File - Lauren Grover

Unit: Short Stories Unit English 10-1
Date: March 2015
Teacher: Lauren Grover
Curriculum Outcomes that will be assessed:
-teacher reading
-large group
-Youtube clips
-small group
Learning Objectives:
When this unit is finished, the students will have:
-Developed a comprehensive vocabulary pertaining to the short story elements
-Analyzed and read a selection of short stories using reading and comprehension
tips and tricks
-Practiced writing in complete paragraph structure and developed writing skills
The majority of the reading of the stories in this unit will be done by the
teacher aloud. This is done for particular students who may be slower readers, or
have reading exceptionalities. Students also pick up on the content of the book, and
are able to focus on passages where the previously discussed literary terms might
be used. All techniques and ideas for reading with/to students who have difficulties
are taken from the book, When Kids Cant Read: What Teacher’s Can Do written by
Kylene Beers. Any student read stories will also be accompanied by a “guided
reading template” so students can follow along and fill in sections of the worksheet
to maintain focus and to be engaged with the reading. Before reading, mini-lessons
were given on the particular literary terms that were going to be focused on, any
notes specific to the story, author or subject matter, as well as pre-reading difficult
words that we would come across. Students were also asked to pay attention to
certain sections as they were potentially going to write a response to it. Activities
within this unit include paragraph responses, guided reading/note taking
worksheets, small and large group discussions, small group presentations, and
question sets.
The stories focused on are out of the Inside Stories I textbook..
-The Interlopers
-The Veldt
-The Wish
-The Father
-The Whale
Each story may be stretched into two lessons instead depending on the classroom
dynamic and amount of time given. Each English 10-1 class began with silent
reading for 20 minutes of To Kill A Mocking Bird, which had activities and story
questions it itself.
At the end of this unit there is a Short Stories Test, which also had questions on it
from their Forrest Gump film study. Two days before the test the students are given
a Short Stories Study Guide sheet with all literary terms discussed; this will also as a
group in a review class.
-group discussions
-students role in brainstorming and completion of guided reading worksheets
-small group presentations of literary terms
-teacher feedback orally
-assessment of student knowledge of concepts through class discussions
-students can also self assess
-Short Stories test
-The Father paragraph response
-The Veldt quiz
-The Interlopers quiz
-Who Said We All Have to Talk Alike story questions
Lesson 1
English 10-1 Short stories- The Whale
Literary terms focused on
-character motivation (intrinsic and extrinsic)
-internal and e1xternal conflict
Learning Activity #1- Poster Brainstorming- Groups of 3-Teacher chosen
-with the person beside you, brainstorm ideas of internal and external conflict
(Think of words, variables, examples, influences, reasons for, solutions and ways to
-record on large poster paper, separate into sections: Internal/ External
Learning Activity #2 Large Group discussion of posters
-Teacher directed, make large list on board or smart board with student examples
from their partner activity
Learning Activity #3- Teacher read, The Whale
Learning Activity #4 Worksheet completion- Character motivation and conflict
-Before students start worksheet explain differences between intrinsic and extrinsic
-students list examples from the story of each under the correct spot on the
-have at least 6 points total, at least 1 underneath each heading
-Intrinsic Motivation
-Amborise to impress Gabrielle
-Clovis to impress Gabrielle
-Internal Conflict
-Clovis torn between being a good friend and getting the girl
-Ambriose need for approval and praise
-Extrinsic Motivation
-Ambriose’s need to impress the town
-Clovis needing to “beat out” Ambriose for the girl
-External Conflict
-Adelard taunting Ambriose
-the town taunting Ambriose
Learning Activity #5 Class conversation about setting
-give students 3 minutes to skim through the story
-using setting clues from text, dialogue and character descriptions, what
conversations can you make in relation to the setting?
Character Motivation and Conflict Worksheet- The
-list a total of 6 examples, at least one under each
Extrinsic Motivation
Intrinsic Motivation
Internal Conflict
External Conflict
Lesson 2
English 10-1 Short Stories- The Father
Literary Terms focused on:
Learning Activity #1- Read aloud The Father- teacher
Learning Activity #2-Disussio5n Questions for the large group,
1. Who is the protagonist in this story?
2. Can the father really be considered an antagonist?
3. What defines an antagonist? Is this definition flexible from story to story and in
different contexts?
4. What epiphany did the father have?
5. This story flashes back a lot to remembering’s of past experiences or instances
that the father had with his son, why are these related to his end epiphany?
Learning Activity #3 Out of 5 marks
Write 2 paragraphs about either..
an epiphany that you, or someone you know has changed the way that you
interact with others, or has changed the way that you live your life on a day-to-day
a flashback that had affected you in some way positively. (First write about
the flashback, and then write the second paragraph about how it has changed your
way of thinking)
Lesson 3:
English 10-1 Inside Stories- Who said we all have to talk alike
Literary Terms Discussed:
-Direct and Indirect Characterization
*****show YouTube video of bad answers from Miss universe***
-stereotyping and characterization
Learning Activity #1- Student Read with guided note taking questions
-students will read this story independently while taking guided notes with a
worksheet aid. These notes will be kept for the test at the end of the unit.
Learning Activity #2- Discussion Questions – large group
-While reading the story, did you make any inferences or stereotypes
immediately after being introduced to Neffie? How is the author
characterizing Neffie? Is it indirect or direct?
-Can you think of any movies, TV shows or books where a character
makes a “big move” to another city and is judged or stereotyped?
-What are some individuals who are famous in movies, TV, music or on
social media that are stereotyped and why? What inferences do we
make based on how they are portrayed in social media?
Learning Activity #3- Story questions
“ Who Said We All Have to Talk Alike” Story Questions
1.) How is the quote, “I didn’t know we was all supposed to talk the
same way”, related to the theme of the story? (2 marks)
2.) Is Neffie right when she maintains that differences in speech are
unimportant? Do you think her speech affects the quality of her abilities
to be a nanny? Give reasons for your views. (4 marks)
3.) What kind of allusions can we use to infer about Nettie’s life from the
information given about her at the beginning of the story? (ex.
Background, education, social status, economic status, etc.) (2 marks)
4.)Is Neffie right when she maintains that differences in speech are
unimportant? Give reasons for your views. (3 marks)
Guided Reading Questions- Who Said We All Have to Talk
Name of the protagonist
Main Characters
Setting description
Example of internal conflict
Example of external conflict
What stereotypes are seen in this story?
7.) Possible Themes from this story?
Lesson 4
Short Stories- The Veldt
Activity #1-Teacher Read
-Ray Radbury author
-sceince fiction, mystery fiction, horror
So skilled that he sets up the strange atmosphere that we can picture in our minds
-describe allusion, and remind students throughout the story when there is an
allusion (Peter and Wendy allusion)
What is the importance of the peter and wendy allusion?
Activity #2- Small Group Presentation on a literary term
Groups- Think, pair (mind map), share activity with a larger group of about 4
(2 groups for each term)
Form (Subject Matter, genre)
-go over literary terms before
-student’s will make mind maps, and 2 illustrations on posters and present to the
rest of the class
-students will be encouraged to take notes if they wish for the short stories test
Activity #2
The Veldt quiz
Small Group Presentations
You will have 10 minutes
-4 ideas, examples or quotes from the story
-2 illustrations
You can use any format you want (mind map, list,
etc. )
Lesson 5
10-1 Short Stories- Interlopers
Literary Terms focused on:
-situational irony
-dynamic characters
Learning Activity #1-Teacher read, guided note taking, skimming through after
story is read
-teacher reads story and use a guided note taking sheet to brainstorm and stay on track
during reading. After students are finished reading the story they will be asked to go back
and fill in the sections of the guided note taking sheet
-before reading ask students to consider the form and set up of the story
-after reading talk about the irony, and the way the story is set up so it just dramatically
ends so abruptly
Learning Activity #2- Large Group guided note taking sharing,
-reminding students that these are study notes for the Quiz at the end of class
-ask students to share ideas from sections of their note taking sheet. Students can share
ideas and write them down as we go along, this will be “prep” for the Quiz at the end of
Learning Activity #4- Quiz Assignment
-students will complete their Quiz using the information gained from the guided note
taking and class discussions
Guided Note Taking Template
(Consider which characters are dynamic, these characters have complex personalities and
personality traits)
(Consider: the mood, setting, style of writing)
(Consider- Conflict by setting, characters, internal conflict and external conflict)
( Consider which type of irony is used in this story)