RESOURCE REQUEST (ICS 213 RR) 1. Incident Name: 2. Date/Time 3. Resource Request Number: 4. Order (Use additional forms when requesting different resource sources of supply.): Kind Type Detailed Item Description: (Vital characteristics, brand, specs, experience, size, etc.) Arrival Date and Time Requested Cost Estimated Requestor Qty. 5. Requested Delivery/Reporting Location: 6. Suitable Substitutes and/or Suggested Sources: 7. Requested by Name/Position: Logistics 10. Logistics Order Number: 8. Priority: Urgent Routine Low 9. Section Chief Approval: 11. Supplier Phone/Fax/Email: 12. Name of Supplier/POC: 13. Notes: 14. Approval Signature of Auth Logistics Rep: 15. Date/Time: Finance 16. Order placed by (check box): SPUL PROC 17. Reply/Comments from Finance: 18. Finance Section Signature: ICS 213 RR, Page 1 19. Date/Time: Instructions for Form 213RR Requestor is the office placing the order or making the offer 1. Name given by FEMA or NOAA for identification and tracking 2. Date/Time logged for chronology of the request 3. Resource Request Number so each division will identify itself (i.e. ERT, NW, CDRC, etc) and assign an ordered number (01 thru 99 If two persons occupy the post, then divide 01 thru 49 & 50 thru99). Therefore, a request number will look like: SW01, LST02 or for a church SLF01. 4. Be brief and concise. Qty = number requested, Kind = what you want/offer (i.e. tarp, gen, water, Vol for volunteers, etc.), Type = specific (i.e. 12x18 for a tarp, 5000w for a generator or 1/2L for bottle water, ERT or SRT for vol, etc.), Details = specifics (i.e. blue or brown for tarp, gas or propane for generator, palletized for water, floor removal or tarping for ERT, etc), Arrival = when you are prepared to receive and when it can arrive, Cost = any charges associated with this order 5. Requested Delivery is the location of delivery (i.e. storage facility or work site and host site for teams) 6. Substitutes if you know of a different supplier than normally supplies this request. 7. Identify your authority to place order or who to ask about an offer 8. Priority will be considered Routine for the normal panic of a relief. However, if lives or activity of work teams on site depend on this order then elevate it. Restocking with no immediate demand would qualify as low. 9. Section Chief would be needed if a DDRT member or worker places the request for a TACCOR member. The Member’s approval will prevent delays in processing. Logistics is the office filling the request or accepting the offer[could be PIM director filling a Vol request from a DDRC or church or ERT offer from the Director]. 10. Logistics Order Number would be a tracking number used to identify where the supply is coming from (i.e. NW02 from the offer made in a Resource Request for ERT supplied to PIM from NW district) 11. Supplier Contact to track the order 12. Name of Supplier is for the person or organization supplying the resource (i.e. ARC, UMCOR, Clay, Tommy 13. Notes are for exceptions, conditions, and data included in filling the order (i.e. return tools cleaned, return ERT in one piece, etc.) 14. Approval is for the person placing the order or filling the request to verify authenticity. 15. Identify the chronology of when the order or donation was processed into the system 16. [Not used currently] Finance 17. Reply/comments confirm approval and notification. This is the place to list criteria that are required on delivery or execution. 18. The Conference will qualify this process and who needs to be informed and approve the expense associated with the order if other than Finance. 19. Time and Date for chronology of notification and subsequent approval.