

NAME____________________________ CELL WEBQUEST DATE__________________PD____

Answer the following questions. You do not have to answer these questions in complete sentences, but your answers should be complete with details and information!

Go to: http://askabiologist.asu.edu/content/robert-hooke

1) Describe Robert Hooke’s observations of the cork slice, what did he name, why?

2) What other organisms did Hooke observe? _________________&_____________Draw a small slice of cork.

3) Click on “Parts of the Cell” (right margin) How many different kinds of cells are in your body?

3) What parts of our bodies are made of dead cells?

4) What is the plasma membrane made of (specific!)?

5. What does hydrophilic mean? Which part is hydrophilic?

6. What does hydrophobic mean? Which part is hydrophobic?

7. What are channels, what are they made of? Where are they found? What is their function?

GO TO  http://www.wiley.com/legacy/college/boyer/0470003790/animations/cell_structure/cell_structure.htm

Click on Prokaryotic Cell (on the right), Draw and label the prokaryote. Be sure to include cell membrane, cell wall, flagella, nucleoid region, pili, cytoplasm, ribosome.

 Click on “Animal Cell” Read the text and follow the directions. (Click each organelle & read about what it does)

8) Name and define 3 of the organelles that we are learning about.

a) b) c)

 Click “continue” and answer the “Pop-up Questions.” Write down 2 Q & A different from above organelles



11) Click on Plant Cell. Which structure in the plant cell is semipermeable and helps the cell take in water or get rid of water. This is also known as “osmosis.”

12.) Which organelle, if empty, would cause the plant to wilt? Why is this?

13) Name an organelle that you see in the plant cell that you did not see in the animal cell, what does it do?

14) Why do you think an animal cell does not have the part that you name in 13?

15) Go to http://www.cellsalive.com/cells/3dcell.htm

What are the two main cell types?

Which is more simple? What is the differences between the two?

16) NOW, CLICK ON “animal cell”, Click on CYTOSKELTON. What is the job of the CYTOSKELETON?

17) Which part of the cell surrounds the cell and allows molecules in and out. _____________________This cell part also has holes in it and is said to be SEMI-PERMEABLE.

18) Which cell part contains DNA?_______________________ How many membranes surround it? ________

19) What does the nucleolus produce?

20) What is the job of the lysosome?

21)What is the cytoskeleton, what does it do?

22) What are centrioles, be specific!

23) What is the difference between the two types of endoplasmic reticulum?

24) What is cytosol (what is it related to)?

25) Observe the Plant cell, what are two differences between plant and animal cells?

26) Go to the left column of the page and click on “Cell Biology” and go to “How big?…” and click on “Start the

Animation” How big is a blood cell? How does its size compare to Dust Mites, and then to the E. coli bacteria?

27) Click on Cell Gallery on the left, click on the link next to the 2 nd picture….watch the video…what is apoptosis?

28) GO to http://www.scsc.k12.in.us/SMS/Teachers/Martin/replacelevelsoforganization.htm

Within a __________________________organism there is a ______________ __________________.

Division of labor means that the work of keeping the organism alive is__________________________________.

Each part has a ______________ ____________ to do. And as each part does its special job, it works in

__________________ with all the other parts. The arrangement of specialized parts within a living thing is sometimes referred to as ___________________________________. ________________, of course, are the first level of organization.

29) What is an EXAMPLE of a CELL found in your body? __________________

30) A group of CELLS WORKING TOGETHER is called a ____________________.

31)What is an EXMPLE of a TISSUE found in your body? ___________________

32) What is a group of TISSUES working together called? __________________

33) What is an EXAMPLE of an ORGAN found in your body? NAME THREE!

34) What is a group of ORGANS working together called? ________________

35) Finally, what is a group of ORGAN SYSTEMS WORKING together called? ___________________________

36) Go to http://telstar.ote.cmu.edu/biology/MembranePage/index2.html

Draw a single phospholipid, label the hydrophilic and hydrophobic ends. Draw an entire cell membrane. You may use pictures on this page and google.
