Graduation Paper Research Week Strahan

November 12 (A) & 13 (B)
Clear everything
off your desk
except something
to write with.
#1 is good to
Fill out!
Check out
CMS Serves
for ideas.
Thesis Statement
needs some
revisions. Review
notes from previous
3 Minutes to
Major Resources
Pages 4-6
Mrs. Slater will not show you how to use these
databases and resources. Be sure to take notes
in your Research Packet. You will be given time
at the end of this class to navigate these sites
with your particular topic.
November 14 (A) & 17 (B)
Clear everything
off your desk
except something
to write with and
your packet.
Website Evaluation
Page 7
0 Accuracy. If your page lists the author and institution that
published the page. Does it provide a way of contacting
them and . . .
Authority. If your page lists the author’s credentials and is
its domain preferred (.edu, .gov, .org, or .net), and. . .
Objectivity. If your page provides accurate unbiased
information, and . . .
Currency. If your page is updated regularly (as stated on
the page) and if the links provided (if any) are also up-todate, and . . .
Coverage. If you can view the information easily and if the
information is provided without fees, advertising or
software requirements, then . . .
Let’s Evaluate Together
0 This is a hoax website about the dangers of DHMO, also
known as water. Because the site looks professional
and uses lots of technical jargon, it is sometimes mistaken
for a real site.
0 There are a few indicators that this site's information is not
trustworthy. One major clue to the nature of the website is
a disclaimer near the copyright notice at the bottom of the
homepage: "Note: Content veracity not implied." Another
hint is the "research" section of the site. All the research
projects took place in high schools, and were in fact
experiments designed to see how many students believed
the DHMO danger was real. No other authors are listed; all
information on DHMO comes from within the site.
Most good research sites cite other sources with
related information.
0 Another step you might take to find out whether or not the
information is legitimate is to look up DHMO on sites you
know to be legitimate and authoritative.
How To Use Quotes
0 Quotations must be identical to the original, using a narrow
segment of the source. They must match the source document
word for word and must be attributed to the original author.
0 Paraphrasing involves putting a passage from source material
into your own words. A paraphrase must also be attributed to
the original source. Paraphrased material is usually shorter than
the original passage, taking a somewhat broader segment of the
source and condensing it slightly.
0 Summarizing involves putting the main idea(s) into your own
words, including only the main point(s). Once again, it is
necessary to attribute summarized ideas to the original source.
Summaries are significantly shorter than the original and take a
broad overview of the source material.
Note Cards
• Included
WITH a Work
Cited Page
• 5 notecards
per source
• 25 total
• You can have
notecards, but
need at least 5
per source
Google Drive
Pages 8-9
Creating and Using Your Own
0 Creating an Account
0 How to use!
Centered “Works Cited” No
At Your Computer
0 Create a Google Drive Account
0 Start a Graduation Paper folder to store all information
0 Create an EasyBib account
0 Create citations for any sources you are going to use in your
0 Draft a Work Cited page
0 Research!
0 Print, highlight, mark on possible direct
quotes/paraphrases/summaries you will use on your note
0 Begin working on Note Cards and Work Cited Page
November 18 (A) & 19 (B)
Clear everything
off your desk
except something
to write with and
your packet.
Organizing Note Cards
0 Color Code
0 Highlight
0 Topics
0 Arguments
At Your Computer
0 Draft a Work Cited page
0 Research!
0 Print, highlight, mark on possible direct
quotes/paraphrases/summaries you will use on your
note cards.
0 Begin working on Note Cards and Work Cited Page
Required Graphic
0 Create a Graph
0 Must use RELIABLE research
0 Transfer numbers/info into your OWN graph
November 20 (A) & 21 (B)
0 Pages 20-22
Outline Your Paper
November 24 (A) & 25 (B)