Biology 102 Student Self Assessment Chapter 43

Biology 102 Student Self Assessment Chapter 43
____1. The initial formation of the nervous system occurs during
neurulation. The important inducing structure is(are) ______.
a. the somites
b. imaginal discs
c. Flensen’s node
d. the notochord
____2. The fate of the mesodermal cells after gastrulation is to
contribute predominantly to the developing _____________.
a. brain and nervous system
b. skeletal system and muscles
c. inner lining of the gut and respiratory tract
d. sweat glands
____3. The fate of the ectodermal cells after gastrulation is to
contribute predominantly to the developing ____________.
a. brain, nervous system, and sweat glands
b. skeletal system and muscles
c. inner lining of the gut and respiratory tract
d. liver and pancreas
____4. The fate of the endodermal cells after gastrulation is to
contribute to the developing _______.
a. brain, nervous system, and nails
b. skeletal system and muscles
c. inner lining of the gut and respiratory tract
d. sweat glands and milk secretory glands
____5. What is the source of high levels of estrogen and progesterone
during the latter half of pregnancy?
a. corpus luteum
b. chorion
c. follicle cells
d. placenta
____6. The formation of the zygote is synonymous with _____.
a. copulation
b. fertilization
c. intercourse
d. recombination
____7. During labor, uterine contractions are stimulated by _______.
a. estrogen
b. oxytocin
c. progesterone
d. a and b
The fast block to polyspermy includes the rise in ________.
intracellular potassium ions
extracellular potassium ions
intracellular sodium ions
relaes of cortical vesicles
____9. What is the order of the germ layers from the inside to the
a. mesoderm, ectoderm, endoderm
b. endoderm, ectoderm, mesoderm
c. ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm
d. endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm
___10. The acrosome of the sperm _____.
a. carries genetic information
b. provides energy for movement
c. carries the enzymes that facilitate fertilization
d. induces ovulation