Road to Revolution REVIEW

Road to
Common Sense, by Thomas Paine, is most
similar to which of the following?
a. A newspaper article explaining a dispute with
another country
b. A television show that convinces you to
support stopping a war with another country
c. A radio show that discusses recent election
d. A television commercial advertising a new
The Navigation Acts, the Stamp Act, the
Townshend Acts, and the Tea Act could be said to
all be English attempts at controlling colonial
trade. What economic policy is this?
a. Capitalism
b. Socialism
c. Imperialism
d. Mercantilism
Prior to the Revolutionary War, what was the
most common method used to persuade the
British Parliament to change their policies
about taxing products the colonists used daily?
a. Boycotts
b. Embargo
c. Blockade
d. Tar and Feathering
The name Boston Massacre was given to the
events of March 5, 1770, in order to
a. create anti-British sentiment
b. create trouble for the colonists
c. warn of a deadly disease in the city
d. describe the truth about what happened
If Pontiac's rebellion had not occurred, the American
Revolution would have never happened. This statement is
a. probably true because it caused Britain to enact the
Quartering Act
b. probably true because England needed money from the
colonies to pay for the new war against Pontiac.
c. probably false, because Pontiac rebelled against French
Canadian control of the Monongahela River Valley.
d. probably false, because Britain still needed money to
pay for the French and Indian War.
Common Sense, by Thomas Paine, is most similar to
which of the following?
a. A newspaper article explaining a dispute with another
b. A television show that convinces you to support
stopping a war with another country
c. A radio show that discusses recent election results
d. A television commercial advertising a new product
“The Boston Tea Party was ridiculous. Far
from hurting us, the Tea Act would have
actually helped us.” What person might have
said the above statement?
a. Paul Revere
b. A Patriot
c. A Loyalist
d. Thomas Jefferson
A lobsterback knocks on your door, barges in,
and takes over your bedroom. What law
permitted this in the colonies?
a. Sugar Act
b. Intolerable Acts
c. Quartering Act
d. Barracks Act
The purpose of the Olive Branch Petition was to
a. British troops to leave Boston.
b. Parliament to repeal the Stamp Act.
c. King George to make peace with the colonies.
d. Volunteers to join the Continental Army.
Which of these was an EFFECT of the
Townshend Acts?
a. Proclamation of 1763
b. French and Indian War
c. Boycott of British goods
d. Expansion of the British Empire
The French and Indian War led to the American
Revolution because
a. the British raised taxes on the colonists to pay for
the war, causing widespread protest in the colonies.
b. Colonists saw how weak the British army was.
c. the British no longer trusted the colonists because
the colonists had sided with the French.
d. colonists were angry with the British for causing
the war
How did many Loyalists view the Patriots?
a. as brave soldiers
b. as foreign invaders
c. as ungrateful rebels
d. as agreeable neighbors
The Declaration of Independence builds upon the idea
of natural rights first formed during the Enlightenment.
According to the Declaration, such rights may only be
taken away by
a. An elected government
b. A King
c. Any human being
d. No one
If a person asked you to explain exactly why the
Continental Congress was declaring independence, you
would point them to which part(s) of the Declaration of
a. Preamble and Declaration of Natural Rights
b. Preamble and List of Grievances
c. Resolution Declaring Independence
d. Declaration on Natural Rights
That whenever any form of government become
destructive [in protection of rights and responding to the
people], it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it’.
This means that at times, people have the right to:
a. leave the country
b. kill the King/President
c. overthrow their government
d. petition the government
The Declaration of Independence was written to explain
a. Why the colonists thought “taxation without
representation” was unfair
b. What Britain needed to do to win back the loyalty of
the colonists.
c. Why it was time for the colonies to separate from
Great Britain.
d. What other nations could do to help the colonies win
their freedom.
What did the colonists resent MOST about the Stamp
a. They did not believe in any form of taxation.
b. They had no representatives to votes on the tax.
c. People in Great Britain did not have to pay taxes.
d. People in Great Britain were taxed only on property.
Which event led to the Proclamation of 1763?
a. Pontiac’s Rebellion
b. Shay’s Rebellion
c. Bacon’s Rebellion
d. None of the above
Which of these did the colonists consider an act of
a. the Boston Tea Party
b. the Proclamation of 1763
c. the French and Indian War
d. the First Continental Congress
What BEST explains the goal behind the Coercive or
Intolerable Acts?
a. To get more taxes
b. To keep peace
c. To punish Massachusetts for the Tea Party
d. To punish Massachusetts for tar and feathering tax
This man wrote most of the Declaration of
A. John Hancock
B. Patrick Henry
C. Thomas Jefferson
D. George Washington
One effect (result) of the smuggling that the colonists did
writs of assistances
quartering more soldiers
tar and feathering the Sons of Liberty
committees of correspondence
To which of the following events are the two Paul Revere
engravings referring?
Boston Tea Party
Boston Massacre
Proclamation of 1763
French and Indian War
The British try to trick the colonists and hide a tax in
the price of lead, paint, paper, glass, and tea. This
‘indirect’ tax was called the
a. Townshend Act
b. Sugar Act
c. Tea Act
d. Stamp Act