
Updated Spring 2012
The Washington State University Geology Club Constitution
Article I-Name of the Organization
The name of this organization shall be the “WSU Geology Club.”
Article II-Purpose
The Purpose of the WSU Geology Club shall be to provide community and networking opportunities to
students interested in Geology. In addition, the goals will be to increase student knowledge of the regional
geology, to provide mentorship, and to facilitate learning through the creation of study groups and the
making rooms available for the purpose of study.
Article III-Membership
Section 1-Regular membership: Voting members shall consist of regularly enrolled full-time
undergraduate and graduate students of Washington State University.
Section 2-Honorary membership: Non-voting members may consist of WSU employees or non-students
Section 3-Non-discrimination clause: Consistent with all applicable federal and state laws and University
policies, this organization and its subordinate bodies and officers shall not discriminate on the basis of
race, color, age, religion, veteran’s status, sex, national origin, sexual orientation or disability in its
selection of members.
Article IV-Membership Fees
Section 1-All members must pay an annual membership fee of $10.00 due to the Treasurer no later than
September 15.
Section 2-Members joining between September 15 and the end of the fall semester must pay the $10.00
membership fee by the second meeting they attend.
Section 3-Members joining in the spring semester must pay a $5.00 membership fee by the second
meeting they attend.
Sections 4-Members who are current on their dues payment shall be classified as ?active? members.
Section 5-Only active members may participate in club activities.
Article V-Officers
Section 1-Officers of the organization shall be as follows: President, Vice President, Secretary, and
Treasurer. The President must have declared Geology as a major in order to run for presidency. In the
event of dwindling membership, the position of Secretary and Treasurer can be combined to one position.
A. President
i. Duties
a. Attend and facilitate council meetings.
b. Ensure accountability amongst council officers
c. Meet with executives at least once a month.
d. Actively encourage, promote, and attend Geology Club programs and meetings.
Updated Spring 2012
e. Represent the Geology Club to any outside entities whenever needed.
B. Vice President
i. Duties
a. Attend council meetings.
b. Facilitate meetings when President is absent.
c. Oversee Lounge/Club Room organization and bulletin board.
d. Actively encourage, promote, and attend Geology Club programs and meetings.
C. Secretary
i. Duties
a. Take notes/minutes at every council meeting.
b. Actively encourage, promote, and attend Geology Club programs and meetings.
D. Treasurer
i. Duties
a. Maintain fiscal records.
b. Organize fundraisers.
c. Actively encourage, promote, and attend Geology Club programs and meetings.
Section 2-Election of Executive Board Members: Anyone can run for membership in the executive board.
Votes will be tallied by the former year?s executive board. Nominations and volunteers must submit their
name for consideration by the first Friday in April. Elections will be held prior to April 25 by secret ballot.
Members that have paid dues may vote once.
Section 3-Elected board members shall take office on the first day of May and shall serve for a period of
one full academic year.
Section 4-Executive Board members shall not be on academic or University probation at the time of their
elections and throughout their term of office. (GPA requirement is 2.0 cumulative average or higher).
Section 5-Officers failing to fulfill the given responsibilities and duties may be removed by the active
Section 6-The removal of an officer requires a two-thirds majority vote of organization members following
notification of the officer in question. Such notification shall be provided in writing no less than seven
days prior to the vote.
Article VI-Advisor
Section 1-Method of selecting advisor: Advisors for student organizations shall be selected from among
the faculty, staff, administration or qualified Teaching and Graduate Assistants.
Section 2-Responsibilities: The advisor must take an active role in assisting the student organization to
achieve its mission and purpose.
Section 3-Duties: The advisor should act as a liaison between Campus Involvement and the organization
he/she is advising.
Article VII-Meetings
Section 1-A regularly scheduled general meeting shall be held at least four times per semester. The
Updated Spring 2012
officers may call additional meetings when the need arises.
Section 2-A quorum shall consist of nine voting members present at any regular or special meeting to
conduct official business.
Section 3-A quorum must be present in order for any official business to be conducted. Official business
shall include election of officers, setting of dues, and any other major decisions.
Section 4- Parliamentary Authority
Article VIII-Dispersal of Funds
Section 1-All fund dispersals must be approved by the quorum prior to being spent.
Section 2-In the event that nine members are unable to vote, a unanimous vote of the executive board can
serve as quorum.
Article IX-Quorum
Section 1-Quorum is defined as 50% of the organization’s total membership plus one.
Section 2-Quorum is necessary for any voting that occurs within the organization.
Article X-Method of Amending Constitution
Section 1-All amendments to this constitution require notice of two weeks prior to being discussed and
voted upon.
Section 2-The constitution may be amended by a vote of two-thirds majority membership at any regular
or special meeting.