THE Hunger GamesVOCABULARY Reading Assignment 4

Part 1: Using Prior knowledge and Contextual Cues
Below are the sentences in which the vocabulary words appear in the text. Read
the sentence. Use any clues you can find in the sentence combined with your
prior knowledge, and write what you think the underlined word means on the line
1. I crouch before her, staring helplessly at the embedded weapon.
2. The final lines are barely audible.
3. Maybe Haymitch noticed my despondency and is trying to cheer me up a
4. Heaviness infuses my whole body, as if there’s liquid lead in my veins.
5. I obediently consolidate the supplies I want into my pack.
6. I wonder how long we’ll get until the next catastrophe drives us back
7. Today I’ll have to be scrupulously careful.
8. Maybe that was the variable that allowed him to escape.
9. I try to capture the calm demeanor my mother assumes when handling
particularly bad cases.
10.Nothing of the caliber I’ll need to treat Peeta.
Part 2: Matching the word with the definition.
______ 1. Embedded
a. Something that can change
______ 2. Audible
b. To combine two or more of something
______ 3. Despondency
c. Loud enough to be heard
______ 4. Infuse
d. Ability or importance
______ 5. Consolidate
e. within
______ 6. Catastrophe
f. Very careful
______ 7. Scrupulously
g. Vibe projected
______ 8. Variable
h. Sad or gloomy
______ 9. Demeanor
i. A sudden great disaster
______10. Caliber
j. To put within; to instill