Listening and speaking

March - April 2015-2016
Listening and speaking:
The students will:
 Practice spelling of vocabulary words.
 Reinforce use of “If-then”.
 Be able to elaborate self-corrections during their expressions.
 Apply future in affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences to describe
 Use seen possessives pronouns, relation words in sentences, superlatives and
comparison adjectives when speaking.
 Decide what they like or dislike from the listened information.
 Identify illogical ideas, incomplete items and redundancies of what they heard.
 Summarize two stories.
 Compare and contrast their basic features.
 Answer questions Where? How?
Reading Skills
The students will:
 Identify and apply consonants Rr, Ss, Tt and Vv to specific words.
 Practice rhymes.
 Work with graphic organizers to summarize stories.
 Practice reading of sentences and short stories.
 Identify high frequency words and their use.
 Identify common irregular verbs present and past tenses.
 Understand and remember the main idea of a story.
 Remember relationships between characters, events and
 Summarize, compare and contrast two stories.
 Express generalization in future tense.
 Identify the simple present tense.
 Answer question “what would happen if?”
Writing Skills
The students will:
 Identify, match and write consonants Rr, Ss, Tt and Vv.
 Identify, match and write (dictation) vocabulary words with consonants Rr, Ss,
Tt and Vv.
 Write their complete name.
 Have dictation of known words and small sentences.
 Write short sentences using given words.
The students will:
 Practice counting in ascendant and descendant order.
 Count and match numbers from 0-100 (review).
 Reinforce writing numbers from 0-20
 Work with written and mental additions and subtractions.
 Reinforce volume (solid shapes).
 Reinforce counting by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.
 Practice positional value (units and tens).
 Learn what weight is.
 Reinforce length concept.
 Start to work with two-digit additions.
 Use seen geometric shapes to make different forms and objects.
 Identify and build solid figures (cylinder, sphere and cone).
 Make fractions (½, ⅓, ¼).
 Use ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th).
The students will:
 Environment, animals as living beings.
 Animals that live on land and water.
 Importance of the elements, water, air and earth.
 Solar system.
The students will:
Geographic environment.
Escucha y Expresión Oral
Los estudiantes:
 Reforzarán absurdos y redundancias de lo que han escuchado.
 Reforzarán el expresar generalizaciones de formas posesivas,
y de tiempo presente, pasado y futuro.
 Reforzarán sustituir oraciones afirmativas y negativas a oraciones
Habilidades de Lectura
Los estudiantes:
 Identificarán y aplicarán las consonantes Ch, Ll, Y, K y X
 Leerán palabras del vocabulario.
 Reforzarán actividades en donde la rima es utilizada.
 Reforzarán el practicar lecturas cortas.
en palabras
Habilidades de Escritura
Los estudiantes:
 Identificarán, relacionarán y escribirán las consonante Ch, Ll, Y, K y X en
palabras específicas.
 Identificarán, relacionarán y escribirán palabras de vocabulario para las
consonantes Ch, Ll, Y, K y X en palabras específicas.
 Tomarán dictado del vocabulario aprendido.
The students will:
 Work with:
 Jumpstart Kindergarten–Math (adding and subtracting).
 Kidpix – Tux Paint-Coloring & Coloring (adding graphics to Kid Pix) / Class
 Trudy’s time and place house - Jellybean hunt / Calendar clock.
 Sammy’s science house - Weather machine / Workshop.
 Dr. Seuss – Memory cards.
The students will:
 Continue assessing and deriving meaning from works of art, including their
own, according to the principles of design, and aesthetic qualities.
 Communicate and express through original works of art applying artistic
processes, skills, materials and tools to share meaning.
The students will:
 Continue noticing cultural diversity as it relates to music, musicians, and
 Read, notate, listen to and analyze music.
 Listen and describe music and other aural information, using the terminology of
The students will:
 Build the range and capacity to move in a variety of ways.
 Perform basic locomotor skills.
 Name and perform folk/traditional dances from Mexico and two other countries.
 Look at and know dances from a variety of times and places.
 Be able to identify differences between two dances.
 Explain basic features that distinguish one kind of dance from another.
 Respond to a variety of stimuli with original movement.
 Create movements that reflect a variety of personal experiences.
The students will:
 Develop fine and gross motor control on different contexts.