Islamic University

Islamic University
Nursing College
Name:----------------------------- No: --------------
Anat. &Phys. A
Midterm Exam. for Midwives
I-Mention in short the following
Time : 1 hour
( 10 points )
1- General structure of a Vertebra
2- Pelvis Modifications for Childbearing
3- Two of the cytoplasmic organelles and the function of each
4- Two of the Cells present in the epidermis and function of each
5- Bones of the lower limb from above downwards
II-Fill the spaces with proper words
( 10+1 points )
*the epidermal layer that always undergo cell division is--------------------*the single most abundant chemical substance in our body is …………
*the umbilical region is superior to the…………………..region
*the section that divides the body into superior and inferior parts is called----------------*plasma membrane is formed mainly of-------------------*the large opening in the base of occipital bone is called-----------------------*the joint between the mandible and skull is called-------------*fontanels can no longer be felt after---------------------------of birth
*sternal angle lies at the level of the ----------rib
*sebum is secretion of -------------------glands
*division of the nucleus is called------------------------
III-Match table A with table B
( 10 points )
Table A
) Filtration
) Diffusion
) Solute pumping
) Facilitated diffusion
) passive transport
Table A
) occipital bone
) temporal bone
) ethmoid bone
) sphenoid bone
) maxilla bone
Table B
1- ATP is not needed
2- depends on pressure gradient
3- depends on concentration gradient
4- sodium –potassium transport
5- passive, but protein carrier is needed
6- phagocytosis
Table B
1- separated by sagittal suture
2- has external acoustic meatus
3- has cribriform plate
4- holds pituitary gland
5- the largest facial bone
6- sets on atlas
IV-True ( )or false ( )
( )- Skull bones develop in fibrous tissue.
( )- Interstitial fluid is found between cells.
( )- The elbow is distal to the wrist.
( )- The genetic material in a nondividing nucleus is called chromatin.
( )- Cervical vertebrae are 8 in number.
( )- Dorsal body cavities are not separated from each other.
( )-Connective tissue is the most abundant tissue in our body.
( )-Transitional epithelium is present in respiratory tract.
( )- Osteoblasts are bone-forming cells.
( )-Foot has three longitudinal curvatures.
( )-During interphase, cell grows and divide.
( 10+1 points )
V- Choose the correct answer
(20 points)
( ) Which of the following is not a cranial bone?
a- maxilla
c- occipital
d- frontal
( ) Spaces found in some bones of the skull are termed:
a- meatuses b- sinuses
c- orbits
( ) The clavicle and scapula form the:
a-pectoral girdle b- shoulder blade
d- pelvic girdle
( ) Which of the following is not a bone of the upper limb?
( ) A gradual weakening and decrease in bone mass is called:
a-osteoarthritis b-osteoporosis c-osteochondrosis d-none of the above
( )What are the two types of bone tissue?
a-spongy and hematopoietic
d- compact and spongy
b-compact and long
e- flat and tall
c- cartilage and irregular
( ) Which of the following bones is NOT a part of the axial skeleton?
a- rib
b-frontal bone
c- clavicle d- vertebra
( ) Which of the following are paired bones of the cranium?
a- frontal and parietal
d-parietal and temporal
b-frontal and occipital c- parietal and maxillary
e- sphenoid and parietal
( ) The __________ bone is unique in that it is the only bone of the body that does not
articulate directly with any other bone.
a-inferior concha
b- clavicle
c- hyoid
e- axis
( ) Vertebrae are separated by ____, which cushions and absorb shocks
a-bony pad ligaments
c- loose areolar connective tissue
b- fatty pads
( ) The spinal curvatures in the _______ and _______ regions are referred to as primary
curvatures because they are present when we are born.
a-cervical; sacral
d- cervical; thoracic
b- thoracic; sacral
e- thoracic,lumber
c-cervical; lumbar
( ) The coxal bones (hip bones) make up the:
a-pelvic girdle
d-hip and thigh
b-shoulder girdle
e-pectoral girdle .
c- vertebral column and sacrum
( ) Which bone is the heaviest, strongest bone in the body ?
a- humerus
b- tibia
( ) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a synovial joint?
a-reinforcing ligaments
c- fibrous articular capsule
b-allows only limited movement
d- joint cavity
e-articular cartilage
( ) Bone cells are arranged around longitudinal tubes in concentric circles called:
a-marrow cavities
b- Volkmann's canals.
d- canaliculi.
e- Lamella.
( ) In a living bone, what is contained in a lacuna?
b- calcium salts
c- osteocyte
e- simple squamous epithelium
( ) Which of the following bones is one of the bones forming the forehead?
b- ethmoid
e- frontal
( ) The hard palate is composed of the _______ and _______ bones.
a- maxillae; mandible
d-palatine; lacrimal
b- vomer; palatine c- sphenoid; ethmoid
e-maxillae; palatine
( ) The joint between the parietal bones and the occipital bone is the:
a- fontanel.
d-lambdoidal suture.
b-coronal suture.
e- squamous suture
c-sagittal suture.
( )The bone that is the only freely moveable bone in the skull is the:
a- temporal.
d- frontal.
e- occipital.
Islamic University
Nursing College
Name:----------------------------- No: --------------
Anat. &Phys. A
Midterm Exam. for Midwives
I-Mention in short the following
Time : 1 hour
( 10 points )
1- Bones of the lower limb from above downwards
2- Two of the Cells present in the epidermis and function of each
3- Two of the cytoplasmic organelles and the function of each
4- Pelvis Modifications for Childbearing
5- General structure of a Vertebra
II-Fill the spaces with proper words
( 10+1 points )
*the large opening in the base of occipital bone is called-----------------------*the joint between the mandible and skull is called-------------*fontanels can no longer be felt after---------------------------of birth
*sternal angle lies at the level of the ----------rib
*sebum is secretion of -------------------glands
*division of the nucleus is called-----------------------*the epidermal layer that always undergo cell division is--------------------*the single most abundant chemical substance in our body is …………
*the umbilical region is superior to the…………………..region
*the section that divides the body into superior and inferior parts is called----------------*plasma membrane is formed mainly of--------------------
III-Match table A with table B
Table A
) occipital bone
) temporal bone
) ethmoid bone
) sphenoid bone
) maxilla bone
( 10 points )
Table B
1- holds pituitary gland
2- has external acoustic meatus
3- has cribriform plate
4- separated by sagittal suture
5- the largest facial bone
6- sets on atlas
Table A
) Filtration
) Diffusion
) Solute pumping
) Facilitated diffusion
) passive transport
Table B
1- phagocytosis
2- depends on pressure gradient
3- depends on concentration gradient
4- sodium –potassium transport
5- passive, but protein carrier is needed
6- ATP is not needed
IV-True ( )or false ( )
( )- Dorsal body cavities are not separated from each other.
( )-Connective tissue is the most abundant tissue in our body.
( )-Transitional epithelium is present in respiratory tract.
( )- Osteoblasts are bone-forming cells.
( )-Foot has three longitudinal curvatures.
( )-During interphase, cell grows and divide.
( )- Skull bones develop in fibrous tissue.
( )- Interstitial fluid is found between cells.
( )- The elbow is distal to the wrist.
( )- The genetic material in a nondividing nucleus is called chromatin.
( )- Cervical vertebrae are 8 in number.
( 10+1 points )
V- Choose the correct answer
(20 points)
( )What are the two types of bone tissue?
a-spongy and hematopoietic
d- compact and spongy
b-compact and long
e- flat and tall
c- cartilage and irregular
( ) Which of the following bones is NOT a part of the axial skeleton?
a- rib
b-frontal bone
c- clavicle d- vertebra
( ) Which of the following are paired bones of the cranium?
a- frontal and parietal
d-parietal and temporal
b-frontal and occipital c- parietal and maxillary
e- sphenoid and parietal
( ) The __________ bone is unique in that it is the only bone of the body that does not
articulate directly with any other bone.
a-inferior concha
b- clavicle
c- hyoid
e- axis
( ) Vertebrae are separated by ____, which cushions and absorb shocks
a-bony pad ligaments
c- loose areolar connective tissue
b- fatty pads
( ) The spinal curvatures in the _______ and _______ regions are referred to as primary
curvatures because they are present when we are born.
a-cervical; sacral
d- cervical; thoracic
b- thoracic; sacral
e- thoracic,lumber
c-cervical; lumbar
( ) The coxal bones (hip bones) make up the:
a-pelvic girdle
d-hip and thigh
b-shoulder girdle
e-pectoral girdle .
c- vertebral column and sacrum
( ) Which bone is the heaviest, strongest bone in the body ?
a- humerus
b- tibia
( ) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a synovial joint?
a-reinforcing ligaments
c- fibrous articular capsule
b-allows only limited movement
d- joint cavity
e-articular cartilage
( ) Bone cells are arranged around longitudinal tubes in concentric circles called:
a-marrow cavities
b- Volkmann's canals.
d- canaliculi.
e- Lamella.
( ) In a living bone, what is contained in a lacuna?
b- calcium salts
c- osteocyte
e- simple squamous epithelium
( ) Which of the following bones is one of the bones forming the forehead?
b- ethmoid
e- frontal
( ) The hard palate is composed of the _______ and _______ bones.
a- maxillae; mandible
d-palatine; lacrimal
b- vomer; palatine c- sphenoid; ethmoid
e-maxillae; palatine
( ) The joint between the parietal bones and the occipital bone is the:
a- fontanel.
d-lambdoidal suture.
b-coronal suture.
e- squamous suture
c-sagittal suture.
( )The bone that is the only freely moveable bone in the skull is the:
a- temporal.
d- frontal.
e- occipital.
( ) Which of the following is not a cranial bone?
a- maxilla
c- occipital
d- frontal
( ) Spaces found in some bones of the skull are termed:
a- meatuses b- sinuses
c- orbits
( ) The clavicle and scapula form the:
a-pectoral girdle b- shoulder blade
d- pelvic girdle
( ) Which of the following is not a bone of the upper limb?
( ) A gradual weakening and decrease in bone mass is called:
a-osteoarthritis b-osteoporosis c- osteochondrosis d-none of the above