
Unit I Revolution, Constitution and New Nation, Module 1 (1607 to 1783) Social and cultural conditions and interactions can lead to
What is a Revolution?
What were the issues that led to the American Revolution?
Content and Vocabulary:
English Colonial System ( Ch 3 section 1 Daily Life in Virginia, Economies of the Southern Colonies; 2 New England Economy; 3
Economy of the Middle Colonies; 4 English Trade Laws):
Mercantilism p. 92
Indentured Servitude p. 74
Navigation Acts 1650-1696, p. 92
Slave Codes p. 77
Triangular Trade p. 93
Middle Passage p. 94
Headright System p. 74
European Cultural Revolutions in Religion and Science (Ch. 2 Sec. 4 Events in Europe, Protestant Reformation; Ch. 3 Sec. 1 Other
Southern Colonies, Maryland; Ch. 3 Sec. 2, Puritans and Pilgrims; Sec. 3 Penn’s Colony; Sec. 4 Great Awakening and Enlightenment):
Protestant Reformation, p.53
Toleration Act of 1649, p. 75
Pilgrims, p 78
Puritans, p 78
Quakers, p 86
Great Awakening, p. 94
Enlightenment, p. 95
Political structrure and conflict on the road to revolution (Ch. 3 Sec. 4 Colonial Governments, French and Indian War; Sec. 5 Conflict in
the Colonies):
Colonial governments, pp 90-92
Committees of Correspondence, p 99
Town Meeting, p 91
Stamp Act, 1765, p. 100
English Bill of Rights, p. 91
Tea Act, 1773, p. 102
Chief Pontiac (Pontiac’s rebellion) p 97
Boston Tea Party, p. 102
Proclamation of 1763, p 97
(Coercive Acts) Intolerable Acts, 1774, p.102
Revolutionary ideals and the struggle for liberty (Ch. 4 Section 1, First Continental Congress, Shot heard ‘round the World, Second
Continental Congress, Early Battles; Section 2 Declaring Independence; Section 3 Struggle for Liberty, Defeats and Victories, Help from
Europe; Section 4 Independence, War in the South, Battle of Yorktown)
First and Second Continental Congresses, pp 112-113, 114
Battle of Trenton, p 129
Declaring Independence, pp.118-121
Battle of Saratoga, p 130
British Offensive Strategy, pp 113-114, 115, 127-130
Battle of Yorktown, p 137
American Defensive Strategy, pp 132-134, 135-137
Balance of Trade
Contract Trade
Contract Labor
Slave labor
Cash Crop p 77
Staple crop p 87
Plantations p 50
Religious Freedom
Mayflower Compact p 79
Town meeting
Social Contract
Committees of Correspondence p 99
“No Taxation without Representation”