The Viruses

Microbiology: A
Systems Approach, 2
Chapter 6: An Introduction to the
6.1 The Search for the Elusive
Viruses were too small to be seen with the first
 The cause of viral infections was unknown for
 Louis Pasteur first proposed the term virus
 1890s
Ivanovski and Beijerinck showed that a disease in
tobacco was caused by a virus
Loeffler and Frosch discovered an animal virus that
causes foot –and-mouth disease in cattle
Many years of experimentation showed what we
know today and by the 1950s virology had grown
6.2 The Position of Viruses in the
Biological Spectrum
Can infect every type of cell
Cannot exist independently from the host cell, so
aren’t considered living things
However, since they can direct life processes they
are often considered more than lifeless molecules
Referred to as infectious particles, either active or
Obligate intracellular parasites
Cannot multiply unless they invade a specific host
cell and instruct its genetic and metabolic
machinery to make and release new viruses
6.3 The General Structure of
Figure 6.1
Size Range
Smallest infectious agents
 Most are so small, they can only be seen with an
electron microscope
 Animal viruses
Proviruses- around 20 nm in diameter
Mimiviruses- up to 450 nm in length
Viewing viruses
Special stains and an electron microscope
Negative staining outlines the shape
Positive staining shows internal details
Shadowcasting technique
Figure 6.2
Viral Components: Capsids,
 Molecular structure- composed of regular,
repeating subunits that give rise to their crystalline
 Contain only those parts needed to invade and
control a host cell
External coating
• Capsid
• Envelope- in 13 of the 20 families of animal viruses
• If no envelope, called naked virus
The capsid and the nucleic acid together are called
the nucleocapsid
Fully formed virus that is able to establish an
infection in a host cell- virion
Figure 6.4
The Viral Capsid: The Protective
Outer Shell
 Constructed
from identical subunits called
 Made up of protein molecules
 Two different types
• Rod-shaped capsomers
• Assemble in to helical nucleocapsid
Figure 6.5
Figure 6.6
 Icosahderal
Three-dimensional, 20-sided figure with 12
evenly spaced corners
Although they all display this symmetry, there
are wide variations
Figure 6.7
Figure 6.8
Figure 6.9
Figure 6.10
The Viral Envelope
 Enveloped
viruses take a bit of the host
cell membrane in the form of an envelope
 In the envelope, some or all of the regular
membrane proteins are replaced with viral
 Some proteins form a binding layer
between the envelope and the capsid
 Glycoproteins remain exposed as spikes
(peplomers)- essential for attachment
Functions of the Viral
 Protects
nucleic acids
 Help introduce the viral DNA or RNA into a
suitable host cell
 Stimulate the immune system to produce
antibodies that can protect the host cells
against future infections
Nucleic Acids: At the Core of a
Genome- the sum total of the genetic
information carried by an organism
 Number of viral genes compared with a callquite small
 They only have the genes necessary to
invade host cells and redirect their activity
 Some viruses are exceptions to the rules re:
Parvoviruses contain single-stranded DNA
Reoviruses contain double-stranded RNA
DNA Viruses
 ssDNA
 dsDNA
RNA Viruses
 Mostly
Positive-sense RNA: genomes that are ready
for immediate translation into proteins
Negative-sense RNA: genomes have to be
converted into the proper form to be made
into proteins
 Segmented-
individual genes exist on
separate pieces of RNA
Other Substances in the Virus
 Other
Substances in the Virus Particle
Can contain enzymes for specific operations
within the host cell
Polymerases to synthesize DNA and RNA
Replicases to copy RNA
6.4 How Viruses are Classified and
Main criteria
International Committee on the Taxonomy of
Viruses, 2000
Chemical composition
Similarities in genetic makeup
3 orders
63 famillies “-viridae”
263 genera “-virus”
Some virologists use a species naming
system, but it is not an official designation
6.5 Modes of Viral Multiplication
 The
host cell is absolutely necessary for
viral multiplication
Figure 6.11
Multiplication Cycles in Animal
 Adsorption
 Penetration
 Uncoating
 Synthesis
 Assembly
 Release
 Virus
encounters susceptible host cells
 Adsorbs specifically to receptor sites on
the cell membrane
• Because of the exact fit required, viruses
have a limited host range
Figure 6.12
 Flexible
cell membrane of the host is
penetrated by the whole virus or its nucleic
 Endocytosis: entire virus engulfed by the
cell and enclosed in a vacuole or vesicle
 The viral envelope can also directly fuse
with the host cell membrane
Figure 6.13
 Enzymes
in the vacuole dissolve the
envelope and capsid
 The virus is now uncoated
Free viral nucleic acid exerts control over the
host’s synthetic and metabolic machinery
 DNA viruses- enter host cell’s nucleus where
they are replicated and assembled
DNA enters the nucleus and is transcribed into
The RNA becomes a message for synthesizing
viral proteins (translation)
New DNA is synthesized using host nucleotides
RNA viruses- replicated and assembled in the
 Mature
virus particles are constructed from
the growing pool of parts
 Nonenveloped
and complex viruses are
released when the cell lyses or ruptures
 Enveloped viruses are liberated by
budding or exocytosis
 Anywhere from 3,000 to 100,000 virions
may be released, depending on the virus
 Entire length of cycle- anywhere from 8 to
36 hours
Figure 6.15
Damage to the Host Cell and
Persistent Infections
 Cytopathic
effects- virus-induced
damage to the cell that alters its
microscopic appearance
 Inclusion bodies- compacted masses of
viruses or damaged cell organelles
Figure 6.16
Important for the diagnosis of viral infections
Some viral infections maintain a carrier
The cell harbors the virus and is not immediately
Persistent infections- from a few weeks to the
remainder of the host’s life
Some viruses remain in a chronic latent state,
periodically becoming activated
 Some viruses enter their host cell and
permanently alter its genetic material, leading to
Oncogenic viruses
Their effect is called transformation
Oncoviruses- mammalian viruses capable of
initiating tumors
Viruses that Infect Bacteria
 Bacteriophage
 Most
contain dsDNA
 Often make the bacteria they infect more
pathogenic for humans
T-even Phages
Icosahedral capsid head containing DNA
Central tube surrounded by a sheath
Base plate
Tail pins
Similar stages as animal viruses
Adsorb to host bacteria
The nucleic acid penetrates the host after being injected through a
rigid tube inserted through the bacterial membrane and wall
Entry of the nucleic acid causes the cessation of host cell DNA
replication and protein synthesis
The host cell machinery is then used for viral replication and
synthesis of viral proteins
As the host cell produces new parts, they spontaneously assemble
Figure 6.17
Figure 6.18
Figure 6.19
Lysogeny: The Silent Virus
 Temperate
phages- special DNA phages
that undergo adsorption and penetration
but are not replicated or released
 Instead the viral DNA enters an inactive
prophage stage
 Lysogeny: the cell’s progeny will also
have the temperate phage DNA
 Lysogenic conversion: when a
bacterium acquires a new trait from its
temperate phage
Figure 6.20
6.6 Techniques in Cultivating and
Identifying Animal Viruses
Primary purposes of viral cultivation
Using Live Animal Inoculation
To isolate and identify viruses in clinical specimens
To prepare viruses for vaccines
To do detailed research on viral structure, multiplication
cycles, genetics, and effects on host cells
Specially bred strains of white mice, rats, hamsters, guinea
pigs, and rabbits
Occasionally invertebrates or nonhuman primates are
Animal is exposed to the virus by injection
Using Bird Embryos
Enclosed in an egg- nearly perfect conditions for viral
Chicken, duck, and turkey are most common
Egg is injected through the shell using sterile techniques
Figure 6.21
Using Cell (Tissue) Culture
 Most
viruses are propagated in some sort
of cell culture
 The cultures must be developed and
 Animal cell cultures are grown in sterile
chambers with special media
 Cultured cells grow in the form of a
 Primary or continuous
Figure 6.22
6.7 Medical Importance of
 Most
common cause of acute infections
that do not result in hospitalization
 Most do not cause death but those that do
can have very high mortality rates
 Others can lead to long-term debility
6.8 Other Noncellular Infectious
Spongiform encephalopathies
Satellite viruses
Chronic, persistent diseases
Long period of latency
Deposition of protein fibrils in the brain tissue- prions
Defective forms of viruses
Dependent on other viruses for replication
Parasitize plants
Very small
Composed only of naked strands of RNA
6.9 Treatment of Animal Viral
 Because
they are not bacteria, antibiotics
are ineffective
 Antiviral drugs block virus replication by
targeting one of the steps in the viral life
 Interferon shows potential for treating and
preventing viral infections
 Vaccines stimulate immunity