mitosis quest study guide

What should I know for the Mitosis Quest?
1. Why cells divide?
2. What is the purpose of mitosis?
3. What is apoptosis? When will it occur? How does it help maintain
4. How does DNA change throughout the cell cycle?
a. Important terminology: Chromatin, chromosomes, sister chromatids,
5. What is the relationship between the centrosome, aster, and centriole?
6. Difference between a diploid and haploid cell
7. Difference between animal and plant cell division
8. How do prokaryotes divide?
9. Phases of mitosis (order in which they occur, events of each phase,
chromosome number during each phase)
10. What occurs during the phases of interphase?
11. What is G0 phase?
12. What is the purpose of cytokinesis?
13. Recognize images of each phase of mitosis
14. What proteins are involved in controlling the cell cycle?
15. What are spindle fibers? What do spindle fibers do?
16. What is cancer? How is it connected to the cell cycle?
Throwback Questions:
a. What are the monomers of each organic molecule?
b. What type of bond holds monomers together?
c. Difference between dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis.