Thank you for your interest in submitting an abstract to The

The 'Value of Values' in
Health and Social Care
18 September 2015
Thank you for your interest in submitting an abstract to The 'Value of Values' in
health and Social Care Leadership conference on 18 September 2015. We are
collecting submissions of Quality Improvement projects and leadership projects
evidenced by values led leadership. Your submission to be shared at the forum,
should be based on the three questions below. Successful applicants from this
submission will form an entry into the event booklet ,website (based on the abstract)
and receive a certificate, with specific entries being invited to share posters and/or
presentations. All successful entries will be invited to the forum at no cost.
The closing date for submitting an abstract is 10 September 2015.
Presenting your abstract
Abstract Template (including questions)
Checklist for Abstract Submission
Important Dates and Contact for Further Information
1. Presentation of Abstract:
Saving your abstract
Please make sure to save the abstract under the following format
Copies: One copy in Microsoft Word and one copy in Adobe PDF
Font: Ariel size 12 black
Margins: Standard
File name format: Topic Area, Surname, First Initial. Title of Abstract, Year of
I.e.: Values based leadership, Aylott, J, 'Developing Capacity in Medical
Leadership' (2014).
Other details to include in your abstract
Full name including professional titles of all members involved
Employer / institution:
Department / Course:
Contact email (one lead contact per project):
Please ensure you show how this research may change clinical practice.
Please attach a good quality photograph of the project team or a picture that
shows the project at work for the brochure.
Is the project already an academic / conference poster? Y / N
Do you already have a presentation of the project written? Y / N
2. QIF Abstract Template
(Maximum 550 words in total for all three questions- to be published)
Please include the following:
Title of abstract
Topic area of abstract
If the project has ended or is still in progress
If the project was conducted independently, or as a collaboration.
(i.e. student- student, student- tutor, or student- service)
e. Three keywords (maximum) describing the main contents of the paper:
Topic Areas (please delete leaving all appropriate boxes):
Primary Care
Secondary care
Social Care
Health Education
Health Management and Administration
Other (please detail):
Please complete the following headings:
1. What values were important to the organisation and how were these
promoted with the QI project? In your response you may wish to cover the
context and background of the issue, the rationale for change and analysis of
the issue and its causes
2. What did you do to address the issue? Provide details of the improvement
aims and of the project, a description of methods and processes used, who
you involved, what makes your intervention distinctive and a description of
3. What is the outcome from your intervention? Describe your results and
whether they relate to the original aims, what conclusions have you drawn,
what was how you measured the impact of your intervention?
4. What lessons have been learnt and how have you shared them? Think
about what went well, what you would do differently? What has been the
impact/outcome of sharing your learning?
3. Declaration
All authors must electronically sign and date the following:
1. All listed authors have contributed significantly to the work and preparation of the
project and they have seen and approved content, authorship and order of author
representation. It is the responsibility of the contributors to review subsequent
revisions of the work should there be any.
2. The authors have explicitly identified, credited or referenced the author(s) of data,
photographs or material taken from other work, regardless of the origin or the format
of dissemination of the work and have permission for its use within an educational
3. In submitting this abstract I understand that I am giving permission for it to be
made available for use in the 'Value of Values' in health and social care leadership
conference. I also understand that the title and the abstract will be published as a
booklet and on the Centre for Leadership website.
4. Check list for abstract submission - Have you:
 Followed the formatting instructions for the abstract?
 Made two copies of the abstract, one In Microsoft Word and one in Adobe
 Signed the declaration regarding sharing and the work contained within
your abstract?
 Saved your abstract using the file name format above?
5. Important Dates & Contact for Further Information
The closing date for submitting an abstract is 10 September 2015.
Please ensure your submission meets ALL criteria.
Please send your submissions to:
All entries will be notified by no later than 12 September 2015
If you have any queries regarding the abstract, please contact Jill Aylott on 07801
430 840 or Jane Sedgewick