World Literature 2 * Mrs

English 9H/Genre and Composition
Course Overview and Expectations
Mrs. Price
 Description: Honors Genre and Composition is a full-year freshman course at the honors level.
Our course presents a genre/skills-driven approach to the study of literature. Assessments include a
variety of options, such as expository and creative writing, multimedia projects, class discussions, and
quizzes and tests. Listening, speaking, vocabulary development, reading and writing strategies, and
grammar and mechanics will be integrated into course content.
? Essential Questions
Throughout this course we will relate unit and assignment objectives to these essential questions:
1. What makes good literature?
2. What makes good writing?
3. What are the significant genres of literature, and what are their characteristics?
4. How do readers construct personal meaning from a text?
5. How do writers use language and literary elements to achieve their purpose?
6. Why do we share stories?
 Units of Study – will include the following, with writing skills and conventions integrated into each
unit. Units will range in length from 3 to 7 weeks.
The Individual & the Community
The Narrative
The Patterns of Storytelling
Introduction to Rhetoric
Literary Analysis
Enduring Understandings
 Literature re-creates the human experience.
 Heroes (protagonists) and other character types reflect the culture and times that create
 Literary elements work together to create theme.
 Literature reflects the values, voice, beliefs, history and culture of the author.
 Good literature reflects universal truths that transcend time and place; challenges
readers to examine their beliefs and learn vicariously from the problems faced by
characters in fiction and non-fiction; explores an idea that is innovative and/or intriguing.
 Readers construct meaning through connecting the text to personal experience, other
texts, and non-print media.
 Successful and active readers must support positions with textual details, including
quoted passages.
 Skilled writers effectively choose formats, techniques, and crafting devices that fit their
purpose and audience.
Goals for This Course:
This course will support your progress in meeting several of Granby Memorial High School’s
Student Learning Expectations:
 Literacy academic expectation: Students will evidence proficiency and fluency in
reading and writing.
 Social Expectations:
o Respect – The student community will consistently demonstrate a consideration
for the individuality of their peers and an appreciation of themselves, faculty and
staff, and their environment.
o Integrity and Ethical Behavior – The student community will demonstrate
responsibility, honesty, integrity, and courtesy through ethical behavior.
You will acquire and/or improve skills to:
 Recognize the characteristics of various literary genre;
 Recognize crafting devices and literary techniques and explain how they contribute
to the impact of a written work;
 Examine and apply strategies to increase reading comprehension;
 Read, explore, and respond in personal, literal, critical, and evaluative ways to
literary, informational, and persuasive texts that include classic and contemporary
selections representative of a variety of cultures and literary periods;
 Produce written, oral, and visual texts to develop, interpret, analyze, and support
ideas and experiences;
 Understand when the conventions of standard English are appropriate in speaking
and writing and apply them accordingly;
 Engage in a process of generating ideas, drafting, revising, and editing written work;
 Select the format and language appropriate to a given writing task;
 Apply grammar, spelling, and usage conventions correctly and effectively in written
and oral expression;
 Increase vocabulary through a variety of reading and learning strategies.
Knowledge and Concepts
 Genres: Short story; poetry; epic poetry; drama; memoir, fiction, and non-fiction
 Literary Elements: Important literary devices to be stressed through the study of
various units are characterization, plot development and conflict, theme, setting,
foreshadowing, irony, figurative language, and symbolism.
 Skills: Response to literature skills: Interpretation and analysis of literature, orally and in
writing, by use of abundant and specific text details, quotations, and examples. Writing
skills: Diction (word choice, vocabulary) and syntax (arrangement and length of
sentences) to support writer’s purpose; Focus on specific skills according to individual
and class needs, such as transitions; the uses of the colon and the semicolon; subjectverb agreement; pronoun-antecedent agreement; passive and active voice.
Grading. Grading is based on a point system. Each assignment carries a point value, typically
ranging from 15 points for homework assignments to 100+ points for major projects and tests.
Your grade will be the total points you have earned as a percentage of the total points available.
The most important factor for success in this class is keeping up-to-date on assignments and
consistently applying your best efforts.
Homework and Long-term Assignments – What You Can Expect:
√ You will typically be working on an English assignment at all times, though most of the time
you will have several days to complete an assignment. Homework and long-term assignments
will typically be posted on the board. In addition, I typically post weekly assignments on my
website. Extra credit options are posted on my website several times throughout the quarter.
Some assignments may be straightforward vocabulary exercises or reading comprehension
questions. However, much of your assigned nightly or weekly work will include reading and
responding to an assigned text in order to be prepared for class activities and discussions the
following day. It is imperative that you complete reading assignments or you will not be
prepared for class activities and lessons.
Long-term and/or end-of-unit assessments will often be a project, which may include an oral
presentation. I generally will give you a choice of formats and topics for final assessments.
Assignments of any length should be typed, double-spaced. You will lose points if
assignments are not typed.
Late Policy
You are responsible for your work. I will post due dates in the room and on my website in
addition to in-class reminders. As a rule, I will not accept late work without deductions unless
there are extenuating circumstances and/or you have communicated with me before an
assignment is due.
Assignment Completion and Electronic Communication Policies
 You are expected to have your assignment completed as a hard copy at the start of
class. If you repeatedly cannot comply with this expectation, we will meet after school to
discuss your situation. If you must email an assignment due to printer issues, please do
so prior to 7AM of the day the assignment is due. Under no circumstances will you be
allowed to use class time to print your work.
 Generally, I will not accept late work for an assignment that has been reviewed in a class
for which you were present.
 For most assignments that are collected and reviewed at a later time, you will only
receive half credit for your work. Major projects, essays, or unit assessments will be
deducted 10% per day late.
 All work that is turned in late will be graded at my convenience.
 If your work is more than a week late and/or you have two late or missing assignments,
you will meet with me to make arrangements to make up the work for partial credit.
Arrangements may include attending the Learning Center or staying after school.
Additional steps to ensure your success include contacting your parents and/or school
support staff to arrange further support.
 Please use your Google Apps for Education/ email account to
send and share information with me.
Vocabulary: You will use the Vocabulary Power Plus as a resource for enhancing your
vocabulary and preparing for SATs. You will complete a variety of activities designed to support
word acquisition, grammar proficiency, and reading comprehension. Some activities will take
place in class and others will be considered homework. It is a good idea to store your
vocabulary book in your backpack or locker. We will be using it every week, completing one unit
every two weeks. If you lose your book, there is a cost to replace it. Point values will range from
5-25 points.
*Vocabulary homework will not be accepted late since we will be reviewing answers in class.*
Extra Credit: I consider extra credit a privilege to be earned by students who have worked hard
in class and kept up with assignments throughout the quarter. I will post extra credit on my
website several times in a quarter, but I tend not to announce these opportunities in class. My
hope is that you will consult my website often. Extra credit points will be added at the end of the
Participation: We should all view this class as a learning community. My job is to promote a
cooperative, respectful, and positive environment where everyone is accepted and encouraged;
your responsibility in terms of participation is to engage actively in class discussion, work
cooperatively in small groups, come to class prepared with necessary materials, and
particularly, support your peers. Participation, encompassing the various behaviors and
attitudes outlined here as well as some we will address in class, will comprise about 10% of
your grade each quarter.
 Other Important Information:
Supplies & Such: You will need to bring the following materials to every class.
Binder – You will need a binder dedicated to this class. Many handouts will be pre-punched
and should go directly in your binder. You should have three tabs in your binder: Literature,
Vocabulary, and Writing. Organization is key to your success in this and all of your classes!
Journal – You will be given a small journal for this class, and it will be used to reflect on
topics of discussion and your written progress throughout the year. I will periodically collect
journals and provide feedback to you. Please keep your journal in your binder.
Writing Utensil – Please bring a pen or pencil to class every day.
Google Docs: We will use Google Docs as a storage place and showcase for your work this
year. If you choose to use Google Docs for your other classes, please create separate folders
for English and keep your account organized and up-to-date, as you would a binder. Initially,
there will be times to become familiar with the e-portfolio in class, but eventually you will be
required to access your portfolio through the internet and update it as with any other homework
*If you do not have consistent internet access, please let me know. I will help you arrange time
in your weekly schedule to work in the media center.
Electronic Devices:
Please review the new electronic device policy in your student handbook. We will use media
and technology frequently in this class. That being said, there is an appropriate time and place
for technology in the classroom. As a general rule, phones and other devices should not be out
or on unless directed by me.
Absences: I strongly encourage you to get a “study buddy” in the class. I will have notes on
assignments and copies of handouts available for you in class when you return. Please do not
ask me for missed work during class time. Missed assignments due to absence must be
completed according to school policy, outlined in your handbook. If you are absent the day an
assignment is due, you are expected to have it ready the day you return to school.
Extra Help: I am here to support your learning! If you are having any difficulty, please
communicate with me. I am available to work with you after school or during mutually
convenient times during the school day.
I am available during the following periods for Semester I:
 Period 1 – SDA in my room
 Period 5 – Learning Center
 Period 6 – Prep time
 Before & after school by appointment
Contact Information
For specific questions/concerns, you may contact me at I check email
often and I will get back to you in a timely matter. In addition, I will often use email to provide
reminders and/or to check in with you, so please check your granbyschools email often.
Together we will become a community of learners. In this community, we will work together to
foster a positive learning environment aligned with the Granby Memorial High School Mission
Statement. I look forward to a challenging and rewarding year together.
Mrs. Price
If you read this far, good job!
Click on the link to see a photo of my dog, Calvin.
Here’s a picture of my family on vacation this summer.