Login to the campus Linux machines (rc01xcs213-rc15xcs213.managed.mst.edu)
Create a directory for the assignment that you will be submitting.
Put all of the assignment files into that directory. There can be no other files or sub directories. To repeat, in order for the submission process to work correctly all of your assignment's files must be located in its own directory with no subdirectories.
The script only accepts certain file extensions which are as follows:
.txt .pdf .sh .c .cpp .h .hpp .doc .xls .m .dat .ppt .ps as well as makefile MAKEFILE Makefile
So please make sure you use any of these file extensions for the file you are submitting. If you use no extension or any extension other than the above ones, the script will not store the files, and consequently you will not be considered for grading.
Type "cssubmit 3800 section assignment" substituting in your section letter and the number of the assignment you are submitting.
For example "cssubmit 3800 a 1" would submit assignment #1 for CS3800 section a. And similarly "cssubmit 3800 b 1" would submit assignment #1 for CS3800 section b.
Do not have space in your file or folder name. It may throw error while submitting through cssubmit.
It will then attempt to send your files to a secure location where we can later print them out for grading. At this point it will ask for your password to complete the file transfer.
Submission finished!
Login to the campus Linux machines as user "cpp" (rc01xcs213rc15xcs213.managed.mst.edu).
Type "./print.sh 3800 section assignment" substituting in the section letter and the number of the assignment that you are printing. For example
"cssubmit 3800 b 1" would print assignment #1 for CS3800 section b.
It will then attempt to print your files to the main office's black and white laserjet printer.
Printing finished!