Spanish I-AP Spanish IV (and everything in between)

Spanish I-AP Spanish IV
(and everything in between)
Samantha Wilson and Rachel Acuff
Juego: Reacción en cadena
Each student will have a card with a Spanish word on one side and an English word on the
other side.
These words will NOT be translations of each other.
There will be two students with a star on one of their sides. These will be the first and last
students to say their words.
If you want your students to review their vocab from English to Spanish, start with the star
with the English word on the other side, and vice-versa if you want to go from Spanish to
Play one round and time your students and time them. After each round they will switch
The goal of the game is to beat the previous round’s time. Each round they beat the
previous time, they can earn a peso, candy, a minute of free time, etc.
(Variation: Sentence Completion)
Sam’s Method
The following is on my middle school syllabus
(I don’t put it on my high school syllabus because they are used to pesos by that time):
“Your participation grade for this class (and every Spanish class through
Spanish V AP) will consist of earning pesos. You can earn pesos through
answering questions correctly or being a volunteer for an activity. You can get
pesos taken away by talking while someone else is talking, being off task, or
being late to class. At the end of every 4 ½ weeks, Señora Wilson will take up
the pesos and take a class average. The class average will be the grade that
the pesos are taken out of. If you have more than the average, that will count
as extra credit. Speaking is crucial to learning Spanish but there isn’t always
time for every student to be tested individually; pesos are a way for there to be
a consistent speaking grade.”
Rachel’s Method
Variation By Class
Spanish I and II (regular)
- Students start each 4 ½ week grading period with 50 pesos.
By the end of the 4 ½ weeks, they must earn 50 more to
have 100. There are 4 peso grades per semester.
Spanish I and II (honors)
- Same as regular, but 125 instead of 100 each 4 ½ weeks
Spanish III and IV AP
- Students start with 50 and must earn 100, but the grading
period is 3 weeks instead of 4 ½ weeks.
Helpful Hints
There is a learning curve for the
students and for the teacher. Feel free
to change the format to fit your needs.
When you first start using pesos, keep
a tally sheet of students’ progress so
that you’ll know if you are handing out
too many or not enough. (double peso
days, etc.)
Explain to the students from day one
that this is a lesson in responsibility.
Take ownership of your success!
Anuncios / Noticias
-first half of set EVERY DAY (takes 5-10 minutes depending on class size
-students come into class already thinking about what they can talk about in Spanish
-any topic, any grammar point; great way to incorporate interrogative words
-can work for Spanish I through AP
-students can earn pesos or a grade for this depending on teacher preference
-Great for interrogative words
Ejemplo: Estudiante: “Yo fui al cine anoche.”
Profesora: “¿Qué viste? ¿Con quién fuiste? ¿Te gustó la película? ¿Por qué sí, o
Canciones y Videos de Noticias
-after noticias EVERY DAY
(takes roughly 5-6 minutes)
-list of songs in Samantha’s packet
(no particular order)
-extensive database and list of
Rachel’s favorites on her website
-news videos:,
(go to uvideos, then to Primer Impacto for the best selection),
-Common Core
-1-on-1 interaction
•Palabra del Día
-“fun” Spanish
-Relation to Grammar
•Frase que Paga
-Promotion of Language Use
Spanish III +
relevancy to current topic
range of difficulty
individual formative assessment
based on diario from the day before
•Palabra/Frase del Día
“fun” Spanish
“Di unos consejos a un amigo
quien va a salir con una chica
por la primera vez este
DOL: (<--For the next day)
“Sugiero él ser tu mismo y no
besar ella en la primer cita.”
Palabra/Frase del Día
“Por el amor de Dios”
Social Media
Instagram and Twitter
don’t follow students
private account (students must
request to follow)
State Standard 5.1 : Use the
language both within and beyond
the school setting.
anyone with a smartphone
share posts in class
showcase other famous people’s
social media accounts
send reminders
spreading cultural
-find on Instagram or Twitter
(I would NOT recommend following)
-students can send in pictures for extra
-for a “descanso” in class, use this!
Pinterest Board for Students
to Follow
Porque hablo español
displays diversity in the language
entertaining / memorable
Be careful!
Make sure that any of your public
boards are “student-friendly” or
make your own teacher account.
Juegos y
Baloncesto con
conjugaciones y frases
-child’s basketball goal
-two teams (or even four-six depending on class size)
-one team is shooting the basketball
-other team is either conjugating a verb, writing out a sentence,
etc. on the whiteboard
-points are won by how many baskets are made before other
team has everything conjugated/written perfectly
Saludos en Segundos
-Teach one conversational phrase per day.
-Students create a dialogue.
-Students add the new phrase to their dialogues each day.
-Use partner sheet.
-Call out a country.
-The student finds his/her partner and has a conversation.
-The students move on to their next partners when you call
the next country.
-Use ¡1, 2, 3 no inglés!
-Two students sit side by side with a “cerdito” paper (or whatever
animal!) in between them.
-They have different colored markers or colored pencils.
-Each cerdito has a vocabulary word, verb conjugation, etc below
-Call out the translation; whichever student finds the cerdito first,
they color it in.
-Whoever has colored in the most cerditos at the end wins.
-If there is a tie, I tell them to tear the paper in half, and the first
one to write the translation of whatever I say wins.
Papa Caliente
-Hot potato!
-Required materials: a plastic (dodgeball-sized) ball
-Students stand in a circle and pass the ball to one another.
-When a student catches the ball, he/she must say a
vocabulary word or verb conjugation. (Works for anything!)
-After a few seconds of not saying a word, I pronounce the
student “quemado” or “quemada.”
-Repeat until one is left standing.
Pregunta del día
-Ask 2 students a (separate) “question of the day” (it can be
over anything!).
-If they get it correct, without notes, they get 2 pesos and 2
“tiros” (at the basketball goal).
-If they need to use their notes, they get 1 peso and 1 “tiro”
-If they make the basket, the whole class gets a peso.
Interactive Sentences
-Write down five or six sentences in English and Spanish.
-Write or print each word on a piece of paper in large font.
-Give each student a paper (or multiple papers depending on
class size) with a Spanish word on it.
-Give the class an English sentence aloud.
-The students with the words that make up the Spanish
translation of the sentence will come to the front of the room and
make the sentence.
-Works well for pronouns, question formation, and different verb
Preguntas y Discusión
-Use little songs to teach vocabulary and content.
Numbers → 1, 2, 3 (or 10, 20, 30) burritos
Days of the Week → to Are You Sleeping, Brother John?
Subject Pronouns → to Doe, A Deer
-My students’ favorite game!
-Verb conjugation relay race
-The first team to conjugate
the verb correctly gets a point.
-The team with the most
points wins pesos!
-I usually give a consolation
peso to the losing team.
Row Races
-Essentially the same concept as ¡Avalancha! but more
-Each row is a team.
-Students conjugate on a small whiteboard or piece of
paper passing the paper down and back up the row.
-Students may correct others’ work.
-When the team thinks they are finished, they pass it to the
teacher to approve.
Dice Conjugation
-Break students into pairs.
-Give each student a di (<-- you need a lot of dice for this!)
-One student has the subject pronouns (1 = yo, 6 = ellos)
-The other has the verbs (2 = abrazar, 4 = comer)
-The must roll the dice until all 6 verbs are conjugated.
-Student 1 rolls a 2 (tú) + Student 2 rolls a 4 (comer) = comes
-Monitor closely to make sure they are following rules.
-This works for all verb endings/conjugations/tenses/moods!
-Pat-A-Cake with a partner
-Start with the infinitive in Spanish and English.
-Conjugate from 1st singular to 3rd singular (3rd singular is
said 3 times to signify él, ella, Ud.)
-Turn around to switch from singular to plural.
Vocabulario Visual