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AP biology
Mitosis: Chapter 12 Text-study
Overview of the text-study
• Chapter 12
– pages 215-228
• Key concepts that you will have to
explain in this chapter
– Please develop questions from the
following statements
– List the phases of the cell cycle and
describe the sequence of events that occur
during each phase
Continuation of the Text-study
• Make these into questions
– List the phases of mitosis and describe the
events characteristic of each phase
– Explain the current models for poleward
chromosomal movement and elongation
phase or mitosis
– Describe the roles of checkpoints, cyclin,
CDk, and MPF in the cell cycle control
Continuation of the text-study
– Explain how the abnormal cell division of
cancerous cells escapes normal cell
– Distinguish among benign, malignant, and
metastatic tumors.
• Figure 12.1
– Explain how light microscopes were used
to gather cel ifnormtion from the three
types of functions of cell cycle
• Figure 12.2
– Explain how light microscope was used to
give details about chromosomes
• Figure 12.3 tell how the scanning
electron micrograph was used to give
details about the chromosome
• Figure 12.6 B
– Tell how the transmission electron scope
was used to provide the information.
• Figure 12.15
– Tell how the laboratory process presented
in the text provided information to scientists
on the role of PDGF and cell replication.
Data souorces
• For each of the figures listed in the
methods tell what types of cells or cell
components were used to gather data.
– Figure 12.1
– Figure 12.2
– Figure 12.3
– Figure 12.6 b
– Figure 12.15m
Data analsysis
• Scale
– What do they tell you about cell division in the
– Chromosomes and dna
• Sequence of events of the cell cycle
• Differences between prokaryotes and
• Regulation of cell cycle
– Mitotic clock
– Internal and external signals of the cell cycle
Findings and Summary
• Answer your key concept questions
• Write a summary of the chapter.