
The Beginning of the Life Cycle
 The process of sperm meeting with an egg in the
Fallopian tube
Once an egg is fertilized it becomes a zygote
Zygote = fertilized egg (sperm meeting the egg)
The zygote travels through the fallopian tube
and begins to divide
The Beginning of the Life Cycle
The zygote divides many times and becomes a
blastocyst (hollow cluster of cells) by the time
it gets to the uterus
Implantation occurs. Implantation is the
process in which the blastocyst attaches itself
to the wall of the uterus
Zygote is now called an embryo (occurs 7-10
days after fertilization)
Development of the Uterus
 After implantation, development continues in
the uterus
 Three structures form from the dividing cells: the
amniotic sac, placenta, and umbilical cord (All
three serve to protect and nourish the
developing embryo, and later the fetus)
Development in the Uterus
Amniotic Sac
 Fluid filled bag of thin tissue.
The sac continues to
grow in size as the embryo grows.
 Inside the sac, the embryo floats in amniotic fluid
 The structure that holds the embryo to the wall of
the uterus
 Within the placenta, oxygen and nutrients move
from the mother’s blood into tiny blood vessels that
lead to the embryo
Development of the Uterus
 Umbilical Cord
A ropelike structure that connects the embryo
to the placenta
This cord is the embryo’s lifeline
It carries nutrients and oxygen from the
placenta to the embryo and wastes from the
embryo to the placenta
Development of a Uterus
 WEEK 1-8 = Embryo
 Week 9-Birth = Fetus
 Pregnancy term= lasts between 38-40
 Pregnancy Calendar (kids health)
Development of the Uterus
0-13 weeks = 1st Trimester
2nd Trimester
 27-40 weeks = 3rd Trimester
14-26 weeks =
Developing Embryo (4 weeks)
Developing Embryo (7 weeks)
Developing Fetus (14 weeks)
Developing Fetus (24 weeks)
Developing Fetus (30 weeks)
Week by Week Pregnancy
Birth (3 stages)
Stage One (Labor)
Dilation- stretching of the cervix (10cm)
May last for a few hours
Contractions to shorten the uterus
Longest most difficult part of labor
Near the end of this stage, the amniotic sac
breaks and the cervix becomes softer and
wide enough (10 cm) for the fetus to pass
Birth (3 Stages)
Stage Two (Delivery of the Baby)
 Birth: muscles of the uterus contract and push baby
out of the body
 Umbilical cord is clamped and cut
 Appearance of the head first, known as crowning
Stage Three (After Birth)
 Afterbirth: contractions continue and push placenta
and umbilical cord out of the mother
Complications during Birth
Premature birth
Delivery of a live baby before the 37th week of
Low birth weight
A newborn that weighs less than 5.5 pounds at birth.
*Premature and low birth weight babies face an
increased risk of health problems
Still Birth
* occurs when a fetus dies and is removed from the body
after the 20th week of pregnancy.
Complications during Birth
 Cesarean
 This
method can be the family’s choice of
delivery or what is called an emergency
“cesarean section” or “C-Section”.
 The
doctor makes an incision in the lower
abdomen into the uterus. The baby and
placenta are then removed.
Complications during Birth
• A common condition in newborns.
• Refers to the yellow color of the skin and whites of the
eyes caused by excess bilirubin in the blood.
• the death of an embryo or fetus in the first 20
weeks of pregnancy.
Having a Healthy Pregnancy
 Avoid alcohol (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome)
 Causes physical, mental and behavior problems
 FAS babies are:
-Shorter & lighter
-Speech problems
-Slow growth
-Facial abnormalities
- Poor coordination
- Heart defects
- Mental retardation
Having a Healthy Pregnancy
 Avoid drugs (tobacco, OTC, prescription,
and illegal drugs) = Low birth
weight/possible premature birth
 Exercise
 Eat a variety of healthy foods (avoid
uncooked meats, deli meats, fish, seafood,
Signs of Pregnancy
Appear a few weeks or 1-2 months after conception/fertilization
 “Morning Sickness”
 Nipples darken
 Increased fatigue
 Menstruation usually stops
 PMS - type symptoms
 Increased urination
Pregnancy Test
 Reveals hormone HCG in urine about 2 weeks
after missed period - about 95% accurate
A blood test also detects HCG
 Home tests give false negatives and positives.
Should be followed up by a doctor visit