Please help your student remember to charge his/her tablet each night. Extra Help Tutorial times: AM (starting at 8:00) - Tuesday AM (starting at 8:00) - Thursday REMIND Register to receive text messages with reminders, home work assignments, and other class information. The class website will be your go-to spot for make-up work, homework, important announcements including assignment due dates, extra help resources, printable papers, and much more. Lesson plans for the current and previous week on my netschool page under the news forum. Students who are absent should refer to this document. 8th Pre-AP ELA Mrs. Heather Dodson Mrs. Andrea Driver I will close the Moodle turn-in box the day after an assignment is due. After that date, students need to email me their work. Students who turn work in late need to notify me by email when the work has been turned in. If a student takes his composition notebook home, and it isn’t in the storage crate within the three-day grading period after it is due, he or she should notify me by email when the notebook gets returned to the crate. You may access all books for this course (SpringBoard, Vocabulary Workshop, and Grammar Coach) on the ELA Pre-AP Moodle page. Technology: During my class, students are expected to have their tablets and chargers out and ready to use when the tardy bell rings. Cell phones may be used with teacher permission only, otherwise they should be in silent mode and in the student’s backpack. We will be completing lessons out of the Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary book throughout the week. Every two weeks we will have a test over the words we have been working on. There are study materials/games for vocabulary Pre-AP and on-level quizzes and tests at ELA Course Guide 2014-2015 I have read and . understand the course guide Students will have homework in this course, (mainly grammar and vocabulary exercises and reading). Please check the calendar on the Pre-AP Moodle page regularly for assignments. ______________________________ Student Name ____________________ Student Signature ____________________ Date 817-698-7900