Cell Reproduction cell specialization specialized cells Mitosis produces cells that are exact duplicates of parent cells multicellular organisms are not usually made of a single type of cells Specialized cells organelles in eukaryotic cells have structures and functions related to their function Most multicellular organisms are made up of different kinds of specialized cells red blood cell Nerve cell sperm cell Nerve cells send information from one area of the body to another long, thin structure well suited to function Red Blood Cell contain hemoglobin for transporting oxygen small, flat, disk shape allow easy movement through thin blood vessels Sperm Cell gamete or sex cell used only for reproduction carries genetic information of male parent function is to travel and penetrate egg cell Muscle Cells common to animals specialized to allow movement proteins (myosin) for contraction Plant cells plants a fungi also have specialized cells Plant cells xylem - carries water up phloem - carries nutrients up and down DNA packaging genetic information and instruction for cell activities are carried in DNA multicellular organisms have DNA bundled into chromosomes Chromosomes are made into smaller sections called genes Genes contain specific traits Cell Differentiation nearly all cells have the same set of genes cell differentiation is process that produces specialized cells with different structures and functions zygotes Most multicellular organisms start as zygotes DNA serves as instructions for whole organism all cells receive same DNA Differentiation though each cell has the same DNA, each cell uses only what it needs cells read what they need cells ignore other parts differentiation animation stem cells differentiation occurs in embryos each cell starts with the ability to differentiate once a cell differentiates, it cannot be reversed When cells divide by mitosis, it produces an exact copy Stem cells cont’d stem cells are unspecialized cells that can differentiate into many cell types 2 types embryonic- from embryos (developing offspring) adult - from mature organisms (for growth and repair) stem cells gene expression genes control protein production organism’s traits depend on the kind and number of proteins it makes how the DNA information is used to make proteins is gene expression gene regulation gene regulation determines which genes are turned on or off on = producing coded protein off = not producing coded protein not all genes expressed Cell Reproduction Cell cycle Cell division cells divide to form 2 or more cells growth and reproduction original cell = parent cell each new cell = daughter cell Cell Cycle cell cycle is a process where individual cells grow, make copies, and divide to form daughter cells 3 phases interphase mitosis cytokinesis interphase most of the cell cycle growth and DNA replication 3 stages growth 1 (G1) synthesis (S) growth 2 (G2) G1 phase increases in size synthesis of proteins organelles double new cytoplasm forms S phase synthesis phase duplication of chromosomes G2 phase cell continues to grow all structures and proteins needed for mitosis form mitosis 2nd phase of the cell cycle Mitosis: Animation nucleus divides into 2 nuclei with full DNA sets 4 phases prophase metaphase anaphase telophase prophase chromatin condenses into chromosomes sister chromatids (paired strands of duplicated chromosomes) are attached attached at centromeres nuclear membrane breaks down centrioles move to opposite poles spindle fibers form metaphase sister chromatids line up at cell center along spindle fibers attach to spindle fibers on centromeres anaphase spindle fibers pull sister chromatids apart at the centromere chromatids are pulled toward opposite polls each chromatid is an exact duplicate of its parent telophase chromosomes reach opposite polls and uncoil spindle fibers break down nuclear membrane reforms cytokinesis begins cytokinesis follows telophase division of cytoplasm into 2 separate cells different in plants and animals animals have a central groove cleavage furrow plants have have a cell plate that forms between cells mitosis Asexual reproduction multicellular eukaryotes use mitosis to make new cells production of offspring by a single parent genetically identical to parent mitosis is an important process of asexual reproduction Resources http://www.internethealthandfitnessdatabase.com/human_body_organ_diagram.ht ml http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JTw2RpDo9o blood-cells/ http://weartfestival.com/video-art/weartmag-letter-of-the-editor/attachment/red- http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/body/how-cells-divide.html http://www.123rf.com/photo_7149022_nerve-cell--close-up.html http://www.citruscollege.edu/lc/archive/biology/Pages/Chapter08-Rabitoy.aspx http://humanspermcell.tumblr.com http://emt.bu.edu/em610/em610_ol_spring_2008/yanti/interphase.html http://fourthingsabout.blogspot.com/2011/06/nervous-and-sensory-systems.html https://biologyeoc.wikispaces.com/Mitosis http://www.scripps.org/articles/1154-cbc http://www.protopage.com/eukaryotic.mysteries http://www.abpischools.org.uk/page/modules/celldiv_cancer/cancer3.cfm http://www.evh.k12.nf.ca/rbaker/Bio%203201/The%20Cell%20Cycle/mitosis.htm http://heartmusclehealthcare.com/content/only-accept-cardiac-muscle-cells http://www.biologycorner.com/worksheets/mitosis_key.html http://www.riversideonline.com/health_reference/Tools/DS00549.cfm http://www.yvonnebraden.com/Mitosis%20Flip%20Book%20Warm-up.htm http://www.systembio.com/stem-cell-research/differentiation-reporters/overview http://mrsdlovesscience.com/asexualrepro.html http://www.answering-christianity.com/man_created_from_speeding_sperm.htm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlN7K1-9QB0 http://outreach.mcb.harvard.edu/animations/preloaderStemCells.swf