremely important for
all students to be on time every day. Your child misses valuable instruction when absent or late
for school.
Irregular school attendance is very often a cause for children falling behind in their class work.
Parents are to call the school before 9:30 a.m. when it is necessary for your child to be absent.
School law requires a reasonable effort be made by the school to contact the parents of students
who are absent. The school office will call those homes that have not called in by 9:30 a.m.
Whenever possible, dental and medical appointments are to be made after school hours and on
days when school is not in session.
Parents are discouraged from withdrawing children from school to take them on vacations, visits,
or shopping trips. These are considered unexcused by the Illinois School Code. Please refer to
the district parent handbook for further attendance criteria.
Only buses are to park in the bus lanes during arrival (8:00-9:00am) and dismissal time (2:303:15pm.) Parking in the bus lane may result in a traffic ticket.
Students should remember that the bus drivers have complete authority over them when they are
on the bus. Bus drivers should be treated with respect.
Students who do not normally ride a bus may not ride a bus home with another child.
Students are not to ride a bus other than their assigned bus.
If your child is not to ride a bus home and you have made other arrangements for him/her, we
must have the information in writing or a phone call. If we have not heard from you, your child will
ride the bus home.
Students must stay in their seat while the bus is moving and must keep hands, feet, and objects to
Students will be assigned a seat by the bus driver or the school and must sit in their assigned
Failure to follow these rules may result in suspension from riding the bus.
Riding the bus is a privilege. Actions that threaten the safety of others and cause distractions may
result in immediate extended bus and /or school suspensions. The following actions may be taken:
First Referral
Second Referral
Warning to in-house consequence
Third Referral
3 days off bus
Fourth Referral
5 days off bus
Fifth Referral
10 days off bus
Sixth Referral
Removed from bus for the remainder of the year
NOTE: Any serious misbehavior threatening safety, i.e. fighting on the bus, may result in
immediate and extended removal from the bus. Parents are responsible for getting students
to and from school during bus suspensions.
This policy is designed to provide a positive and safe atmosphere that is free of distractions.
Children that do not adhere to the following guidelines will call home for appropriate clothing.
Pants are to be worn at the waist with no underwear showing (boys and girls). Belts must be worn
to hold pants up if they are too big.
Sagging will not be allowed and may result in disciplinary action.
Shirts and blouses must cover the midriff. Skin may not show between the pants and shirt.
Spaghetti straps and one arm shirts are not permitted.
No inappropriate pictures or messages on clothing are allowed.
Coats, hats, jackets, pajama pants, and sunglasses are not to be worn in the building. Students
may wear a sweater or sweatshirt in class, but the hoods may not be up in the school building.
In any school emergency, parents are notified immediately.
In the event of a crisis, the school has a crisis management plan in place.
The State of Illinois requires parents to provide the working telephone numbers of two responsible
adults to be contacted when parents are not available. You must notify us when your numbers
Every family should have a plan to follow in case an emergency situation arises and you cannot
be reached.
Emergency school closing, due to bad weather or other problems, will be announced over local
radio stations, WAND-TV, and Channel 22. Do not call the school or school district. Listen
carefully for information when storms occur during the school day.
Classroom instruction will not be interrupted by phone calls unless it is an emergency. Delivering
messages to students during class time disrupts the educational process.
Establish procedures with your child for what is to be done if you are not home.
Students should not expect to routinely use the phone to request a parent to bring forgotten
homework, etc.
Please indicate to the teacher in advance if you intend to have your child bring a treat. Keep the
treat and party simple. Wrapped purchased treats are preferred. Homemade treats are not
If a student brings any electronic device to school, it must be kept away from their immediate work
area with the ringer off. Violation will result in the phone being confiscated and kept in the
principal’s office until an adult picks them up.
The school takes no responsibility for finding or replacing any of these type items if they are lost or
Students in 4th—6th grades will be permitted to ride bicycles to school. Students must get a
bicycle permit slip from the office.
Any bicycle that is brought to school should be equipped with a locking system. Bicycles are to be
locked in the bike rack. We are not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged bikes.
Students are to walk their bikes when on school grounds and crosswalks.
Students who violate these rules will lose the privilege of riding their bicycle to school.
Skateboards, roller skates, and scooters are not allowed at school.
Gym shoes are important for the safety of the children. Please have your child wear gym shoes
P.E. excuses for one day may be issued at the discretion of the nurse, based on nurse
assessment and/or parent request.
A doctor’s excuse and/or release is needed for extended periods of time.
Special health problems should be immediately brought to the attention of the nurse.
School and classroom newsletters are sent home on a regular basis to provide information.
Please take the time to review them.
District-wide parent conferences are provided twice per year.
Report cards and midterms are sent home quarterly.
Students who participate in extracurricular activities need parent/guardian permission and must
arrange transportation in advance.
Pick up your child promptly. The building/office regular closing hour is 4:00pm.
After school basketball is available to 5th and 6th grade students. Track is available for 4th, 5th and
6th grade.
The Oak Grove staff strongly believes the educational and behavioral performance of students
take priority over extracurricular activities.
We also believe that these activities promote school involvement, enhance self-esteem, and give
students a sense of direction and responsibility.
It is our goal to provide an atmosphere where students can enjoy extracurricular activities while
learning sportsmanship, good citizenship, and common courtesy.
Students must maintain passing grades to participate.
A student who has refused to serve a detention must refrain from participation in any after-school
extracurricular activity until the detention is served.
Any three unexcused absences from practices or games will result in ineligibility for the remainder
of the school year in that sport.
A student who is sent to the office with a written discipline referral during the time period of the
extracurricular activity will earn permanent ineligibility for the remainder of the season.
Any student involved in extracurricular activities who is involved in a major discipline incident
during the school event will immediately be removed from participating in that event and
suspended for no less than the next event and possibly for the remainder of the season. If
needed, the school administrator will deal with the student.
Only those students who are participating in an activity may attend practice. No siblings or friends
are allowed to wait on school property during a practice or an event.
Students must be in attendance at school on the day of the activity to participate.
Student participation in school activities (parties, field trips, Play Day, etc.) will be decided by the
classroom teacher and/or the administrator. Student behavior and academics will be used to decide
whether or not a student participates. Any decision to not allow a student to participate will be
communicated to a parent/guardian in advance of the activity.
Breakfast and school lunches are served on days when school is in session for a full day.
Free and reduced meals are available for families with limited incomes.
Guidelines and application forms are available in the school office.
Payment can be made on Mondays or first day of the week.
It is best if you send money for the entire week and in the form of a check. You can also pay for a
month at a time.
Payment can be made electronically on the district website.
Neither lunches nor milk may be charged.
The correct amount of money or check should be sealed in an envelope. Checks should be made
payable to Decatur School District #61.
Put child’s name, room number, amount of money enclosed, and mark if it is for milk or lunch.
Prices for the 2014-2015 school year.
Breakfast—Regular $1.00 Reduced .30
Milk and Juice .30
Lunch Regular $1.75 Reduced .40
Sack lunches are permissible. Soda is not allowed in the cafeteria. Children may buy milk or
Decatur Public School District #61
For all students who are struggling after the 1st quarter, a RtI plan should be completed by the
teacher. Teachers are expected to inform parents if there is a possibility that their child may be
retained by February. If the child will be retained, a retention letter must be sent to the parents to
inform them of this decision.
Oak Grove has a set of expectations for behavior. PBIS is good for our students because: it
teaches skills one will need to be successful in life, improve student behavior, promote healthy
relationships, improve your student’s grades and test scores, and give students realistic expectations.
Our school-wide expectations are:
Go Safely
Show Respect
Be Responsible
Teacher Expectations are to: handle minor behavior issues, be consistent with all students,
establish and enforce clear expectations, track all behaviors, have more positive contact with parents,
keep a positive attitude, and promote learning as a lifelong process.
Administrator Expectations are to: process referrals in a timely manner, be consistent with all
students, encourage full participation of all staff, promote quality classroom time for all students, keep
a positive attitude, and promote learning as a lifelong process.
Student Expectations are to: respect the learning environment, respect all members of the learning
community, hold themselves accountable for their actions, follow all expectations, come to class
prepared to learn, and keep a positive attitude.
Parent Expectations are to: encourage your child to attend school, encourage your child to do their
best, talk with your student about their day (“What did you learn today?”), stress the importance of
school to your child, and understand that children will make mistakes and help your child to learn from
those mistakes.
Community Expectations are to: have a high expectation for all students to attend school, volunteer
in the schools, mentor young adolescents, promote learning as a lifelong process, and get involved in
educating students in any way possible no matter how big or small.
Student Vision: At Oak Grove, we are life-long learners that are inspired to achieve success.
The involvement of parents and community members is an essential component of nurturing
students. Every effort to invite and consider parent and community input must be made to ensure the
success of our students.
Parents are their children’s most important teachers. Research tells us that parental involvement
makes a vast difference. When schools welcome families, establish personal relationships among
families and staff, and encourage a partnership to improve student achievement, students do better in
school – and the school improves.
Important information is distributed to parents as students enroll. Teachers review the documents
with students and parents are asked to read and sign off that they received the materials.
Our school is committed to a family-friendly atmosphere. We will work as partners with our families to
help ALL our students achieve. In our efforts to promote powerful parents a Booster Club is being
rejuvenated. Please become involved and make a difference!
Deanne Hillman
Diana Hotwick
Michelle Russell
Jim Brase
Bobby Freeman
Beth Wetzel
Jill Hughes
Melissa Schulz
Cheryl Bingamon
Ashley Ridley
Sandra Sweitzer
Corey Bobbitt
Kelli Murray
Carla Dehority
Carolyn Keizer
Stephene Beller
Rebekah Harrelson
Sarah Bone
Thomas Beller
Marcia Feller
Tammy Schmitt
Abby Steele
Sabrina Barnett
Karyn Webb
Sara Kelly
Jill Keller
Brandy Vanderberg
Ben West
Anthony DiGiacomo
Kari Tucker
Lisa Cyrulik
Lead Secretary
Part-time Secretary
Head Custodian
Night Custodian
First Grade
Second Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade
Sixth Grade
Cross Categorical
Cross Categorical
Social Worker
Instructional Coach
Instructional Technology Coach
Writing Teacher
Library Assistant
APR Assistant
Kindergarten Assistant
First Grade Assistant