US History B Name__________________________ Unit 2

US History B
Unit 2- Text Assignments
Objective: The following questions will help to guide students reading and note taking through chapters
19 & 20 Please remember to read carefully and observe the textbook, sometimes you can learn more from
the pictures than the words.
Chapter 19 Section1 American and the World
Define fascism. List at least three characteristics
Explain how Mussolini used fear and nationalism to create a dictatorship in Italy in 1922
What actions did Stalin take to increase his power after the death of Lenin in Communist Soviet Union?
Identify the key terms associated with the rise of Hitler
Nazi Party
Master Race
Why did the Japanese military seize Manchuria in 1931?
What two things contributed to American becoming isolationists?
Identify the following terms:
Neutrality Act of 1935
Franciso Franco
Spanish Civil War
Axis Powers
Cash and Carry
US response to the Japanese attack on China (1937)
Chapter 19 sec 2 World War II Begins
Identify the following terms and events important to the war in Europe
Austrian Anschluss (1938)
Munich Conference (1939)
Neville Chamberlain
Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact (August 1939)
Invasion of Poland (Sept 1939)
Maginot Line
Battle Dunkirk
Philippe Petain
Winston Churchill
Battle of Britain
Luftwaffe & Royal Air Force
Chapter 19 Sec 3 Holocaust
Identify the terms and events associated with the Holocaust
Nuremberg Laws
SS St. Louis
Wannsee Conference
Concentration & extermination Camps
Chapter 19 Sec 4 America Enters the War
How were the Neutrality Acts revised?
What was the destroyers for bases deal?
Identify the American First Committee
Why did Roosevelt win an unprecedented third term in office?
What is the Lend Lease Act?
Identify The Atlantic Charter
What were the Greer and Rueben James incidents?
How did the Lend Lease Act help the Allied war effort?
What three actions did FDR take that angered Japan?
What actions taken by FDR convinced Japan to take over the Philippines and to attack Pearl Harbor?
What finally caused the United States to becoming involved in WWII?
Chapter 20 Sec 1 Mobilizing for War
What government policies helped American industry to produce large quantities of war materials?
What military need led to the production of Liberty ships?
How did the status of women and African American in the armed forces change during the war?
Chapter 20 Sec 2 The Early Battles
Why was the Battle of Midway considered a turning point?
What did the Allies do to win the Battle of the Atlantic?
Chapter 20 Sec 3 Life on the Home Front
How did mobilizing the economy help end the Depression
Why did racism lead to violence in Detroit and Los Angeles in 1943?
How did rationing affect daily life in the United States? How did it affect the economy?
Chapter 20 Sec 4 Pushing the Axis Back
What two major decisions did the Allies make at Casablanca?
What conditions had to be met before Eisenhower could order D-Day to begin?
What strategy did the United States Navy use to advance across the Pacific?
Chapter 20 Sec 5 The War Ends
Why was the Battle of the Bulge such a disastrous defeat for Germany?
Identify Iwo Jima
What is the Manhattan Project?
What issues did Truman consider before using the atomic bomb?
How is the United Nations organized?