Germ disc differentiation

Third to Eighth Week:
The Embryonic Period
Jun Zhou(周俊)
School of Medicine, Zhejiang University
End of the Week of Twos
•2 major cell masses
–Inner cell mass
Uteroplacental Cir.
•Embryonic Cavities
–Amniotic cavity
–Yolk sac
•Germ Disc
Formation of trilaminar disc
•Early of three weeks
•Primitive streak: caudal end, a
midline indentation on the
epiblast surface
•Primitive node/knot
•Primitive pit
•Proliferation & Invagination of
Intra-embryonic mesoderm
•Migrating epiblasts will form:
–Endoderm: migrated cells displace
hypoblast cells
–Mesoderm: cells btw the endo and
(Note - epiblasts=>all layers)
•Mesoderm cranial and lateral
Distribution of intra-embryonic
-spread laterally and cranially
-Fused membranes
 Oral: oropharyngeal
 Cloacal: cloacal membrane
Formation of notochord
- Invaginate in through primitive
- a solid rod of mesoderm
- Basis of the axial skeleton in the
•First Week
•Second Week
•Third- 8th week
•Primitive pit
•Primitive node
•Primitive streak
Expansion and Elongation
•Migration of Epiblasts to
•Expansion of the disk
-midline rod of mesoderm
-orientation the germ disc
Differentiation of trilaminar germ disc
3rd –8th weeks
embryonic period: the major body form and
organ structure take
Bilaminar disc: flat and roundelongated with a
broad cephalic and a narrow caudal end
Trilaminar disc:a pear-shaped appearance
Ectoderm - Neuralation
•Overlying notochord
Thickens – Neural Plate
•Edges - Neural Folds
•Fuse at future neck region
•Zippers shut
–Neural Tube
•Ant/Post Neuropores
Ectoderm - Neuralation
•Overlying notochord
Thickens – Neural Plate
•Edges - Neural Folds
•Fuse at neck region
•Zippers shut
–Neural Tube
•Ant Neuropore: 25th days
•Post Neuropore: 27th days
Ectoderm – Neuralation
•Failure of Neurotube
–Anencephaly – Ant
–Meningocele – post
Ectoderm – Neural Crest
•As neural tube closes
-Neural crest
•Detach and migrate
–Melanocytes – skin
–Dorsal root ganglia
Differentiation of the Ectoderm :
-the central nervous system (CNS)
-Neural crest cells (melanocyte, PNS)
In general terms it may be stated that the ectoderm
gives rise to those organs and structures that maintain
contact with the outside world.
•Loose – condenses day 17
•3 columns
–Paraxial mesoderm
–Intermediate mesoderm
–Lateral Plate mesoderm
Paraxial Mesoderm
•Blocks of tissue along axis
•Somite:20th days, 3 pairs/ per
day,42-44 pairs by the end of
5th weeks
-Sclerotome: vertebra
-Myotome:muscle of the back
-Dermatome:dorsal dermis of
the overlying skin
Intermediate Mesoderm
•Kidney and genital system “Urogenital tissue”
Lateral Plate Mesoderm
•Intra-embryonic coelom: →body
1.Outer layer: parietal mesoderm
→muscle, CT of the body wall
→parietal layer of cavities
2.Inner layer: visceral mesoderm
→muscle, CT of the gut
→Visceral layer of cavities
3.Cavity: peritoneal, pleural and
pericardial cavities
mesenchyme: →CT, cardiovascular and lymph system
•From the Yolk sac
•Forms Primitive gut
•Besides the GI system
-Foregut: thymus,thyroid,lung,liver,
pancreas, etc.
-Midgut: none
-Hindgut: bladder,urethra
•Surrounded by visceral lateral
plate mesoderm
Embryonic Folding
•Craniocaudal folding--CNS
•Lateral folding—somites
•Endoderm-lined cavity is
incorporated into the embryo
properprimitive gut
•Yolk sacvitelline duct
•Oropharyngeal membrane
•Cloacal membrane
•Flat discpear, round
3-8th week
1.Bilaminar and trilaminar germ discs
2.Undertand the origin of the three embryonic
“germ” layers that make up the trilaminar disk.
3.Describe the formation and derivatives of
ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm.