Introduction to Criminal Justice

AJ 001 Intro to AJ Mid-Term Exam
Instructions: Give a short answer for each question
1) In what ways is the authority of law enforcement limited?
2) Identify the qualities necessary to be effective law enforcement officer?
3) Identify one public law enforcement agency at each level of government?
4) What is community policing?
5) Identify the constitutional rights guaranteed by the 4th and 8th Amendments to the U.S.
6) Explain the Broken Windows Theory?
8) What is the difference between a felony and a misdemeanor?
AJ 001 Intro to AJ Mid-Term Exam
9) Name 3 functions of Law Enforcement Police Patrol?
10) What is the role of the Police?
11) Define procedural law?
12) Define Civil Law?
13) What is the S.A.R.A. Model?
14) Define Probable Cause?
15) Describe Self-Defense?