Listening and Speaking

March - April 2015-2016
Listening and Speaking:
The students will:
 Continue constructing short affirmative and negative sentences.
 Describe objects’ color, shape, size and use.
 Reinforce seen colors and concepts.
 Learn and practice vocabulary of vowels and consonants.
 Identify and produce sounds of vowels and consonants Rr, Ss, Tt.
 Make simple rhymes with help.
 Name in order sequences of words and identify those that were
Initial Reading
The students will:
 Continue creating own stories relating them to drawings to compare with
their classmates.
 Continue rhyming simple words.
 Paraphrase stories read by the teacher using their own words.
 Start to identify topic of stories after listening to them.
 Identify and match similar letters (consonants and vowels).
 Understand and paraphrase the sequence of events including in a short
story read by the teacher using drawings.
 Identify and name: characters, place and title of stories heard in the
Initial Writing
The students will:
 Identify, match and trace vowels and consonants Rr, Ss, Tt.
 Continue cutting and tracing different kinds of lines.
 Practice writing and cutting skills.
 Repeat visual patterns.
 Continue connecting dots to complete figures.
 Be able to remember and trace letters that were previously shown.
 Handle tiny balls and small objects.
 Draw lines, shapes and letters using different materials.
 Find, cut, place and paste selected materials on a worksheet.
The students will:
 Identify, count and match numbers from 0-18.
 Reinforce seen concepts (up-down, over-under, next to-between, smallsmallest, below, far, equal-same, big-small, more than, bigger than)
 Classify based on different characteristics.
 Use seen geometric shapes ( , , , ,
) to create patterns.
 Be able to develop simple patterns of numbers and shapes.
 Identify the concepts bigger than, biggest.
The students will:
 Learn about the parts of the plants and how to take care of them.
 Be able to identify and name different animals: zoo, farm, and pets.
 Talk about the different environments where they develop theirselves:
school, house, family and how to take care of it.
The students will:
 Recognize, name and classify the different means of transportation: water,
land and air.
 Be able to see and compare animals as means of transportation.
 Describe why means of transportation are important to our community.
 Learn about March Holidays (Mexican Oil Expropriation (18), Benito
Juarez’s Birth (21), 1st day of spring (21st)) and April holidays (Children’s
day (30th)).
Escucha y Expresión Oral
Los estudiantes:
 Conocerán y expresarán palabras que inician con consonantes Rr, Ss, Tt.
 Utilizarán las palabras del vocabulario para expresar oraciones afirmativas
y negativas.
 Identificarán las palabras problemáticas en su uso.
 Describirán objetos considerando forma, tamaño, color y función.
Lectura Inicial
Los estudiantes:
 Asociarán nombre y sonido de las consonantes Rr, Ss, Tt con palabras
que inician con dichas letras.
 Utilizarán una lista de palabras para crear historias.
 Reforzarán el concepto de palabras que riman.
 Identificarán aplaudiendo cada vez que escuchen el sonido de la letra
clave en una serie de palabras.
 Expresarán con sus propias palabras distintas historias utilizando dibujos
para recordar la secuencia.
 Elaborarán garabatos para inventar su propia historia y leerla en voz alta.
 Interpretarán dibujos elaborados por sus compañeros.
Escritura Inicial
Los estudiantes:
 Conocerán el trazo de las consonantes que inician con Rr, Ss, Tt e
identificarán vocabulario de estas letras.
 Trazarán formas, líneas y garabatos con diferentes materiales.
 Reforzarán el trazo de su nombre.
 Manipularán objetos de diferentes tamaños.
 Recortarán papel en líneas rectas.
 Identificarán las letras que se les solicite para empezar a escribirlas.
The students will:
 Learn about:
 Paint Program- Shapes.
 Work with:
 GCompris – Go to discovery Activities, complete the puzzle.
 KidPix - Colors and shapes
 Millie’s Math house – What’s my number?
 Kidpix – Letter book project / Food project.
The students will:
 Express their opinion about the role and development of the visual arts in
the past and present cultures throughout the world.
 Continue applying artistic processes, skills, materials and tools to
communicate meaning and ideas.
 Apply what they have learned in the visual arts across subject areas.
 Communicate and express through original works of art.
 Frida Kahlo art.
The students will:
 Continue listening and describing music and other aural information, using
the terminology of music.
The students will:
 Respond spontaneously to different types of music and rhythms.
 Understand partnering as an element of dance.
 Identify different kinds and types of dances throughout the world.
 Understand dance provides ways to explore the universality and
particularity of human cultures.
 Create accompanying movements when listening to a song.
 Identify music and movement activities (parades, drill teams, marching
 Understand the importance of music when someone is dancing
 Act out nursery rhymes or traditional songs.
The students will:
 Develop fine and gross motor control on different contexts.