Chapter 3 Section 3.1

Name __________________________________ Class _________________ Date ___________
Section 3-1
What Causes Stress? (pp. 56–59)
• Describe what causes a person to experience stress.
• Identify four general types of stressors.
Stress is the response of your body and mind to being challenged or threatened. You
experience stress when situations, events, or people make demands on your body and
mind. Stress can be positive or negative. Stress that is positive is called eustress. Eustress
may help you escape from a dangerous situation or accomplish a goal. Stress that is negative
is called distress. Distress can take a negative toll on your performance and your health.
Stress has a variety of causes. An event or situation that causes stress is called a stressor.
Four general types of stressors are major life changes, catastrophes, everyday problems,
and environmental problems.
Major life changes include both positive changes, such as graduating from high school,
and negative changes, such as having a serious illness. Even a positive life change can be
stressful. A catastrophe is an event that threatens lives and may destroy property.
Experiencing a catastrophe can be extremely stressful. A person who experiences a
catastrophe may have to deal with the psychological effects for years after the event.
Everyday problems such as hassles, conflict, and the pressure to succeed can cause stress.
Environmental problems such as noise, unsafe conditions, or crowded conditions can also
cause stress.
Name __________________________________ Class _________________ Date ___________
Section 3-1
Note Taking Guide
What Causes Stress? (pp. 56–59)
What Is Stress?
1. Give two examples of positive stress.
a. ____________________________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________________________
2. Give two examples of negative stress.
a. ____________________________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________________________
The Many Causes of Stress
3. Complete the concept map with examples of the different types of stressors.