ELEG 651 and CPEG 419 Lecture 2 – Chapter 2 The Application Layer Goals of this Chapter • To understand common application protocols work – – – – – – Web (http) Email (smtp) FTP DNS P2P IM • To understand how the design alternatives for application design – A network application runs on many hosts, it is a distributed application – This chapter discusses several designs of distributed applications Road Map • • • • • • Application basics Web Email FTP DNS P2P – Graph theory – State diagrams – P2P design • IM Road Map • • • • • • Application basics Web Email FTP DNS P2P – Graph theory – State diagrams – P2P design • IM Creating a network app write programs that – run on (different) end systems – communicate over network – e.g., web server software communicates with browser software No need to write software for network-core devices – Network-core devices do not run user applications – applications on end systems allows for rapid app development, propagation application transport network data link physical application transport network data link physical application transport network data link physical An App-layer protocol defines • Types of messages exchanged, – e.g., request, response • Message syntax: – what fields in messages & how fields are delineated • Message semantics – meaning of information in fields • Rules for when and how processes send & respond to messages Public-domain protocols: • defined in RFCs • allows for interoperability • e.g., HTTP, SMTP Proprietary protocols: • e.g., Skype Ports • An application is identified by the hosts IP address, transport protocols, and port – E.g., A web server has a particular IP address, listens with TCP on port 80. – A web browser on a host will connect a request a file from the web server. The browser is identified by the host’s IP address and a TCP port. host (web server) host TCP UDP TCP UDP 0 0 0 0 4567 4568 216-1 80 216-1 216-1 216-1 What transport service does an app need? Data reliability • some apps (e.g., audio) can tolerate some loss • other apps (e.g., file transfer, telnet) require 100% reliable data transfer Timing • some apps (e.g., Internet telephony, interactive games) require low delay to be “effective” Throughput • some apps (e.g., multimedia) require minimum amount of throughput to be “useful” (i.e., in order for the user to gain utility) • other apps (“elastic apps”) make use of whatever throughput they get Security • Encryption, data integrity, … Transport service requirements of common apps Application file transfer e-mail Web documents real-time audio/video stored audio/video interactive games instant messaging Data loss Throughput Time Sensitive Internet transport protocols services TCP service: UDP service: • connection-oriented: setup required between client and server processes • reliable transport between sending and receiving process • flow control: sender won’t overwhelm receiver • congestion control: throttle sender when network overloaded • does not provide: timing, minimum throughput guarantees, security • unreliable data transfer between sending and receiving process • does not provide: reliability, flow control, congestion control, timing, throughput guarantee, or security • Does not require connection set-up • Packets can be sent at any rate desired (but this might be cause considerable congestion) Internet apps: application, transport protocols Application e-mail remote terminal access Web file transfer streaming multimedia Internet telephony Application layer protocol SMTP [RFC 2821] Telnet [RFC 854] HTTP [RFC 2616] FTP [RFC 959] HTTP (eg Youtube), RTP [RFC 1889] SIP, RTP, proprietary (e.g., Skype) Underlying transport protocol Road Map • • • • • • Application basics Web Email FTP DNS P2P – Graph theory – State diagrams – P2P design • IM Web and HTTP • Web page consists of objects • Object can be HTML file, JPEG image, Java applet, audio file,… • Web page consists of base HTML-file which includes several referenced objects • The browser first requests the base file • The base file species text and URLs of objects • The browser requests these objects, where ever they are (not always on the same server) • HTTP is used to request the base file and all the other files • Note, that HTTP can be used for other applications besides web • Each object is addressable by a URL • Example URL: www.someschool.edu/someDept/pic.gif host name path name HTTP overview HTTP: hypertext transfer protocol • Web’s application layer protocol • client/server model – client: browser that requests, receives, “displays” Web objects – server: Web server sends objects in response to requests PC running Explorer Server running Apache Web server Mac running Navigator HTTP overview (continued) Uses TCP: HTTP is “stateless” • client initiates TCP connection (creates socket) to server, port 80 • server accepts TCP connection from client • HTTP messages (applicationlayer protocol messages) exchanged between browser (HTTP client) and Web server (HTTP server) • TCP connection closed • server maintains no information about past client requests aside Protocols that maintain “state” are complex! • past history (state) must be maintained • if server/client crashes, their views of “state” may be inconsistent, must be reconciled HTTP connections Nonpersistent HTTP • At most one object is sent over a TCP connection. Persistent HTTP • Multiple objects can be sent over single TCP connection between client and server. Nonpersistent HTTP Suppose user enters URL www.someSchool.edu/someDepartment/home.index (contains text, references to 10 jpeg images) 1a. HTTP client initiates TCP connection to HTTP server (process) at www.someSchool.edu on port 80 1b. HTTP server at host 2. HTTP client sends HTTP request message (containing URL) into TCP connection socket. Message indicates that client wants object someDepartment/home.index www.someSchool.edu waiting for TCP connection at port 80. “accepts” connection, notifying client 3. HTTP server receives request message, forms response message containing requested object, and sends message into its socket 5. HTTP client receives response message containing html file, displays html. Parsing html file, finds 10 referenced jpeg objects time 6. Steps 1-5 repeated for each of 10 jpeg objects 4. HTTP server closes TCP connection. Non-Persistent HTTP: Response time Definition of RTT: time for a small packet to travel from client to server and back. Response time: initiate TCP connection time time Persistent HTTP • Nonpersistent HTTP issues: • requires 2 RTTs per object • OS overhead for each TCP connection • browsers often open parallel TCP connections to fetch referenced objects • Persistent HTTP • server leaves connection open after sending response • subsequent HTTP messages between same client/server sent over open connection • client sends requests as soon as it encounters a referenced object • as little as one RTT for all the referenced objects HTTP request message • two types of HTTP messages: request, response • HTTP request message: – ASCII (human-readable format) request line (GET, POST, HEAD commands) GET /somedir/page.html HTTP/1.1 Host: www.someschool.edu User-agent: Mozilla/4.0 header Connection: close lines Accept-language:fr Carriage return, line feed indicates end of message (extra carriage return, line feed) HTTP request message: general format HTTP response message status line (protocol status code status phrase) header lines data, e.g., requested HTML file HTTP/1.1 200 OK Connection close Date: Thu, 06 Aug 1998 12:00:15 GMT Server: Apache/1.3.0 (Unix) Last-Modified: Mon, 22 Jun 1998 …... Content-Length: 6821 Content-Type: text/html data data data data data ... HTTP response status codes In first line in server->client response message. A few sample codes: 200 OK – request succeeded, requested object later in this message 301 Moved Permanently – requested object moved, new location specified later in this message (Location:) 400 Bad Request – request message not understood by server 404 Not Found – requested document not found on this server 505 HTTP Version Not Supported Trying out HTTP (client side) for yourself 1. Telnet to your favorite Web server: telnet cis.poly.edu 80 Opens TCP connection to port 80 (default HTTP server port) at cis.poly.edu. Anything typed in sent to port 80 at cis.poly.edu 2. Type in a GET HTTP request: GET /~ross/ HTTP/1.1 Host: cis.poly.edu By typing this in (hit carriage return twice), you send this minimal (but complete) GET request to HTTP server 3. Look at response message sent by HTTP server! Wireshark (ethereal) • • • • • Wireshark captures all packets that pass through the hosts interface To run Wireshark , libpcap (linux) or winpcap (windows) must be installed. It comes with wireshark package Then, run wireshark Select Capture Find the active interface – E.g., mot generic dialup, nor vnp, nor packet scheduler, but wireless …. With IP address – Then select prepare – Let’s watch TCP packets on port 80 • Next to capture filter, enter TCP port 80 – – – – • • • Select update in realtime and autoscroll Might need to enable or disable “capture in promiscuous mode” Press start Press close Load www.eecis.udel.edu page in browser Press stop in Wireshark Find http request to – Right click and select follow TCP stream Web caches (proxy server) Goal: reduce network utilization by satisfying client request without involving origin server • user sets browser: Web accesses via cache • browser sends all HTTP requests to cache – object in cache: cache returns object – else cache requests object from origin server, then returns object to client origin server client client Proxy server origin server More about Web caching • cache acts as both client and server • typically cache is installed by ISP (university, company, residential ISP) Why Web caching? • reduce response time for client request • reduce traffic on an institution’s access link. • Internet dense with caches: enables “poor” content providers to effectively deliver content (but so does P2P file sharing) Caching example origin servers Assumptions • average object size = 100,000 bits • avg. request rate from institution’s browsers to origin servers = 15/sec • delay from institutional router to any origin server and back to router = 2 sec Consequences • • • utilization on LAN = 15% utilization on access link = 100% total delay = Internet delay + access delay + LAN delay = 2 sec + minutes + milliseconds public Internet 1.5 Mbps access link institutional network 10 Mbps LAN institutional cache Caching example (cont) origin servers possible solution • increase bandwidth of access link to, say, 10 Mbps public Internet consequence • • • utilization on LAN = 15% utilization on access link = 15% Total delay = Internet delay + access delay + LAN delay = 2 sec + msecs + msecs • often a costly upgrade 10 Mbps access link institutional network 10 Mbps LAN institutional cache Caching example (cont) possible solution: install cache origin servers • suppose hit rate is 0.4 consequence • 40% requests will be satisfied almost immediately • 60% requests satisfied by origin server • utilization of access link reduced to 60%, resulting in negligible delays (say 10 msec) • total avg delay = Internet delay + access delay + LAN delay = .6*(2.01) secs + .4*milliseconds < 1.4 secs public Internet 1.5 Mbps access link institutional network 10 Mbps LAN institutional cache Conditional GET cache • Goal: don’t send object if cache has up-to-date cached HTTP request msg version If-modified-since: <date> • cache: specify date of cached copy in HTTP request If-modified-since: <date> • server: response contains no object if cached copy is up-todate: HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified HTTP response server object not modified HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified HTTP request msg If-modified-since: <date> HTTP response HTTP/1.0 200 OK <data> object modified Road Map • • • • • • Application basics Web FTP Email DNS P2P – Graph theory – State diagrams – P2P design • IM FTP: the file transfer protocol user at host FTP FTP user client interface local file system file transfer FTP server remote file system • transfer file to/from remote host • client/server model – client: side that initiates transfer (either to/from remote) – server: remote host • ftp: RFC 959 • ftp server: listens on port 21 FTP is weird: separate control and data connections • • FTP client contacts FTP server at port 21, TCP is transport protocol client authorized over control connection – – – • • client browses remote directory by sending commands over control connection. Data is transferred over different connections. Two approaches – – • This is done in “clear text” (i.e., unencrypted) So if some one if sniffing packets, your password might be learned. Sniffing packets is difficult on ethernet, encrypted wifi, and DSL, but is possible on cable modems TCP control connection port 21 FTP client TCP data connection port 20 FTP server Active Passive Active – The client opens a TCP socket with on some port (port number >1024) – The client sends the server the port – The server connects to the client’s port where the servers source port is 20 • Active mode is a problem for firewalls – If my desktop is not a server, if should not receive any requests for connections. – But FTP servers will make such a requests FTP Passive mode • • • • When a file is to be transferred, the server opens a port (number>1024 and TCP control connection not 20) port 21 The server sends this port number information over the command connection TCP data connection FTP FTP high port The client connects to the servers over client server this port. Drawback of passive – Some enterprises (companies) like to control which applications are used • E.g., web browsing is ok, but skype is not – One way to do this is to block out going connections based on the port. – However, this will cause FTP to fail, unless the device that blocks connections is smart Road Map • • • • • • Application basics Web FTP Email DNS P2P – Graph theory – State diagrams – P2P design • IM Email Protocol Design • Basic assumption: weak user agents and strong mail servers – – – – – • The user wants to send the mail and leave The user wants to get the mail The user may come and go whenever (e.g., roaming laptop) It should be possible to send mail to a user even if neither user is online at the same time. We conclude that there must be a middle man/mail server. Servers are not that strong: The protocol must be as robust as possible to servers being offline – No single server – why • • – • Users Mail servers Each user has a mail box in its mail server – • • We conclude that there should be many mail servers Two types of hosts – – • Single point of failure The server would have to be too big (congestion) Users retrieve mail from their mail server at there convenience Users give mail to their mail servers to deliver the mail Mail servers communicate with – – The users that have mail boxes in the server Other mail servers user agent mail server mail server user agent Email Protocol Design • Two types of hosts – – • Each user has a mail box in its mail server – • • Users Mail servers Users retrieve mail from their mail server at there convenience Users give mail to their mail servers to deliver the mail Mail servers communicate with – – The users that have mail boxes in the server Other mail servers User composes mail and sends it to its mail server (or a mail server that will send mail for it) user agent mail server Mail server finds the destination mail server and attempts to send the mail mail server Destination user requests emails from mailbox Destination server gives mails to user user agent Email Protocol Design • Two types of hosts – – • Each user has a mail box in its mail server – • • Users Mail servers Users retrieve mail from their mail server at there convenience Users give mail to their mail servers to deliver the mail Mail servers communicate with – – The users that have mail boxes in the server Other mail servers User composes mail and sends it to its mail server (or a mail server that will send mail for it) user agent Mail server finds the destination mail server and attempts to send the mail Destination server gives mails to user mail server mail server SMTP Destination user requests emails from mailbox SMTP user agent POP3 IMAP … Electronic Mail: Details outgoing message queue Three major components: • • • user agents mail servers simple mail transfer protocol: SMTP user mailbox user agent mail server User Agent • a.k.a. “mail reader” • composing, editing, reading mail SMTP messages • e.g., Eudora, Outlook, elm, Mozilla Thunderbird mail • Put outgoing on server (with SMTP) server • Get incoming messages from server user agent SMTP SMTP user agent user agent mail server user agent user agent Electronic Mail: mail servers Mail Servers • • • mailbox contains incoming messages for user message queue of outgoing (to be sent) mail messages SMTP protocol between mail servers to send email messages – client: sending mail server – “server”: receiving mail server • Reliable: several attempts and provide notification if delivery fails user agent mail server SMTP SMTP mail server user agent SMTP user agent user agent mail server user agent user agent Electronic Mail: SMTP [RFC 2821] • uses TCP to reliably transfer email message from client to server, port 25 • direct transfer: sending server to receiving server • Emails are pushed to servers (but users pull messages from servers) • three phases of transfer – handshaking (greeting) – transfer of messages – closure • command/response interaction – commands: ASCII text – response: status code and phrase • messages must be in 7-bit ASCII – Makes it difficult to send attachments Scenario: Alice sends message to Bob 4) SMTP client sends Alice’s message over the TCP connection 5) Bob’s mail server places the message in Bob’s mailbox 6) Bob invokes his user agent to read message 1) Alice uses UA to compose message and “to” bob@someschool.edu 2) Alice’s UA sends message to her mail server; message placed in message queue 3) Client side of SMTP opens TCP connection with Bob’s mail server 1 user agent 2 mail server 3 mail server 4 5 6 user agent Sample SMTP interaction Client connects to server S: C: S: C: S: C: S: C: S: C: C: C: S: C: S: 220 hamburger.edu HELO crepes.fr 250 Hello crepes.fr, pleased to meet you MAIL FROM: <alice@crepes.fr> 250 alice@crepes.fr... Sender ok RCPT TO: <bob@hamburger.edu> 250 bob@hamburger.edu ... Recipient ok DATA 354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself Do you like ketchup? How about pickles? . 250 Message accepted for delivery QUIT 221 hamburger.edu closing connection Try SMTP interaction for yourself: • telnet mail.eecis.udel.edu 25 • see 220 reply from server • enter HELO, MAIL FROM, RCPT TO, DATA, QUIT commands above lets you send email without using email client (reader) SMTP: final words • SMTP uses persistent connections • SMTP requires message (header & body) to be in 7-bit ASCII • SMTP server uses CRLF.CRLF to determine end of message Comparison with HTTP: • HTTP: pull • SMTP: push • both have ASCII command/response interaction, status codes • HTTP: each object encapsulated in its own response msg • SMTP: multiple objects sent in multipart msg Mail access • POP3 and IMAP are two protocols for access mail on a mail server • Web-based mail works differently, the web mail server and the mail server can be integrated, so that there is no user agent. Mail access protocols user agent SMTP SMTP sender’s mail server access protocol receiver’s mail server • SMTP: delivery/storage to receiver’s server • Mail access protocol: retrieval from server – POP: Post Office Protocol [RFC 1939] • authorization (agent <-->server) and download – IMAP: Internet Mail Access Protocol [RFC 1730] • more features (more complex) • manipulation of stored msgs on server – HTTP: gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail, etc. user agent Road Map • • • • • • Application basics Web FTP Email DNS P2P – Graph theory – State diagrams – P2P design • IM DNS – domain name system • Change names, like www.yahoo.com into IP address. • Services provided by DNS – Name to address translation – Host aliasing • A host relay1.west-coast.yahoo.com could have two aliases, yahoo.com and www.yahoo.com. • In this case, the canonical hostname is relay1.west-coast.yahoo.com. • DNS can provide canonical host names – Mail server aliasing • When a mail server wants to send a mail to Me@udel.edu, it does not send it to www.udel.edu, but to mail.udel.edu. Or maybe udmail.udel.edu. DNS can translate udel.edu to mail.udel.edu – (Cheap) Load distribution • • • • Cnn.com has several servers. DNS will respond with all address, but it will reorder the addresses every time. If the client uses the first address listed, then each client will use different servers. • Content distribution networks (CDN) are better ways of load balancing DNS - structure • Centralized DNS? – Pros – Cons 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. • Instead, a distributed hierarchical database is used. Domain Hierarchy edu UD eecis upenn art bohacek_pc1 bohacek_pc10 com yahoo gov cisco whitehouse mil nasa navy org net uk arpa acm in Administrative Zones in the Domain Hierarchy root edu UD upenn gov whitehouse com mil nasa navy arpa yahoo org net uk cisco acm eecis art bohacek_pc1 bohacek_pc10 It is possible that .edu and .gov are administered together Note that UD administered art but not eecis Some times a single service provider will administer the domains for a large number of .coms in Root servers • Each layer in the hierarchy knows about the domain names below it • The highest level is the root. – There are 13 root “servers” – Each of these servers is actually several servers, and some of the machines that comprise a server are distributed geographically. a Verisign, Dulles, VA c Cogent, Herndon, VA (also LA) d U Maryland College Park, MD g US DoD Vienna, VA h ARL Aberdeen, MD j Verisign, ( 21 locations) e NASA Mt View, CA f Internet Software C. Palo Alto, k RIPE London (also 16 other locations) i Autonomica, Stockholm (plus 28 other locations) m WIDE Tokyo (also Seoul, Paris, SF) CA (and 36 other locations) b USC-ISI Marina del Rey, CA l ICANN Los Angeles, CA 13 root name servers worldwide overview • Top-level domain (TLD) servers – There are around 200 top-level domains – These include com, edu, mil, info, in, uk, cn, – Currently, • network solutions maintains the TLD servers for com • Educause maintains the TLD servers for edu – The root servers know the addresses and names of all top level servers • Organizations have a hierarchy of DNS servers DNS queries • • • • • • Suppose a host needs the IP address of bohacek-pc1.eecis.udel.edu If this IP address is not in cache, the host asks its local DNS server. If the DNS server does not have it in cache, it checks if is had the IP address of the DNS server of eecis.udel.edu in cache If not, it checks if IP address of the dns server of udel.edu in cache If not, it check if it has the IP address of the top-level domain server of edu in cache It not, it asks the root server for the IP address of the edu TLD server – • • • • • • • The DNS server always has the IP address of the root servers The local DNS server asks the edu TLD server for address of bohackpc1.eecis.udel.edu. The TLD server does not know that IP address, but instead gives the IP address of the dns server for UD The local DNS server asks the UD dns server for the address of bohackpc1.eecis.udel.edu. The UD dns server does not know the address, but instead returns the address of the eecis dns server. The local DNS server asks the eecis dns server for the address of bohacekpc1.eecis.udel.edu Eecis dns server replies with the address. This address is returned to the host that orginally asked the question. DNS Queries Root server (IP address are always known) Browser wants to show www. eecis.udel.edu Browser needs the IP address of www. eecis.udel.edu What is the IP address of www.eecis.udel.edu? Root server does not know. Instead, it responds with dns server that might, specifically, the TLD server for .edu TLD server for .edu Host asks local DNS server for IP address of www. eecis.udel.edu It is • • • • • What is the ip address of www.eecis.udel.edu? TLD server does not know. Instead replies with the What is the ip address nameof and IP address of www.eecis.udel.edu? the UD DNS server dns server What is theUD ip address of does not know. Instead it replies with Local DNS server checks if itwww.eecis.udel.edu? has the IP the name and IP address address of www.eecis.udel.edu in of the eecis dns server. cache. If not, it checks if is had the IP address of the DNS server of eecis.udel.edu in cache It is If not, it checks if IP address of the dns server of udel.edu in cache If not, it check if it has the IP address of the top-level domain server of edu in cache .if not, ….. DNS Queries Root server (IP addresses are always known) What is the IP address of www.eecis.udel.edu? Browser Browser needs wantsthe to IP address show of www.eecis.udel.edu Host asks local DNS server for IP address of www.eecis.udel.edu Root server does not know. Instead, it responds with name and address of a server that might, specifically, What is the IP address ofthe TLD server TLD server for .edu for .edu www.eecis.udel.edu? TLDWhat server does know.of is the ipnot address Instead replies with the www.eecis.udel.edu? It is name and IP address of the UD DNS server UD DNS server does not What is the IP address of 1. Local DNS server checks if it has theknow. IP Instead it replies with www.eecis.udel.edu? address of www.eecis.udel.edu in cache. the name and IP address 2. If not, it checks if is had the IP address of of the eecis dns server. the DNS server of eecis.udel.edu in cache It is 3. If not, it checks if it has the IP address of the DNS server of udel.edu in cache 4. If not, it checks if it has the IP address of the top-level domain server of edu in cache 5. .if not, ….. UD DNS server eecis DNS server DNS Queries Browser Browser needs wantsthe to IP address show of www.eecis.udel.edu Host asks local DNS server for IP address of www.eecis.udel.edu It is 1. Local DNS server checks if it has the IP address of www.eecis.udel.edu in cache. 2. If yes, then return it DNS Queries Browser Browser needs wantsthe to IP address show of www.eecis.udel.edu Host asks local DNS server for IP address of www.eecis.udel.edu It is 1. Local DNS server checks if it has the IP address of www.eecis.udel.edu in cache. 2. If not, it checks if is had the IP address of the DNS server of eecis.udel.edu in cache 3. If yes, query it… What is the IP address of www.eecis.udel.edu? It is eecis DNS server DNS Queries Browser Browser needs wantsthe to IP address show of www.eecis.udel.edu Host asks local DNS server for IP address of www.eecis.udel.edu It is 1. Local DNS server checks if it has the IP address of www.eecis.udel.edu in cache. 2. If not, it checks if is had the IP address of the DNS server of eecis.udel.edu in cache 3. If not, it checks if it has the IP address of the DNS server of udel.edu in cache 4. If not, it checks if it has the IP address of the top-level domain server of edu in cache 5. .if so, then query it… What is the IP address of www.eecis.udel.edu? TLDWhat server does know.of is the ipnot address Instead replies with the www.eecis.udel.edu? name and IP address of the UD DNS server UD DNS server does not What is theit IP address know. Instead replies withof www.eecis.udel.edu? the name and IP address of the eecis dns server. TLD server for .edu UD DNS server It is eecis DNS server Attack on DNS • Hackers have tried to bring down DNS by performing a DoS on the root servers – DoS – denial of service. Sends more packets or requests for service than the server can accommodate. Resulting in poor service for normal users. • This failed because – There are many very strong root servers and have firewalls/filters • The attacks used ICMP ping packets • DNS requests would have been more effective – It is rare that a root server is needed • Usually only the TLD server is needed • Or only a domain server. DNS Message Details • DNS Record – (Name, Value, Type, Class, TTL) – If Type = A • Name is the host name • Value is the IP address of the host – If Type = NS • Name is a domain name • Value is the name of the DNS server for the domain • E.g., (udel.edu, dns.udel.edu, NS, …, …) – Type = MX • Name is the domain name • Value is the name of the mail server for the domain • E.g., (udel.edu, mail.udel.edu, MX, …, …) – Type = CName • Name is a host name • Value is the canonical name of the host • E.g., (www.yahoo.com, relay-east.yahoo.com, CName, …, …) – TTL is the time to live, so DNS caches can be timed out – Class is no longer used, it is set as IN DNS query • (Name, Type, Class) • (UDel.edu, MX, IN) – Please provide the name of the UD’s mail server • (mail.UDel.edu, A, IN) – Please provide the IP address for mail.udel.edu DNS message format DNS protocol : query and reply messages, both with same message format msg header • identification: 16 bit # for query, reply to query uses same # • flags: – query or reply – recursion desired – recursion available – reply is authoritative DNS message format Name, type fields for a query RRs in response to query records for authoritative servers additional “helpful” info that may be used DNS Queries Root server (IP addresses are always known) 0 0 1 0 (www.eecis.udel.edu, A,IN) 0 0 Browser Browser needs wantsthe to IP address show of www.eecis.udel.edu 0 4 NS, IN) 0 1 (edu, edu-serverA.net, (edu-serverA.net,, A, IN) 0 0 1 0 (edu, edu-serverB.net, NS, IN) (www.eecis.udel.edu, A,IN) TLD (edu-serverB.net,, A, IN) 0 0 server for .edu (www.eecis.udel.edu, A,IN) 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 (www.eecis.udel.edu, A,IN) 4 0 1 0 (udel.edu, dns2.udel.edu, NS, IN) (udel.edu, dns2.udel.edu,, A, IN) (www.eecis.udel.edu,, A, IN) 1. Local DNS server checks if it has the IP address of www.eecis.udel.edu in cache. 2. If not, it checks if is had the IP address of the DNS server of eecis.udel.edu in cache 3. If not, it checks if it has the IP address of the DNS server of udel.edu in cache 4. If not, it checks if it has the IP address of the top-level domain server of edu in cache 5. .if not, ….. 0 0 0 1(udel.edu, dns1.udel.edu, NS, IN) 0 0 0, A, IN) (dns1.udel.edu, 4 (www.eecis.udel.edu, A,IN) UD DNS server (eecis.udel.edu, dns1.eecis.udel.edu, NS, IN) (dns1.eecis.udel.edu,, A, IN) (eecis.udel.edu, dns2.udel.edu, NS, IN) (dns2.udel.edu,, A, IN) 0 0 1 0 (www.eecis.udel.edu,, A, IN) eecis DNS server DNS Flags • The DNS header has a query ID – The query has this ID and the server copies this ID into the response • Flag indicating query or answer • Flag indicating whether the server is the authoritative server for the answer (as oppose to a cached answer) • A recursive desired flag indicating that the host/server would like the server to perform the recursive DNS lookup • A recursive available flag indicating whether the server is available to to the recursive lookup DNS • Which transport protocol should DNS use? • Why?