Test Review Sheet



Roman Empire Test Review

Directions: Answer the following questions using your notes and textbook. If you answer all question you will get 4 points of extra credit on your test. ** Students cannot get more than

100 ponts)

Place the following 8 Roman leaders in order of first to last a. Nero b. Marcus Aurelius c. Constantine e. Augustus f. Hadrian g. Caligula d. Diocletian h. Tiberius

1. Define the difference between a Barter and Currency economy

2. What hill was Rome originally located on and who were considered the “first

Romans ”?

3. What caused Rome to shift from a Monarchy to a Republic?

4. What modern day country is the Roman Republic located on?

5. How did Trade within the Roman Republic lead to the Punic Wars? Which countries were involved in these wars, and how many were there?

6. What contributed to Rome

’s success during the First Punic War?

7. What happened to the lands of Carthage after the end of the Punic Wars

8. What General from Carthage almost beat Rome during the second Punic War, add what was his battle strategy? What Roman general defeated him, and how?

9. During the early Roman Republic, who were considered citizens in the colonies?

10. What are the 12 tables, and how have they influenced the modern western world?

11. Who were Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus, and how did they cause a major civil war that began the end of the Roman Republic?

12. Why were common Roman citizens angry at the Republic towards the end?

13. What was the first triumvirate and who was a part of it?

14. Why did the first triumvirate fail?

15. How did Octavian defeat Marc Antony

16. Which woman helped both Marc Antony and Julius Caesar

17. After the failure of the first triumvirate, which man became dictator for life?

18. Why was Caesar killed?

19. Who did Caesar name his successor?

20. What was the second triumvirate and who was a part of it?

21. Why are Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar credited with bringing about the

Roman Empire?

22. What type of ruler was Augustus Caesar: An imperial ___________________

23. Which “bad emperor” may have burned Rome in order to make room for his massive building projects?

24. Which “good emperor” built a wall around Rome?

25. List the

“bad emperors” and the “good emperors”

26. Define Pax Romana

27. Which emperor was in command in Rome during the beginning of Pax Romana., and what policies did he pass which promoted peace in the Empire?

28. Define the economic, social, and political impact of Pax Romana

29. Which “good emperor” was in power when Rome reached its height in 117 AD?

30. What continents would the Roman Empire inhabit during its height in 117 AD?

31. Why were the Roman roads so important to the success of the Roman Empire?

32. Why were slaves so important to the Roman Empire? Who did the Romans make slaves?

33. Define gladiator

34. What massive arena is Rome most famous for?

35. Explain the legacies of Rome (5)

36. What city was destroyed when Mt. Vesuvius erupted?

37. What architectural innovations are the Romans known for?

38. Define Greco-Roman culture. This is an example of cultural _________

39. How did the Greeks influence the Romans?

40. What monotheistic religion developed in ancient Rome, and why was this a threat to

Roman power?

41. Who is the founder of Christianity?

42. How was the founder of Christianity killed, and why was he killed? Who is responsible for ordering his death?

43. Who is the most famous apostle credited with spreading Christianity?

44. Which religion is Christianity based off of, and which document do the two share in common which dictates the rules and laws of the religion?

45. What is left of the second Jewish temple and who destroyed it?

46. Define Diaspora

47. Which later Roman emperor is credited with writing the Edict of Milan? What did the

Edict of Milan do?

48. Which emperor is credited with making Christianity the official religion of the Roman


49. How did Pax Romana facilitate the spread of Christianity?

50. Why were Roman attracted to Christianity?

51. What did Diocletian do to the Roman Empire?

52. List the causes of the fall of the Roman Empire

53. What was the name of the leader of the Huns who attacked the weakening Roman


54. Who took control of the Eastern part of the Roman Empire?

55. What would the Eastern part of the Roman Empire become?
