2. What clues indicate that the novel is written in a flashback?

The Revealers
By: Doug Wilhelm
Reading Guide
Aug.-Sept. 2011
4th Block:
August-September 2011
Ch. 1-6
pp. 3-47
Ch. 7-13
pp. 48-99
Ch. 14-18
pp. 100-147
Ch. 19-25
pp. 148-207
DIRECTIONS: Answer questions in complete sentences (or you will not receive full credit).
Chapter 1: “Richie”
1. Define flashback.
2. What clues indicate that the novel is written in a flashback?
3. Describe a situation where you (or someone you) know tried to fit in with a
group of teenagers. How did you (or the person) act? What were the facial
expressions, feelings, and was the situation awkward or uncomfortable?
Chapter 2: “The Man Without Fear”
4. Describe Russell’s experience in sixth grade.
5. Compare and contrast your sixth and seventh grade experiences. What was
the same and what was different between sixth and seventh grade? Write a
minimum of 8 sentences.
6. Identify the metaphor on page 9. Explain the meaning and significance of it.
7. What happens to Russell when he meets Richie for the second time?
8. If you were Russell’s friend what advice would you give to him?
Chapter 3: “Streaming”
9. Why did Russell talk with Elliot?
10. What is Elliot obsessed with? Why do you think he has such an interest in this
11. What does “LAN” stand for?
12. How did most students at Parkland use KidNet?
Chapter 4: “Pop Quiz”
13. Why did Elliot and Russell meet in the library?
14. Summarize Elliot’s history with his peers. Write a minimum of 4 sentences.
15. “Most predators’ brains weren’t very large. If a crowd scattered in all
directions they probably got disorientated.”(Page 26) Make a connection
with the quote above and everyday bullies. What are the similarities
between a predator and a bully?
16. Reflect on Catalina’s first interaction and treatment from Ms. Hogeboom, her
teacher. Write a minimum of 4 sentences.
17. What does Bethany do to Catalina later on that day?
Chapter 5: “Anatosaurs”
18. Define concrete symbol.
19. Define abstract symbol.
20. What is the symbolic meaning of the chapter title?
21. How did Catalina, Elliot, and Russell decide to solve their bully problem?
Chapter 6: “Experiment”
22. In your opinion, what makes someone nerdy?
23. What advice did Mrs. Trainor give Russell?
24. In your opinion, why would someone be the target of a bully?
25. What was Elliot’s theory of why people bully?
26. Do you think Russell made the best choice in confronting Richie?
Explain your reasoning.
Chapter 7: “The Weird Girl”
27. Who bullied Catalina?
28. “We could observe her in her natural habitat.” (Page 50) Interpret what you
think Elliot meant by this quote. Connect it to their Scientific Investigation.
29. How did Catalina react to the note that Bethany wrote about her? How
would you react if Bethany had written a nasty note to you?
Chapter 8: “Bird Boy”
Who are the three Jock Rots?
How was Elliot’s reaction to the Jock Rots different in this chapter?
What happened to Elliot (BE SPECIFIC)?
Explain how Big Chris changed at the end of this chapter.
Chapter 9 “Vulcanizing”
Who was at the emergency room to support Elliot?
Tell why Catalina was upset in the emergency room.
“We’re not going to get people to change anyway, so why don’t we just let
it go.” (Page 65) What does it take for people to truly change? How would
you respond to this if Russell was speaking to you?
At dinner, what did Mrs. Trainor tell them to do differently as Scientific
What was Mrs. Trainor’s theory of why Bethany bullied Catalina?
Chapter 10 “Rose”
39. Why did Catalina choose to write her story?
Chapter 11 “System Server”
40. How does Mr. Dallas feel about KidNet?
41. “If it was grownups who did that, they’d be in jail.” (Page 81) Analyze the
significance of this quote.
Chapter 12 “Social Studies”
Explain the discussion between Jake Messner and Allison Kukovna regarding
Anne Frank.
Give a description of Turner White’s physical appearance.
Analyze Turner White’s theory of why the Holocaust occurred.
What happens to Catalina at the end of this chapter? Explain why or why
not this surprised you.
Chapter 13 “Radio Free Geekowitz”
46. Russell said of Anne Frank, “…. if she had only had the internet then maybe
things would have been different. ‘Cause people would have heard her
story right away.” (Page 91) Do you agree with Russell’s reasoning? Explain
your response.
47. In Elliot’s email he wrote that even bystanders are responsible for bullying.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain your answer.
48. What does Richie Tucker do for Russell?
Explain why or why not this surprised you.
Chapter 14 “Hey Guys”
49. Discuss the Internet’s role in bullying…. Pro’s, con’s positive, negative, and
neutralizing language and situations.
50. What title do Elliot, Catalina, and Russell come up with for their publication?
51. What word did the group avoid using in their first official publication? Why
do you think they did this?
Chapter 15 “Forever Yours”
What is an underground newspaper?
Ms. Hogeboom stated that cruelty and violence are a part of growing up.
Analyze the validity of her opinion.
Who or what has authority over you in your life?
Summarize what happened at the movies.
Why was Catalina upset on the ride home?
What advice did Mrs. Trainor give Catalina?
Chapter 16 “Trouble Center”
57. Why was Catalina excited at school the next day?
58. Elliot is said to be “lucky” because he has a support system.
What is your support system? Describe how and why it works.
59. How did Elliot shock the principal?
60. How did Mrs. Capelli base her disciplinary consequences?
61. Why do you think Richie wanted to be interviewed by Russell?
Chapter 17 “Sickologists”
62. What realizations did Catalina have about Bethany?
63. Bethany and Russell were forced to be partners in class. Describe a time
when a teacher paired you with someone you did not work well with.
64. How is girl bullying different from boy bullying? Be specific.
You may use real life examples or examples from the novel.
Chapter 18 “The Boiler Room”
65. Why do you think Richie behaved the way he does?
66. Summarize the interview between Richie and Russell.
67. Predict what you think will happen once the story of Bethany is made
Chapter 19 “The Office”
68. What happened in Mrs. Capelli’s office?
69. How would you have reacted towards Bethany’s father if you were
Catalina, Elliot, or Russell?
70. Elliot said, “I guess it tells people you shouldn’t try something new, stick your
neck out, or try to make a difference—because your boss might get a
lawyer in her office.” (Page 154). Do you think this is a valid opinion?
Explain why or why not.
Chapter 20 “Tater Tots”
71. Think of a time someone conspired against you and got you in trouble.
Or vice versa. Write about that situation. Be specific.
72. Who did Russell think set them up?
Why do you think the Revealers were set up?
73. Why did Russell blame himself for the Darkland Revealer being canceled?
74. Who was Russell mad at and why?
Chapter 21 “Natural Order”
75. How do you think Mrs. Capelli will justify her reasoning for canceling KidNet
76. Have you ever been in a situation where a whole group/class lost privileges
because of a few students? How did you feel? Give a better solution a
teacher could use.
Chapter 22 “The Dumpster”
77. Summarize the conversation between Mrs. Hogeboom and Russell.
78. Predict what you think Russell is going to do.
Chapter 23 “Double Clicks”
79. How did the other students respond to the Bully Lab?
80. Explain what happened in the interview between Bethany and Catalina.
Do you think it was fair? Explain your reasoning.
Chapter 24 “Reflective Glory”
81. Would bullying be reduced if all students were made aware of specific
incidences that occurred within your school? Explain your answer.
82. How did Mrs. Capelli change at the end of the chapter?
Why do you think she changed?
Chapter 25 “The Whole Story”
83. What is the significance of Richie buying Russell a root beer?
84. Given what happened in 7th grade, predict what you think Elliot, Catalina,
and Russell’s 8th grade year will be like.
Novel Reflection
85. Describe your favorite and least favorite parts of the story. (2 paragraphs)
86. If there was one thing you could change about the story, what would it be?
(1-2 paragraphs)
87. On a scale of one star to five stars, five stars being excellent, how many stars
would this book receive? Why? (2-3 paragraphs)
Meet Doug Wilhelm
In my books, I'm trying to tell good stories that have meaning—
and that connect with young people's real lives today. My writing
for young adults is based on listening to them, which I try to do
Along with The Revealers, I have written nine other books for young readers. I live in Rutland, Vermont,
have a teenage son, and am a full-time, self-employed writer. The first thing people often notice about me
in person is that I'm very tall. I'm six foot ten! When I visit schools, this always causes a stir.
Something I Could Do
I was born in 1952 in Portland, Oregon, and moved to suburban New Jersey when I was in kindergarten. All
through elementary school I was an avid reader. Suddenly, in middle school, I began to write. I was writing
stories, poems, even a play. Until then, I hadn't been good at much of anything—I was tall, skinny,
awkward, and not very popular—and it made a big difference to feel that this was something I could do.
Like the main characters in The Revealers, I was bullied a lot in middle school. The idea for the novel grew,
in part, out of my own experiences.
I studied English and played basketball at Kenyon College in Ohio, and after graduating I traveled by land
from Europe to India and Nepal. It was a great adventure, and I dreamed of going back. After working as a
newspaper reporter and editor back in New Jersey for several years, I did return to Asia, to spend time
talking and listening with young people who were Muslim. I wrote a book about my experiences, called
Street of Storytellers—but no one would publish it. It was rejected about 75 times! In those years I learned
how challenging it is to be a professional writer.
I kept at it, moving up to Vermont and earning my living by writing articles, newsletters, brochures, and
things like that for all kinds of organizations. My son Bradley was born in 1987. His mom and I were
divorced a few years later, but we stayed good friends. I'm very proud of my son, who's now a tall, strong,
kind young man.
In 1992 I was asked to write a science-fiction novel for "Choose Your Own Adventure," a popular series of
interactive fiction for young readers. I went on to write eight "Choose" books, and I learned a lot about
writing stories that could keep young readers turning the pages.
No Better Reward
After leaving the series, I wrote two novels for young adults—and the first one, Raising the Shades, was
published by Farrar, Straus & Giroux in 2001. It's the story of a boy who is trying to cover up his dad's
alcohol and drug problem, but finds he can't ... and maybe he doesn't want to. Raising the Shades has
been nominated for the 2004-05 Indiana Young Hoosier Book Award.
The Revealers came out next, and has been strongly received by young readers, teachers, librarians,
guidance counselors, parents, and others. Many schools have used it to open up the subject of bullying.
Young readers across the country have nominated The Revealers for the 2004 Teens Top Ten list of the
American Library Association.
What has meant the most to me has been hearing how much the book has meant to young people who
often feel, as I did, lonely and isolated in their lives. I couldn't ask for a better reward than that.
New Books, Expanded Family
In 2007, my YA novel Falling was published by Farrar, Straus & Giroux. It’s a realistic story, about a year
above The Revealers in characters and subject matter, that’s suitable for both middle and high schoolers
as it also deals with some of the real issues that young people today often face. Many readers have let me
know they’re passionate about Falling! And in 2009, Scholastic published my first non-fiction book for
young adults, Alexander the Great: Master of the Ancient World, an illustrated biography in the Wicked
History series.
In autumn 2009 I was married for the second time, very happily. My wife Cary is a therapist who does
wonderful, healing work with young children and adolescents. My stepson Nate is a middle schooler and is
working toward his black belt in tae kwan do. My son Brad graduates in spring 2010 from Union College,
where he majored in international relations and Chinese. My family and I live in Weybridge, Vermont, a
beautiful small town near Middlebury College. Along with writing, I enjoy playing music (I play conga drums,
other percussion, and harmonica), gardening, reading, walking, baseball, my family, and my home.
I often visit middle schools all over the U.S. that are reading The Revealers, or sometimes Falling. I enjoy
these visits very much! Middle schoolers are fascinating to me as they struggle through what is, for most of
them, the most critical, intense period of change and self-discovery in their lives. To write for young adults
is a privilege and a constant, creative challenge. I’m grateful for the chance, and I hope to keep on writing
these books for a long time to come.
Comprehension Questions: Meeting the Author
Directions: After reading about Doug Wilhelm answer the following questions on a separate
sheet of paper.
1. How many novels has Wilhelm written?
2. Where does Wilhelm currently live? Where was Wilhelm born?
3. What is the first thing people notice about Wilhelm? What would be your initial reaction if
you met him?
4. What was something Wilhelm enjoyed doing in Elementary School?
5. When did Wilhelm start writing stories?
6. Explain Wilhelm’s experiences in Middle School.
7. What happened with Street of Storytellers?
8. How did Wilhelm learn to keep young readers turning the pages?
9. Over all Wilhelm has achieved a lot. What has meant the most to him?
10. What happened to Wilhelm in 2009?
Comprehension Questions: Meeting the Author
Directions: After reading about Doug Wilhelm answer the following questions on a separate
sheet of paper.
1. How many novels has Wilhelm written?
2. Where does Wilhelm currently live? Where was Wilhelm born?
3. What is the first thing people notice about Wilhelm? What would be your initial
reaction if you met him?
4. What was something Wilhelm enjoyed doing in Elementary School?
5. When did Wilhelm start writing stories?
6. Explain Wilhelm’s experiences in Middle School.
7. What happened with Street of Storytellers?
8. How did Wilhelm learn to keep young readers turning the pages?
9. Over all Wilhelm has achieved a lot. What has meant the most to him?
10. What happened to Wilhelm in 2009?
“Bully Out” Project
Assigned: August 30, 2011
Unit Objective: You will identify positive, negative, and neutralizing language and situations
and apply them to literature and real life situations using various presentations and
assessments. You will also identify the literary elements used by the author to describe the
character, and then to create a visual interpretation of the character’s traits.
Project Directions: You will complete ALL of the following sections below. Please refer back to
your rubric for any questions. Remember Ms. Thirumurthy likes neat, creative work. Please do
not turn in something that looks like an animal played with it. Good luck!
1. Re-write the “Bully Out Pledge.” Feel free to decorate your pledge however you want.
Bully Out Pledge
This is for me
my friends today
and my friends tomorrow.
I think being mean stinks…
I won’t watch someone get picked on
because I am a do something person…
…not a do nothing person.
I can help change things
I can be a leader
In my world there are no bullies allowed.
Bullying is corrupt…
Bullying injures others…
Bullying bothers me.
I know sticking up for someone is the right thing to do…
My name is (your name)
And I won’t stand by…
I will stand up.
2. Find an informational article that deals with bullying. Cut, print, or copy the article and
attach it with your project. If you do not include the article, this section
will be worth half credit. Write your own 150 word summary of the article. OMG a
150 words geez Ms. Thirumurthy ! A summary means it is written in your own words.
Do not use words that you do not know the meaning of; look them up. Below is a helpful
guide since I am mean and making your write 150 words:
a. Summarize the content of the article.
b. Take a position on the issue contained in the article.
c. How do you feel about this/these event(s)?
d. How does this event or issue affect you (long – short term)?
e. How does this event or issue impact the world?
f. Why do you think the author wrote this article?
3. Creative Character T-Shirt: Your assignment is to create a “Character T-Shirt” for one of the
main characters from the novel The Revealers. The following list breaks down each section
of your t-shirt. PLEASE think through and practice your writing and ideas BEFORE you put it
on your t-shirt. Watch out for grammar and spelling mistakes!
a. Front:
i. Story Title
ii. Author
iii. Main Character’s Name
iv. Picture of Main Character
v. Description of Main Character – Minimum of 6 sentences
vi. Pick a theme from the novel and explain how it evolved.
b. Right Sleeve:
i. Strengths of the Main character – Minimum of 4
ii. Your personal Strengths – Minimum of 4
c. Left Sleeve:
i. Weaknesses of the Main Character – Minimum of 4
ii. Your personal weaknesses – Minimum of 4
d. Back:
i. List some internal conflicts of the Main Character
ii. List some external conflicts of the Main Character
iii. Is your character static or dynamic? Explain why – minimum of 4 sentences.
iv. What was the climax of the novel?
v. Pick and explain a metaphor that was used in the novel.
vi. Pick and explain a symbol that was used in the novel.
4. Grammar, spelling and neatness. Once again please make sure that you have checked over
your entire project for grammar and spelling errors.
Student Signature: __________________________________________________________
Parent Signature: ___________________________________________________________
Parent Signature Due: Friday, September 2, 2011
DUE DATE: September 30, 2011
“Bully Out” Rubric
1 Article pertaining to
bullying present.
There are 0-5 grammatical
Length of
The entry is at least 150
There are 6-10
The entry is at
least 100 words.
There are 11-15
The entry is less
than 100 words.
There are 5-10
Missing two of
ALL of the following are
present story title, author,
main characters
and a theme.
4 Strengths of the main
3 strengths of
character and of yourself.
the main
character and of
4 Weaknesses of the main
3 weaknesses of
character and of yourself.
the main
character and of
There are 11-15
Missing three or
more of the
Missing all of
ALL of the following are
present for the main
character: internal/external
conflicts, static/dynamic
explanation (4 sentences),
metaphor, and symbol.
Product is exceptionally neat.
Missing two of
Less than 2
strengths of the
main character
and of yourself.
Less than 2
weaknesses of
the main
character and of
Missing three
or more of the
Product is exceptionally
Product is
Product is
somewhat neat.
Product is
Product is not
Product is not
Right Sleeve
Left Sleeve
There are 0-5 spelling
Possible Points: 200
Points Earned:
Final Grade: _______
Product is neat.
No article
pertaining to
bullying present.
There are over
15 grammatical
No entry
There are over
15 spelling
Missing all of
Missing all of
Missing all of
-10 Every Day Late
-5 Without Rubric
+5 Turned in Early
The Revealers: Character Analysis Tree Map
In your group, complete a tree map for the character you’ve randomly drawn.
Look for details that address all 5 categories of the chart. You will have this
week only to find your information and complete the Tree Map.
This will count as a classwork grade.
You will also receive a daily classwork grade as a group.
Find where the character was first introduced. Note any changes s/he goes
through during the novel. If you purchased your own book, highlight/underline in it as needed.
Include a minimum of 5 graphics/visuals on your Tree Map. They may be
hand drawn, cut from magazines/newspapers or printed from the computer.
Details and Information You are Looking For:
 How the character looks/dresses
 What the character says
 The character’s inner thoughts and feelings
 What other people think of the character
 How the character acts
Each person will need to write a paragraph summarizing the details you’ve
found and the overall conclusion that can be made about your character.
Typed or written in black ink.
Aarons Gekewicz Trainor
Mrs. Mrs.Capelli Bethany
Tucker Hogeboom Chris