Mile High Connects Grant Fund for Equitable Transportation

Mile High Connects Grant Fund for Equitable Transportation Initiatives in the Denver Region
2014 Grant Guidelines and Application
Mile High Connects Overview
The Denver region’s $7.8 billion FasTracks initiative is currently one of the largest mass transit projects under
construction in the United States. It provides the Denver region with an unparalleled opportunity to capitalize
on this unique infrastructure investment and enhance the quality of life for all residents.
Mile High Connects (MHC) is a broad partnership of private, public and nonprofit partners that are committed
to increasing access to housing choices, good jobs, quality schools and essential services via public transit. By
increasing resources, influencing policy, working with residents and leveraging the current and expanding
Metro Denver transit system, Mile High Connects will use transit to promote a vital region full of opportunity
for everyone. Our mission is to ensure that the Metro Denver regional transit system fosters communities that
offer all residents the opportunity for a high quality of life. Mile High Connects will realize this vision by:
 Increasing resources to build affordable, inclusive communities along the transit system.
 Influencing policy to ensure that all people are involved and considered in urban and economic
 Increasing resident engagement in neighborhoods directly affected by the expanding transit system.
 Leveraging the existing and expanding transit system to link affordable housing with jobs, schools and
health services.
 Working to make the entire public transit system more accessible to residents of the Denver region’s
lowest income communities.
For more information about Mile High Connects, visit our website at
Many of the challenges and opportunities related to transit cut across areas such as health, education, jobs
and affordable housing. Access to and use of public transportation is not only associated with better health
outcomes (higher levels of physical activity, reduced overweight and obesity, reduced adverse asthma
outcomes), but it can also significantly improve access to supportive services and community resources
including affordable housing, quality education, good-paying jobs, health care, healthy food, physical activity
and recreation opportunities. Access to transit is particularly important for low-income and other
disadvantaged communities that currently experience barriers to these services and community resources. To
learn more about the needs and opportunities related to transit in the Denver Metro region, please refer to
MHC’s Denver Regional Equity Atlas report and new website,
With contributions from local and national funders, MHC leveraged a grant from the National Convergence
Partnership Innovation Fund to establish the MHC Grant Fund. This fund will offer small grants for effective,
integrated approaches to building healthy and prosperous communities and ensuring equity and opportunity
in health, education, jobs and affordable housing as they relate to public transportation in the Denver Metro
Area. More information about the Convergence Partnership Innovation Fund can be found
For proposed projects led by organizations or collaborations: Applicants must be classified as tax-exempt
under section 501(c)(3) or be a public agency (including state and local governments). Applicants without this
designation (individuals, for-profit entities, consultants, etc.) are not eligible to apply but may partner with an
organization eligible to submit an application. New or emerging nonprofit organizations without 501(c)(3)
status are permitted to apply through a tax-exempt organization acting as fiscal sponsor.
For proposed projects led by resident groups: Resident groups do not need to be 501(c)(3) nonprofit
organizations to apply. Any group of three or more unrelated residents that has an idea for a project in their
own community that fits within the guidelines is eligible to apply.
What We Will Fund
Mile High Connects is interested in funding effective, integrated approaches to building healthy and
prosperous communities and ensuring equity and opportunity through transit in the Denver Metro Area.
Specifically, we seek to fund efforts that will:
 Increase resources to build affordable, inclusive communities along the transit system.
 Influence policy to ensure that all people are involved and considered in urban and economic planning.
 Increase resident engagement in neighborhoods directly affected by the expanding transit system.
 Leverage the existing and expanding transit system to link affordable housing with jobs, schools and
health services.
 Work to make the entire public transit system more accessible to residents of the Denver region’s
lowest income communities.
Examples of activities, programs or initiatives we will consider include:
 Built environment placemaking efforts to address active transportation and food access via transit
 Equitable and inclusive public transportation-related assessment, planning and visioning processes
(e.g. station area planning, health impact assessments)
 Technical assistance to expand capacity to address equity/inclusiveness in public transportation
 Innovative programs to build community capacity to access and utilize public transportation
 Strategies for developing community/resident leadership to address transportation issues
 Strategic education, advocacy and community organizing on local or regional public transportation
policy issues
 Sustainable strategies for addressing transit affordability
Grant Amounts
It is anticipated that grants will be awarded in a range of amounts. Typical grants have ranged from $7,500 to
$25,000 but we may consider larger amounts for projects that are highly aligned with our goals and have the
potential for significant impact. The amount requested should be reasonable for the scope of the proposed
project. The amount of funding awarded by MHC will be determined based on the project scope and potential
for impact. We may award funding at a lower level than requested if a project is a fit for our goals but the
amount requested exceeds our resources. Grants will be awarded for one year or less, with the opportunity to
apply for renewal funding.
Projects must have a direct link to the Denver region and the transit system. Existing projects, projects with a
different geography (i.e. statewide) and projects with multiple funding sources are eligible if this grant
funding would expand these projects into transit-oriented communities in the Denver region.
What We Will Not Fund
 General operating support
Fares, passes or memberships for public transportation or other transit services (e.g. bike share, care
share, call-and-ride, etc.) These costs may be considered on a case-by-case basis if they are necessary
to defray costs for participants participating in a defined activity (such as a community planning
For-profit organizations or programs operated by, or for the benefit of, for-profit organizations
Academic research
Capital campaigns
Organizations or entities that discriminate on the basis of race/ethnicity, color, national origin,
citizenship status, sex, disability, veteran status, political beliefs, creed/religion, sexual orientation or
age in the administration of any of its employment, programs, policies or any other activities
Projects that do not demonstrate a strong connection to MHC goals
Projects that do not demonstrate a direct connection to public transportation in the Denver Metro
Selection Criteria
Proposals will be evaluated for their ability to demonstrate the following in the application:
 A commitment to equity, particularly in the engagement of underserved and under-represented
populations. Equity is defined as “just and fair inclusion in a society in which all can participate and
 Compelling community needs and opportunities as they relate to transit
 A focus on communities near transit in the Denver region (bus or rail)
 Innovative and effective strategies for using transit as a means of connecting Denver Metro residents
to opportunity
 Integration of one or more of MHC’s issue areas with transit: health, education, affordable housing,
and jobs/economic development
 Collaborative work between multi-sector partners. Please provide letters of support from partners
who will work with you on this effort.
 Ability to leverage and catalyze additional financial, human and technical resources to meet the goals
of the project
 Capacity to conduct the proposed work
 A means to effectively measure and evaluate outcomes
 If an existing project, project with a different geography (i.e. statewide), or project with multiple
funding sources, a focus on communities near transit in the Denver region and a greater commitment
to equity
Application and Grant Decision Process
Grant deadlines for 2014: February 28, June 16 and October 15. Applications are due by 5:00 p.m. Mountain
How to apply: Complete the attached application. If possible, please combine all application documents into a
single PDF document and submit via email. Please submit all applications to:
Davian Gagne, Mile High Connects Coordinator
Fax: 303-951-9559
Mail: 55 Madison Street, 8th Floor, Denver, Colorado 80206
For questions or assistance with completing the grant application, you may:
 Participate in a grant application workshop or webinar (Dates available at
 Contact Davian Gagne at or 303-951-9558.
Selection process: Applicants will be informed of a decision within two months of the grant deadline. We may
contact applicants with questions at any time during the review process. Proposals will be evaluated based on
their alignment with MHC mission and goals and the strength to which they address the selection criteria. The
process will be competitive and we anticipate receiving more applications than we can fund. In some cases, we
may request that applicants modify their proposal in order to receive funding. Final decisions will be made by
the Mile High Connects Steering Committee, which includes representatives from the collaborative’s member
Grantee Expectations
Grantees who receive funding will be expected to submit a final report documenting the outcomes and lessons
learned from the project. Grantees may also have the opportunity to:
• receive technical assistance
• participate in learning efforts with MHC and/or other grantees
• provide stories of individual successes
• participate in other evaluation activities
Mile High Connects Grant Fund for Equitable Transportation Initiatives in the Denver Region
2014 Grant Application
Application Cover Sheet
Organization or Group Name
Tax Identification Number (if
using a Fiscal Sponsor, please
complete information below)
Organization Mission
Name of Executive Director,
President or Authorized
Organization Representative
Name of contact person
submitting this request (if
different from above)
If using a Fiscal Sponsor, please complete the following:
Fiscal Sponsor Organization Name
Fiscal Sponsor Tax Identification
Fiscal Sponsor Address
Fiscal Sponsor Phone Number
Name and Title of Contact Person
Project Title
Please provide a brief summary of
your proposal (100 words or less):
Total Project Budget
Amount Requested from MHC
Please indicate the timeline for which
you are requesting funding (must be 12
months or less):
Application Questions
Please address the following questions in narrative format in no more than 5 pages using 11-12 point font and
one-inch margins. Please include the questions as headers for your responses.
1. Describe your project. Is this a new or existing project? What specific activities will you implement to
increase equitable access to transit in the metro Denver region?
2. Describe the population or community that will be served by the project. What are the specific needs
and issues as they relate to equity for the population or community you plan to serve? If available,
you may use indicators such as income levels, racial/ethnic distribution, health status data,
employment/unemployment data, affordability indices (e.g. housing + transportation index), survey
data or any other information you think demonstrates equity issues in the community you plan to
3. What specific strategies will you employ to ensure equity and meaningful engagement of underserved
and underrepresented populations or communities?
4. How does your project align with Mile High Connects’ mission, goals and issue areas (health, housing,
education and/or jobs)? What public transportation-related policy or environmental changes do you
anticipate will take place and how will your project impact the health, economic resilience and quality
of life in the community you are targeting? (Note: Please refer to the “Mile High Connects Overview”
on page 1).
5. Describe your organizational or group capacity to implement the project. Do you have previous
experience implementing this type of project? What staffing, leadership, knowledge, skills and
expertise, financial or other resources do you have that will make you successful with this project?
6. Will you be collaborating with other partners on this project? If so, please list your partners and
provide a brief description of their key role(s) in the project. Please also submit letters of support from
partners you are formally collaborating with on this project.
7. What is the timeline for your project? Please outline key milestones for implementation and
completion of your project.
8. How do you plan to evaluate your project? What measures of success will you be looking to achieve?
Please include any indicators, short- and long-term outcomes, goals or other methods of evaluation.
What steps will you take to ensure sustainability of your project beyond the grant period?
Application Attachments
Please include the following with your application (these items do not count towards the page limit):
• Budget Form (included on the next page)
• Letter(s) of support or commitment from collaborating partner(s), if applicable
• 501(c)(3) status, if applicable
• You are allowed one optional attachment that you feel may add important information for your
Application Submission
If possible, please combine all application documents into a single PDF document and submit via email. Please
submit your application to:
Davian Gagne, Mile High Connects Coordinator
Fax: 303-951-9559
Mail: 55 Madison Street, 8th Floor, Denver, Colorado 80206
If you have questions, please contact: Davian Gagne, Mile High Connects Coordinator
Mile High Connects Grant Fund for Equitable Transportation Initiatives in the Denver Region
2014 Grant Application
Budget Form
Received or Pending?
If pending, when do you expect to
receive the funds?
Mile High Connects
Total Amount
Brief description of expenses (general
requested from breakdown of how funding would be used)
Materials and Supplies
Other (please specify):
Indirect (limited to 15%,
see below):
Overhead/Indirect Costs: Mile High Connects will allow up to 15 percent of the total amount requested for
overhead/indirect costs. Overhead/indirect costs are defined as costs that are not directly attributable to the
proposed project, but are necessary to support the project. These expenses include:
Oversight and business management, including expenses and salaries of the Executive Director/CEO
and supporting staff (except for the portion that is spent directly supervising proposed project
activities – this portion should be included directly in the personnel line of the budget)
General record keeping, budgeting and finance
Cost of soliciting revenue from exchange transactions such as government contracts and the sale of
the organization’s goods and services
All management and administration, except for the direct conduct of program activities or fundraising
Costs that are directly related to implementing the proposed project (such as office space, utilities, printing,
etc.) may be included in the administrative/operating line item. Please include a breakdown of these costs in
the description column.