Light Refraction

Presented by: Vandana Bathla & Eric Williams
Have you ever wondered
why it appears we see
puddles of water on a
highway on a hot summer
 What you are seeing is not
really water, but a mirage.
 Mirages work on the
concept of refraction.
 There are many more
real-life phenomenon that
occur due to refraction.
Ex. Bending of pencil
underwater, etc…
Well, quite simply,
refraction is the bending
of a light wave as it
enters a medium where
it’s speed is different.
As the speed of light
decreases through the
slower medium the
wavelength is also
shortened. Frequency
remains constant.
Lesson 1: Refraction
 Defining Refraction
Lesson 2: Snell’s Law
 Explain the calculations involved
Lesson 3: Critical Angles
Lesson 4: Problem Solving
 Problems involving Snell’s law
E2.1 use appropriate terminology related to light and optics, including, but not limited to: angle
of incidence, angle of reflection, angle of refraction, centre of curvature, focal length,
luminescence, magnification, principal axis, radius of curvature, and vertex [C]
E2.3 use an inquiry process to investigate the refraction of light as it passes through a variety of
media (e.g., the angles of incidence and refraction as light passes through a clear acrylic block)
E2.4 use an inquiry process to investigate the refraction of light as it passes through media of
different refractive indices, compile data on their findings, and analyze the data to determine if
there is a trend (e.g., the amount by which the angle of refraction changes as the angle of
incidence increases varies for media of different refractive indices) [PR, AI, C]
E2.6 calculate, using the indices of refraction, the velocity of light as it passes through a variety of
media, and explain the angles of refraction with reference to the variations in velocity [PR, C]
E3.4 explain the conditions required for partial reflection/refraction and for total internal
reflection in lenses, and describe the reflection/refraction using labeled ray diagrams
E3.4 explain the conditions required for partial reflection/refraction and for total internal
reflection in lenses, and describe the reflection/refraction using labeled ray diagrams
The following activity will be used to show the students an example of
 The opening activity will also be used to facilitate greater student interest
about refraction.
Opening Activity “Hook”:
 Students will look at a glass of water and analyze the angles in which an
object changes and answer questions related to mirages.
Scientific Investigation Lab:
 “Spear Fishing” – Students will look at the practical applications of applying
refraction into everyday situations.
 Historical connections to this lab can also be made to history/geography
where the student performs a the role of an 18th century hunter that needs to
feed his/her family. What measures would you introduce to ensure that you
caught the fish using your spear?
 Students will create a lab using the framework of “Smarter Science” to
formulate their data collection and observational techniques.
Students will use a spear (long wood stick,
blunted approx 1 meter) to hit a wooden fish tied
to a block and placed in a body of water
For convenience purposes, a stream, lake,
pool…etc. Can be used. Understandably
different schools will have access to different
Students will create a lab write up with their
attempts to hit the fish underwater. Data will be
recorded and collaborated with the rest of the
Students will make
connections to the world
and the environment
through these activities.
Firstly: Connections to the
fishing industries that rely
on the scientific principals
of refraction for navigation
and catching food.
Secondly: Environmental
connections to predatory
animals such as bears that
need to compensate for
refraction to catch fish
from a stream.
After the lessons, the students
will be divided into groups
containing no more than 4
Each group will be given a reallife scenario such as mirages, the
sparkle of diamonds, fiber
optics, etc.
The students will then be asked
to explain how refraction causes
all these real-life scenarios.
The students may ask for hints.
Without some familiarity with the properties of light, students are not expected
to fully grasp the concept of refraction .
 Students might have difficulties with the sine law because they will be using it
for the first time.
 The potential student difficulties in understanding refraction could be linked
with their common misconceptions about the concept of light like:
 The distance light travels is dependent on its energy.
 That the rays are parallel implies obligatorily that this is the privileged
direction; and it is generally a horizontal direction.
 Shadows are formed when light is stopped by objects, but students think
that shadows can be conceived as an image, or as something belonging to an
 Students think that the eyes send out something making it possible for us to
 Light always passes straight through transparent material (without changing
 We can see because light travels to your eyes and then from the eyes to the
 Light travels from the eyes to the object.
Practice using ray diagrams
Provide contradictions to students' misconceptions through
questions, implications, and demonstrations.
Encourage discussion, urging students to apply physical concepts
in their reasoning.
Foster the replacement of the misconception with new concepts
through (i) questions, (ii) thought experiments, (iii) hypothetical
situations with and without the underlying physical law, (iv)
experiments or demonstrations designed to test hypotheses.
Re-evaluate students' understanding by
posing conceptual questions
Provide a lot of practice problems
involving sine law
As within any lab experiment, caution must be taken
regarding the use of equipment and other materials.
 When working with light refraction, specifically in the
‘Spear Activity’ the following precautionary measures
should be taken:
 Ensure all students have read the lab safety document outlined
at the beginning of the year.
 The use of water and other liquid materials has a proclivity for
spilling. Therefore, closed toed shoes are to be worn in the lab.
 Potential hazard for slipping as well.
 List of harmful substances should be known to students along
with awareness of safety procedures and MSDS sheet locations.
Refraction causes many
illusions, one of them being
the apparent depth of
objects submerged in water.
 A second natural
phenomena caused by
refraction is the appearance
of mirages. A mirage occurs
when refracted light appears
as if it were reflected light.
 The concept of refraction is
also used in special fiber
optics wire.
Students will be given all labs at the beginning of the
class to allow more time for review of the worksheets.
Digital media presentations using power-point,
videos, blogs, and pictures will be illustrated to
supplement verbal teaching for visual/spatial learners
Kinesthetic movement activities will be randomized
to engage students.
Extra time will be given for identified students in
completion of labs and unit tests.
Partnering and group collaboration will be
 Opening activities at the beginning of each lesson will be used
to interpret and activate prior knowledge regarding light
 Questions within the labs are going to be asked as open-ended
to engage more critical thinking and inquiry based processing.
 Students are encouraged to critique the labs and current
research to maintain a “critical lens”.
 A summative test can be created at the end of the unit which
contains questions satisfying all areas of the achievement chart
to evaluate the students understanding of light refraction.
Bosack, S.V. (2000). Science Is. A source book of fascinating facts,
projects and activities. Scholastic Canada Ltd, pg 62-63.
Ontario Ministry of Education (2010). Growing Success: Assessment,
Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario Schools, First Edition. Queen’s
Printer for Ontario.
Ontario Ministry of Education (2008). The Ontario Curriculum Grades
9-10 Science.
Youth Science Canada. (2011). Smarter Science: Introducing the
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